Peentecostal ? Could be porn-again, also.

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When the fundamentalist church I was forced to go to in my youth tried this shit, they at least had the good sense to base their name for it on the phonetic similarities between "Halloween" and "Hallelujah."

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I suppose the celebrants can rightly be called 'Jesus-weeners'?

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Ladybug or Whore of Babylon. Their choice.

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<blockquote>We say S'na-rk ma Jesus and fihgt to the W'aan Ke-Tte. your in love and peace</blockquote>

You TOTALLY rock, dude! S'na-rk ma to you....

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This Jebusween, I'm going to saunter through my front door frame - which will be dripping in lamb's blood - with every ring of the doorbell, passing out copies of either "The Leviathan," "Mein Kampf" or possibly the bible if I can get a few copies somewhere for free.

It beats barking orders to the kids via the intercom, which is what I usually do.

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If I hear about any house handing out bibles for Halloween I'm placing a big bowl of eggs at the end of their driveway after spraypainting a large target on the house.

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The world needs Zappa more than ever. Zombie Zappa for President.

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I love Halloween. My porch is outfitted with 2 fog machines, speakers with scary music, well placed red and blue lighting, bushes that shake, glowing eyes, skulls, bones and plenty of fake cobwebs. I once had a parent come up to the porch and said that her kid was really scared by all the crap and she had a hard time getting her up to the door. Being a little embarrassed I told the mother that maybe I should tone it down a little. Her immediate and definite response was “No! This is great!”. This year I'm handing out homebrew for the cool parents. Moral of this story is fuck em if they can't take a joke.

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I like your thinking. Thanks.

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I see that the web site has bee thoroughly defaced. Well done Wonketteers!

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Now that wonkette has linked to JesusWeen dot com, how long will unmoderated testimonials be allowed?

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Jesus Ween. You're all just jealous you didn't think of it first.

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Zombie Jesus approves.

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<i>favorites from the unmoderated “testimonials”</i>

I get the sense that a lot of those family trees have a car wrapped around them.

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"Handing out ween candy to kids"

Pedobear is a Christian!

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