Thoroughly enjoyed the little watch company vid. The engineering of all that stuff was pretty neat. And also those darling 20's haircuts.

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I have a gold Waltham women’s pocket watch (I suppose it was actually pinned to the woman’s frock) from the early 20th century that I inherited from my step-mother (who had inherited from her mother). There is something about it that I love so much. It doesn’t really work (although I had it ‘fixed’) so I wear it as a gold locket around my neck. Passed down thru the hands of women….

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I was left with the impression that it is difficult to watch.

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I love the utterly random capitalisation of words for no apparent Reason

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Pilot episode of "How It's Made"?

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An ironically (or appropriately) long GIF about timekeeping.

I don't understand how a doorknob works so, to me, those machines are magic or of the debbil

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It’s really long, right? I considered cutting it, but somehow to me all the details were important to fit in there. Also, I love the footage of the period workers.

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Love this morning’s gif. I’m fascinated with mechanical watches and have managed to get hold of a few. I’ve got a turn of the century Elgin pocket watch. It’s still got the case’s Brooklyn Watch Co paper in it. Good times.

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I inherited my father's iconic pocket watch and fob after he died. Now I'm going to have to go have a look at it and see precisely what brand it is and learn its' history.

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A lot of information should be located inside the back of the watch, where you can see the gears and other mechanical parts. A 10x loupe or a good magnifying glass will be needed to see a lot of the writing. Keep on the lookout for precious metal marks in case the watch case or the body are gold, silver or platinum.

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Holy moly I was juuuuust researching my Elgin watch, an heirloom from my mother's mother's mother. I'll have to send my mom a link to the film.

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She got Elgin movements from her head down to her toes. Robert Johnson

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Don't lick it.

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The Wonkette Coincidence Generator at work.

Also, you've made it! I was worried you might have been swept up in the floods just before the great Wonkette transitioning.

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Thanks I am well here on the mountainside. I went into lurk mode to learn the ropes a bit through observation, set up a burner email and generally lollygagged before landing back in the non-comments. Nice to have my voice back in the fray.

It is excellent to see you.

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I’ve got one that was handed down to my dad. Over a hundred years old and still keeps perfect time.

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SUZIE! SOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU! You were on the missing wonks list!

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I missed my stop during the move and had to catch a ride back with some hippies. My old profile pic was lost in the shuffule but those nice hippies gave me this rainbow.

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You run into drublic?

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Bell the Blind Tiger, too? Or is she here under a different nym?

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I've not yet

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I had never seen a Pee Wee Herman skit before. My God, people paid for that? I found it REALLY unappealing.

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"The downside is that Donald Trump is at 54 percent."

That's the upside. He is the only Republican we are guaranteed to beat.

The "independents" will still likely down-ballot starboard to cripple Joe, as they did before, but at least the hand that holds the veto pen won't be that of a fascist.

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2016 on line 1.

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2020 and 2022 already hung up on it.

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Your optimism is so cute!

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Lake Lanier is known to be haunted by the ghosts of Oscarville, the black town that was flooded when the dam was built.

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I rowed many races on Lanier. May have seen ghosts. One foggy morning air rolled down the far bank making little fog devils. Damn eerie looking as they moved across the dead still waters.

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I always appreciate a link to Michael Harriot

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This was a particularly lucid piece

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For sure

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I bet that Atlantic story is a good one. Too bad they don't want to let me read it without "signing up for a free trial."

But based on what they do state, "Pundits and politicians routinely claim that the California homelessness crisis is actually a result of people moving from other states for better weather or better public benefits." (Which is clarified a little lower to be manifestly untrue,) perhaps a slightly more accurate statement is the unwillingness of people to go somewhere they might be able to afford housing. There's tons of distressed property that could be refurbished and jobs are probably available. Perhaps part of our solution SHOULD be efforts at relocation, but voluntary relocation with support and not forcing people onto a bus and dropping them off at a station in another country with threats to never come back.

How many homeless would respond positively to, "We found an opportunity with a job you're prequalified for, subsidized child care and a rent-to-own house for you to live in. It's in Tuscaloosa, AL. Interested?"

While it seems that forcing zoning law changes so affordable housing could be built to house people seems like a solution, people suffer while trying to make that happen. Even if you forced zoning changes tomorrow, it takes time to build and people continue to suffer in the interim.

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I meant dropping off in another "county" not "country."

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Maybe I watched too much “X-Files” in my 20s but I think the Cigarette Smoking Man would’ve taken care of anyone who could actually prove the government was hiding proof of extraterrestrial life well before they testified to Congress.

As someone who also watched entirely too much "X-Files", I'd like to think the Cigarette Smoking Man would also have prevented Donald Trump from becoming president.

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I disagree. I think djt would have been promoted by CSM because djt was so easy to manipulate.

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I think he would have benefitted from the chaos of DJT. He had a worldwide consortium of people more powerful than the politicians, after all.

Signed, I own the box sets of both VCR tapes and DVDs even though I was broke AND I saw FTF on it's opening night with my Dad, who drove over two hours to see it with me.

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Wish we'd gotten a series of X-Files movies much like Mission: Impossible.

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Tuberville is a climate-denying moron. (Fuck the Senator honorific.) However, trends matter. Any single day's temperature does not, and 92 is not out of bounds for August in Alabama.

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It can hit 92 in North Dakota in August.

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Ooops. Didn't mean to double.

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It's August 1, start of indictment month. I would like to make a request.

I'd like to stop holding our breaths and just celebrate when the indictments are actually filed. I'd like to NOT hear about every little niblet that falls out of Willis' mouth, or PAB's or anyone else for that matter.

For an entirely unseasonal analogy, I'm really tired of being at the top of the slope, leaning out over my skis windmilling my arms waiting to actually tip over the edge and start the run.

Every day that goes by is one more day before he can somehow get back into his office and pardon himself for all crimes past, present and future (I know that last clause is nonsense but his base obviously has preemptively done it anyhow...)

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Oh please. I'd rather go a day without multiple stories of what djt is doing. Let Fani and the other prosecutors enjoy the speculation. And I think the Moby Dick has been netted. The rest are just gravy.

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Your wish is granted.

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Tuberville insists, “This world’s not heating up, come on.”

What is the inside of a football made of? Because I'm pretty sure it's the same material that occupies the inside of Tommy Tuberville's skull.

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I hate to invoke Cosby, but he did a brilliant comedy routine on "Why is there air?"

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To blow up volleyballs.

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Air libulzzz! Tuberville's skull contains a vacuum. Any moment now, it could implode

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When I first heard "Holiday" on the radio, I thought Madonna was a black girl.

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I am SO GLAD you said that - when Madonna hit the scene and "Holiday" was released - my best friend at the time and I were downtown Minneapolis - and we went to Northen Lights records - and I saw a WHITE Madonna on the album cover - and I thought "how cool this "Madonna Band" put a white chick on the cover of their album.

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Madonna got some airplay on the R&B station.

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Peewee's Playhouse got me through a very rough patch in my life. I'm so grateful to Mr. Ruebens. Godspeed, Sir.

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As there were Britney and Christina girls, there were Madonna and Cyndi girls. I like Madonna, and some Britney, but I was a Cyndi/Christina one.

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Cyndi Lauper - Pee Wee Herman = Madonna

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Before I even look at the article about AA History in FL, I noticed this morning that in this Popular Information post https://popular.info/p/meet-the-scholars-who-created-floridas several lies are written into the curriculum, such as, "George Washington is listed as a "key figure" in the "quest to end slavery" even though he never attempted to end slavery and died owning 317 enslaved people."

I wonder if some historian could dig deeper and identify all of these lies, then some parents in Florida (since you'd need "standing") could actually take the state DoE to court and challenge the adoption of the curriculum, rather than just bitch online. This crap needs to not be taught, period.

This is flat out rewriting history, and teaching our children historical untruths is .... there are so many ways to describe the damage this can do to the health of our country and specifically to the civil rights movement I don't even know where to begin.

This is a precedent that must not be allowed. What history will be re-written to mold the country into a white-supremacist, male-dominated, theocratic-based autocracy under single party rule next?

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Wingers don't just admire the more admirable ideas the Founders have. They hanker back to the world those Founders lived in, which was a world in which almost all White people could be, and were, self-satisfied racists. They were comfortable with slavery, an extreme manifestation of racist cruelty.

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Yes, although they really have a very blindered view of that time. Most whites were too goddamn poor to own a slave. Extreme poverty for a majority, a small minority of wealthy plantation owners, and some bourgeois mercantile citizens, perhaps owning a few slaves, in the middle. Probably something like a 75/5/20 percent breakdown, in the order I listed.

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The thing I remember most about Madonna was how many of my contemporaries started dressing like they’d raided their mother’s naughty drawer.

Meanwhile I was skulking around in black jeans and flannel shirts with way too much eyeliner on my try hard little face. I thought I was so edgy.

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I was wearing paisley and multicolored Day-Glo sneakers that I painted myself.

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I think it is entirely possible that you were edgy and that it is only the looking back takes the edge off.

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