Why do wingnuts exist?

To get screwed.

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Well at least she won't stand there pulling faces, like Donald does every time he is stumped for an answer.

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Evid ... oh yeah, I forgot, you don't do evidence.

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No, you don't know when you are being mocked because you are an utter Parus Major

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> This was a setup.

You keep saying this......

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i don't sleep only weak people sleep! I stay up all night like Trump telling truths and fighting my attackers! If need sleep, that's sad, so sad. How do you even have the energy to type. I guess, it makes sense you took so long to reply, you were sleeping. Sad, loser - Demented Dennis!

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We are now talking about Trump. Try to keep up.

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No, he release the equivalent of a 5th grader's excuse on half a sheet of paper. It did not use any medically sensible language and claimed all his test results were "positive", which means he has every disease known to humanity

It did not include information about his genetic susceptibility to Alzheimers (his father dies of that illness) meaning he is far more likely to have it at the moment. where is the information about his APOE4 gene?????

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Sleep well!

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Yep, concur, not fun anymore. This one is clearly not tough enough for the Wonkette Commetariat.

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Drumpf looks to be one bucket of KFC away from a massive coronary event, plus his screaming and raging cannot be good for his BP.

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First Lad! I love it!

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Troll banhammered.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Nope, you said "he" and don't try editing your comment, I took a screen shot

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Rats. I just got here.

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Enjoy the sleep of the just ...

... the just after ;D

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