I would like him to be banned from any role in the any business including ownership, management, control and for any business he is employed by or consulting for or paid to be prohibited from obtaining public support.

So he becomes the kiss of death for business.

This is a real thing that the FTC can ask for, in order to stop chronic frauds from cycling thru businesses. It is what happened to PharmaBro.

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"Harding’s professional accomplishments and contributions to the community are commendable." Bitch please.

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Yeah, assumes facts not in evidence.

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The original judge stepped down because a relative had stock in Disney? That almost seems too ethical compared to the vacation-loving ratfucks who go on judging cases where the conflict of interest is practically dancing through the courtroom.

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"I’d like for him to be unhappy. "

well I'd like for him to be kicked in the jimmies by a kangaroo.... maybe slapped across the face with an octopus by a sea lion like that kayaker was, but in DA NUTZ.


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He looks so unclean, though. I realize I'm not contributing one worthwhile thing with this comment but is it possible his facial expression doesn't scream "I deserve prison!"

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023

I have zero faith in the justice system when it comes to stuff like this. Especially when one is allowed to shop for a judge or judges aren't made to recuse themselves when their track record proves they can't be unbiased.

It has nothing to do with bloodlust, but rather consequences of one's actions. You commit a crime, such as knowingly stealing $ from the federal gov't, then you do the time. This isn't a "he was caught with an ounce of...grass" or "jay walked across the street" type of thing lol.

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He's not going to jail for writing the Don't Say Gay bill, so there's that.

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I'm curious how many people this judge has sent to prison for shoplifting a couple of thousand dollars worth of merchandise.

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If it makes you feel any better, I do not believe that anyone who spends that much time and energy persecuting people who never did a thing to them are already pretty unhappy. That is not a thing happy people do.

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I'm on board with this guy suffering.

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If we had a national emotion it would be vengeance

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Or poutrage, a huge portion of 'merica lives on festering petty greivances

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Bloodlust, not vengeance. A titillating addiction to watching people get hurt, so long as we can find some thin justification for it.

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Will we get a follow up on what the sentence is?

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I'm sure google will work on both Thursday and Friday.

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Look at Robyn, getting her wish like the Great Pumpkin just rose from the pumpkin patch.

You'd like for him to be unhappy? He is. Constantly. Every waking moment of his life, his inner voice is screaming at him what a worthless piece of shit he is. He attacks others weaker than himself to try to get the damnable voice to quiet.

But it never does.

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That is nice, but I suspect she (like myself), was wanting something a bit more, . . . visceral.

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I think you misspelled "public".

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Your version does make me sound a little nicer, so sure, why not?

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"However, the (sentencing) guidelines ‘authorize no special sentencing discounts on account of economic or social status,’"

So, the way I read this, it means that sometimes, the guidelines DO authorize special sentencing discounts on account of economic or social status.

Which is seriously fucked up. I mean, we all know that that's the way it works, but I thought that was the quiet part you don't say out loud, not in the guidelines.

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What is it with Florida creeps and gigantic foreheads? There are orphans out there with no foreheads at all. This guy should be made to donate part of his.

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I was thinking that exact same thing. But I don't know if they're not better off with just their own foreheads than getting part of a bad person's.

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He could, you know, have to pay it all back - with fees and interest? Take 10% off his wages, if he won't pay voluntarily.

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Yes, is the government clawing back that money??

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