Why Does Everybody Hate Tucker Carlson Today?
A bunch of assholes are fighting, it's fine to just watch.
Here is a tweet from Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw, about how Tucker Carlson is garbage:
This is who Tucker is: a click-chaser. Tucker’s MO is simple: defend America’s enemies and attack America’s allies. There isn’t an objective bone left in that washed up news host’s body. Mindless contrarianism is his guiding principle, buttressed by his childish tactic to “juSt aSK quEsTiOns!”
But any educated adult, especially one with such a long career in journalism, should occasionally try *answering* some of those questions objectively.
But he never does. Instead, he uses his platform to sow doubt and paranoia and false narratives.
He does this for one simple reason: clicks and engagement, which of course translate to monetary benefit. He wants you to believe he is the last place you can go to for truth, that he’s the ONLY one brave enough to reveal the elitist lies being told.
This nonsense about Christian mistreatment in Israel is just the latest example.
Tucker will eventually fade into nothingness, because his veneer of faux intellectualism is quickly falling apart and revealing who he truly is: a cowardly, know-nothing elitist who is full of shit.
A few thoughts:
We misread it as “cuck-chaser,” “chick-chaser,” and “dick-chaser,” all before correctly reading what Crenshaw had written, because none of our misreads felt like they didn’t necessarily make sense, at least to us.
His point about how people should occasionally try to answer the questions they juSt aSK is a good one. But that’s not the M.O. of Putin mouthpieces and other enemies of America like Tucker Carlson.
We like it when these people fight, it’s fun.
So Tucker Carlson has made a lot of people angry.
He interviewed a Palestinian Christian pastor named Munther Isaac from Bethlehem (not the one in Pennsylvania), who says Christians are not safe in Israel. (Here are some words directly from Isaac, to give you an idea of exactly where he is coming from.) Lots of Republicans who aren't isolationist Nazis or traitorous Putin-chasers like Tucker are quite upset about this interview! But, you’ll find, a lot of these Republicans are also garbage people in their own way!
Our point is that this is truly a “a bunch of fucking assholes you hate are fighting” situation, so there is no need to turn this into any sort of commentary on Israel and Gaza. Nah, let’s just watch these assholes fight.
Hello, bugfuck Laura Loomer!
What a moronic interview by
. Imagine being so dense that you accuse Israel of being hateful toward Christians while ignoring what every Muslim country does to Christians? I just lost a lot of respect for
. This is a truly moronic interview.
So she is angry! She said a lot more, you don’t want to read it, because she’s Laura Loomer.
Donald Trump’s dickhead ambassador to Israel David Friedman is angry, and tweeted at it.
That asshole Joel Pollak from Breitbart is very angry, and he tweeted a long thread at it.
Remember that asshole Seth Mandel, who’s married to that asshole Bethany Mandel? Here he is, making what appears to be kind of a salient point!
There's no one in American life who thinks less of Christians than Tucker. He doesn't like Jews, but he at least doesn't think we're stupid. Even Trump’s Bible selling is transparently transactional. Tucker's entire shtick relies on his belief that Christians are gullible saps.
Well that’s just true.
Some dickhead Heath Mayo:
Tucker Carlson belongs in the same category as Candace Owens & Nick Fuentes—nut jobs servicing a malicious antisocial fringe: a fringe that huddles in dark corners of society, extremely online, cheering grifters who will voice tropes & excuses for the fringe’s personal failures.
Also kind of just true!
John Podhoretz was a lot more concise: “Anti Semite filth says what?”
Dickhead wingnut Newsweek editor Josh Hammer:
Turns out Tucker needed Fox more than Fox needed Tucker. Very sad.
So that’s a nice sampling.
But don’t worry! Tucker also too has defenders.
Like internet thing “Catturd,” who replied to Hammer’s tweet saying, “Jealous because you’re a fake news nobody,” and it had the laughing-until-crying emoji and a .gif, so you know he means business.
Oh yes, and Candace Owens, who is so antisemitic she managed to run afoul of Ben Shapiro’s self-respect and got fired from his Daily Wire, she is standing up for Tucker. Here’s what she said:
Conservative commentator Candace Owens, who has been critical of Israel amid the war, reposted a post from the account @CensoredMen.
The post quoted Carlson as saying: "If you wake up in the morning and decide your Christian faith requires you to support a foreign government blowing up churches and killing Christians, I think you've lost the thread."
Not gonna lie, it’s kind of delicious watching all these people completely turn on Tucker. Not many Americans deserve it more than he does.
But anyway, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight! Hate each other all the way to November. Destroy each other. We’ll watch.
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"Why Does Everybody Hate Tucker Carlson Today?"
Because he's earned it? Is this a trick question???
And yet, if he were to come out tomorrow with a piece about how Biden is personally murdering Christian babies, chopping them up, and serving their livers on pizza at the White House, EVERY one of the these motherfuckers would be instantly licking his ass and screeching "Tucker Carlson is the most crucial voice in American journalism today, we cannot allow the Woke Left to silence him."