Wingnuts Pretty Sure Trump's Booking Means Civil War For Sure This Time
Or maybe the Deep State will kill him and we'll REALLY need a civil war.
Now that Donald Trump has been arrested, fingerprinted, and mug-shottened for his Georgia election-theft RICO case, rightwing media is suggesting that the proper reaction from his poorly-educated followers should be full on murderous rage, as if rightwing media ever offers any other emotion.
Trump himself returned to Twitter, nine months after Elton Moose restored the Great Man’s account, so he could proclaim “ELECTION INTERFERENCE NEVER SURRENDER!” shortly after he had, in fact surrendered, and for good measure began selling the mug shot pic on T-shirts, mugs, and glasses on his campaign website. We can think of way better places to get a set of Trumpworld Mug Shot glasses, frankly.
The return of Trump to Twittergrifting excited many, although the Usual Idiots grumbled and tut-tutted about what a shame it is that a former president can be prosecuted for crimes they committed in office. Like Marco Rubio, who fretted on Xitter that whatever Trump may have done to wreck democracy, the real damage will be done by prosecuting him for it.
Those who decided to start using indictments, prosecutors & even mug shots as weapons in a political campaign have unleashed a destructive new era in American politics.
Now, for years to come our criminal justice system will be used to target candidates in both parties & the harm this will do to America will take a long time to fix
Gee, that almost sounds like a threat, Marco. And it’s an odd sentiment coming from a guy who voted not to convict Trump in his 2021 impeachment trial, explaining we should “Let history, and if necessary the courts, judge the events of the past.” But apparently, in the case of trying to overthrow democracy, not that necessary.
Others in the wingnuttosphere weren’t satisfied by worrying that oh golly, now we must prosecute all losing candidates when we win, and instead advocated a more kinetic reaction. For instance, here’s multiple-election loser and government job-quitter Sarah Palin on Newsmax, explaining to Eric Bolling that by golly, if Donald Trump gets treated like the criminal he is, people are just going to start listening to her stochastic terrorism message! She has a question for “those who are conducting this travesty and creating this two-tier system of justice,” and here is that question/call to arms:
I want to ask them: What the heck? Do you want us to be in civil war? Because that’s what’s going to happen. We’re not going to keep putting up with this.
And Eric, I like that you suggested that we need to get angry. We do need to rise up and take our country back.
Then Palin blasted the Republican National Committee for not being strong enough, because it’s full of RINOs, and does the RNC want a civil war too? No, we don’t see any logic there either.
Meanwhile over on Fox News, one Ned Ryun, founder of some fringe group with the aspirational name “American Majority,” told Jesse Watters that the Time of Purification is nigh, not that he’s calling for violence, just winking at the right people very emphatically:
“I would hope that people understand what time it is. I mean, we are in a cold civil war with the un-American Left; they have decided that they will use the quote-unquote ‘legal system’ as a weapon against political opponents …”
To be scrupulously accurate, he said that the ‘legal system’ would be used as a “wheapon,” which sounds pretty dangerous, but gets the message across that it’s OK to arm up against the enemy, which is judges, jurors, and all those un-American leftists. What an asswhipe.
But it wasn’t all calls for civil war; at least not directly. Perhaps, several very responsible pundits suggested, there’d have to be a precipitating incident, like when Democrats or the Deep State or just “They” (likely the Jews) actually murder Donald Trump, because anyone who would support lawful criminal prosecution of Dear Leader clearly has murder and lawlessness on their mind.
On Alex Jones’s internet video blog yesterday, white nationalist Chud Stew Peters worried that if Trump isn’t “sent to some gulag for the rest of his life,” then maybe “They” will murder him. Peters said that the indictments were a
“message” to anyone who wants to “speak out” against “this satanic agenda that’ll mutilate the genitals of your children” that they may be “imprisoned or killed.”
He added, “And I don’t know if they make Trump go away by just having this kangaroo court, banana republic show trial and then some fake conviction and send him to some gulag for the rest of his life like the [Jan. 6] POWs who sacrificed for him to go out and show their support. I don’t know if they’ll do that, or if that’s enough, or if they’ll permanently get rid of him.”
“We have to table the possibility that they’re going to kill President Trump,” he told Jones. “And I don’t put it past them.”
While he was at it, Peters said that elections are “fake and gay and rigged and stolen,” just to see if anyone noticed that one of those adjectives is not like the others. He also predicted that Joe Biden would be replaced as stolen fake president by “the guy pretending to be Michelle Obama,” so that’s some brilliant rightwing fantasy that at least some percentage of wingnuts will absolutely believe.
To be sure, the seeds of the Trump-as-Prigozhin fears were planted by Tucker Carlson, in his pre-taped interview with Trump that every American has watched seven times. Tucker speculated that since every other attempt to bring down Trump has failed (because he won in 2020 of course, and even if convicted, he’ll be innocent), then “Don’t they have to kill you now?”
All this escalating madness does pose an interesting philosophical question. Since Trump actually won the election he lost, and will surely remain innocent if he’s convicted in any of the four criminal cases, would an assassination actually simply leave him still alive? We’d have to assume at least half or more MAGA chuds would argue he faked his death and will surely return. He’s just that smart.
Obviously, this is not a proposition we’d want tested, because not only is rooting for murder wrong and against our rules, we’d simply rather see him eventually die of natural causes, lonely and forgotten and perhaps cursed with self-awareness.
[Daily Beast / Angry White Men / Aaron Rupar on Xitter]
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This is why America should be prepared, with so many drinking this kool-aid, there will be at least some who take action on it and commit violence.
They think about everybody's genitals more than any pedophile and more than they think about real issues. They are voyeurs; that is a serious perversion.
Most people don't have enough time to manage their own sex lives, let alone the entire countries.
Although they do approve of white men having sex. But it has to be with women. And they disapprove of women having sex.