My ex-husband's family held a piece of land in Manchester UK from the Tenth C. From the 16th C it was a very pretty big stone house. Then just a few years ago, just before we could have seen it, after all those centuries, some water company tore it down. Maybe it was in the way. But they've turned the sheds into bijou homes for the millionaires.

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I've been on a site where that vaccine and virus lie is all there is. All right I can begin to say what it is like. There's a man there I keep talking to-- we seem to have had identical step mothers (Hell.) But back to work on the lies and it's just like talking to a Martian. All bc of disqus.

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What is that, though? I'm very much weakened by my hours on this crazy site among the crazy/hostile people.

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No, the Domesday Books are quite genuine. It's just that they could not in English law be used to prove that your family was the true owner of a certain piece of property, just because they owned it in William the Conqueror's day, because between then and when the Pipe Rolls started there is no way of knowing what property transfers might have occurred (or under what circumstances, the circumstances often being things that the law prefers not to remember).

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Emily Litella?

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You have a stronger stomach than I. I was a fan of Reese's peanut butter cups when younger, and eagerly tried Reese's Pieces when they came out. They were, for me, my biggest disappointment in life at the time.

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It was, wasn’t it!? 👍

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Enjoy. Bwahaha.

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I have a crime comic from the 1940s in which one character exclaims "Pipe th' roll!"

The intertubes have not helped me figure out the meaning of the phrase, and I don't think learning Latin will either.

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I love Reese's Pieces. That could have been me.

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Effin gorgeous.

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One cookie is good. Two to three is awesome. 20 and I'm a bit ooky.

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Sweet Jesus F. Christ.WHAR JEN??

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It's not a lie. He meant to kill him. It was an accident he survived.

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Something tells me the common practice is because "black" in Tennessee

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And then (a few minutes after this shot, obvs) the murders began...

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