This is why America should be prepared, with so many drinking this kool-aid, there will be at least some who take action on it and commit violence.

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They think about everybody's genitals more than any pedophile and more than they think about real issues. They are voyeurs; that is a serious perversion.

Most people don't have enough time to manage their own sex lives, let alone the entire countries.

Although they do approve of white men having sex. But it has to be with women. And they disapprove of women having sex.

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Mr. Peters is quite the lib-triggering meme machine, isn't he? I wonder if there's a single original thought in that aged-out evangelical youth minister head.

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Anyone have any idea what look he was going for in this mug shot? Fierce or severely constipated?

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I think those amount to the same thing in Trump, and would actually explain a lot.

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It's TFG's version of Blue Steel.

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Naughty little boy.

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Maybe, Real SMRT??

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"we’d simply rather see him eventually die of natural causes, lonely and forgotten and perhaps cursed with self-awareness."

Yes. Exactly this. But also in jail.

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Right. Into. My. Veins.

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Poor Repubs. Facts do come around to bite them in the butt, don't they. Of course, if they didn't have other people's sex lives to observe and judge, they'd have no fun at all. They're voyeurs, which makes them pervs.

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Just a layman's observation here, not being in the field, but Republicans appear to think about children's genitals more than any pedophile.

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Here's what I'd like to ask Alaskan Granny Sarah - or is she a great grandma by now, I haven't been paying attention. At what point do *we* get to get angry? When do we get to stop putting up with it? At what point does the entire rest of the country, who in actual fact ARE the majority, get to take **OUR** country back from you lunatics? They like to act as if this started from zero in 2016. But by my calculations, we are way overdue for a swing back away from the far right. This isn't where it ends, this is just how it begins. And it's time they all learn to suck it up and get used to it. Their kids pee-pees will be just fine.

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"Stew." Sheesh. (FFS?)

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Hmmm. Maybe of natural causes. Maybe lonely and forgotten. But never, ever self-aware.

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It's hilarious how these ammo-sexuals/Meal Team 6 types think they're the only ones with guns.

I mean, really.

Also, anyone who studied or is at least familiar with the Civil War would never wish for a second one of those. In a lot of ways, it's still being fought.

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" Xitter"--pronounced shitter?

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I'm thinking Elon knew Trump had decided to come back. Out of the blue, he wants to get rid of the block function? I now look forward to my momentous moment of blocking Trump from my meager account.

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Self-awareness? Not a chance...

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Michelle Obama has a peen?

Who knew?

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Cons have wet dreams about civil war while most of their weaponized militia is unpleasantly fat 50+ men who rely on racism to assert their status, on their wives for basic daily functions, and on their truck to get from one end of parking lot to another.

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"I want to ask them: What the heck?"


We all heard this in the voice of the MST3K guys making fun of Minnesota: "Ey, what in the gosh darn heck, eh?"

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