You tumbled to my hommage! I hoped someone would.

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More of a scandlette. Not one of his best, for certain.

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Diego Garcia

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Bernard Kerik - dear dog, they keep rising up like zombies. Fuck this timeline.

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No. I would like to think the military will not support a coup. If they do a lot of people will have their hands up.

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He "pardoned" one guy who hadn't even gone to trial yet. No need to determine the facts when you're war criming for the Dumbfuck.

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There are already two SS in SealS.

Is that where he is going with this?

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The cancer of the Twitler Administration has metastasized from the White House, to the Cabinet to the Judiciary to the Interior Department to the DOJ to the DOS and now to the DOD. Sadly, all the Dem candidates are talking about how to take a dying patient to a party and I'm looking at USA and seeing a corpse.

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Contrast this to Bowe Bergdahl, who was charged and convicted of desertion in Afghanistan. Trump made public announcements proclaiming him guilty before his trial, then criticized the decision by the court, and the military appeals court to give him a dishonorable discharge but no prison time. Trump called that decision a complete and total disgrace to the country and the military. I guess killing children and prisoners of war is honorable to Trump and in no way disgraceful.

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Well, Spencer's way, the Navy would have had a thin facade of dignity: as if they had been allowed to chose to let him retire as a seal. Esper's way, Trump openly orders them to do it that way, and the Navy follows orders. Neither way looks any good at all, really, but that's the law of karma: bad things have bad results, and sometimes you just can't make them go away.

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I don't know though: seemed like everybody on all sides has been talking about the possibility of them taking away that pin. First time I've seen anybody suggest that it couldn't be taken away no matter what. I guess it wouldn't be the first time nobody on either side of a dispute knew what they were talking about...

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The last sentence says it all. The fact that Esper is going to allow Gallager to keep his Trident is unacceptable. What a stinking mess.

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That Gallagher is still on active duty and badmouthing his Superiors on Faux News with no recourse is really dangerous.

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I retired in 94 (Major, USAF). The treatment of Bergdahl was shameful. He was captive. Just like John McCain. After that, I am bewildered why anyone would volunteer to join a military whose honor has been smeared by Gitmo, Iran and Generals like Kelly and Mattis.Someone please remind me what our young are dying for.

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Already there. He skipped the JCS when he betrayed the Kurds. Just off the top of his head.

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Orwell already did that...

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