"(Aside from how Tuberville is the dumbest pigfuck ever to escape a football field and become a United States senator.)"

Only because Herschel Walker lost.

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people should be hounding this guy, asking to see his russian passport and asking him to prove he's really american, and also asking why he isn't a patriot

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If this mo-ron is (or was) an educator, then I am the Queen of Romania.

You may kiss the hem of my garment, peasants.

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He wasn't ever an "educator." He was a coach. Unless you count "cautionary examples" as "education."

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ew, that seems unsanitary

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What have you got against Romania?

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their questionable hygiene practices when it comes to royalty i guess

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I love coming up with absurd conspiracy theories and the one I have for Coach Potatoville is: he thinks enlisting in the military is for sissies, y'all should be playing college ball, a real man's job. (You know, typing it out, it doesn't seem entirely absurd anymore...)

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And of course, sex with women is the gayest thing ever.

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assumes facts not in evidence - Tubby and 'thinks'

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He thinks he's holding these spots open the his Lord Bog tRump when he seizes power and turns the military agin all us vermin. Really hoping the FBI is busy investigating what exactly it is TFG and Putler have on this guy, not to mention he's one of the people to receive a phone call from the White House the afternoon of 1/6/21. We do still investigate and prosecute Actual Traitors don't we M.r. Garland? Asking for 200 million plus non-treasonous Actual Real Americans who are not white "christian" pigfucks.

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Wake the fuck up, Evan Hurst. Writing about Tuberville as if he’s nothing more than a dunderhead misses the point that he is strategically laying the groundwork for Trump’s takeover of government. Tubs has single-handedly hollowed out the military so that Trump, if re-elected somehow, can finally have the obedient military he didn’t have last time. He’ll fill those hundreds of military vacancies in no time. The Repubs in the Senate wring their hands but not even 9 of them will step forward to get to 60 to stop Tuberville. My worry might once have passed for paranoid left-thinking, except Trump has been very clear about his authoritarian intentions. So let’s stop treating Tubers as just another idiot. He’s Trump’s useful idiot. And that’s not funny.

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Tommy was an educator? What classes did he teach?

Woody Hayes, at Ohio State, actually was an educator. He taught history at one time. And all of Woody's "boys" made grades every quarter, because it was a lot easier to study and pass than deal with Woody if you didn't.

Woody's "boys" had two jobs: 1) Beat Michigan and 2) graduate.

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As a Michigan State graduate, I endorse this message.

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It may be elsewhere among these comments that are not allowed, but I saw someone on Bluesky suggest Tubs wants a bunch of vacancies TFG can fill when he returns to the Oval, so the military can be turned upon US citizens with much less resistance. I can't dismiss this out of hand after the GOP refused so many of Obama's judicial appointments (not just to SCOTUS) late in his presidency.

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“We’re gonna have a 9/11 attack every few weeks if we don’t watch it."

it has been several weeks now. i do not recall a single 9/11 happening. let alone multiple 9/11s.

was he seriously imagining Hamas was going to invade the US from Mexico? that's... pretty special.

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The thing about fascists is that they always have predictions that have only a lose grasp on reality, and when they don't come true work hard to make the world worse so they do come true.

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I guess Tommy doesn't own a globe. It's not like they're going to ride their camels to Mexico.

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They've been wanking on about that for decades now. Jan 'bony finger' Brewer was sure that we were being flooded by AYRAB TERRISTS because some alleged 'prayer rugs' were found at the border.

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What other explanation? How about "he works for Putin"?

Take it easy, Evan, this "educator" is not worth the heart attack you seem to be working up to.

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Speaking of pigfuck, someone should replace his stump-broke sow with a 700lb feral boar.


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I understood those references.

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Shithead complains about the SoS spending $114M on diversity training - while the US military budget for FT2023 was $1.52T. So, his attempt to make his bullshit about spending, he's identifying 0.0075% of the military budget.

What a fucking maroon

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It's just Project 2025 shit. Keep the positions open and hope dummy wins again to fill them with sycophants for when martial law is declared. Whee.

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I didn't have to scroll as far as I thought to find this idea echoed. Whoops!

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Wow! That's an eye opener!

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Tommy Toblerone must think very little of our military personnel if he believes that all it takes to weaken them is a few hours of diversity training. Does he think the n-word is like Shazam? If they can’t say the word, they have no power?

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What thoughts must go through Secretary Austin's mind when he hears this quarterwit miniman drool out his pathetic excuses for ideas...

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I imagine a great many of them are four-letter thoughts.

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Whar McTurtle? A thing about Democracy is that you are almost certain to have a few fringy charmers voting; the institution is supposed to be robust enough to modify the rules to adapt to whatever problems of the day, but Mr. Minority Leader has said specifically that he's not going to do that. And what happens to a house divided against itself.

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McChinless has never seen a Senate rule he wouldn’t abuse so he has no interest in setting a precedent in preventing the senate rules from being abused.

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I keep thinking he would have an interest in preserving the Senate, and if the country collapses he's out of a job and his legacy is tarnished?? It must be that Border State stuff, he for one never surrendered.

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He figures the country won't completely collapse until he's safely dead, and what does he care about what happens after him? He hates his kids and grandkids.

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You would think, but he cares more about power than the institution that provides him with power.

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