It frankly amazes and annoys me how often I have to make this point to people

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Perhaps they should merge and become "Fraud Guaranteed"?

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democrats aren't people, remember?

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and yet this never (as in, actually never) applies to republicans. And that asymmetry has real political consequences.

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Not-In-My-Brand-New-BackYard ism: different situation but same attitude back when I lived in SF in the '90s - the nightclub district, SOMA, had to deal with new condo owners suddenly discovering that dance clubs stayed open until 2am, who knew?

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I think Bloomberg actually has some morals. Fortunately, Thiel is completely lacking in charisma, and Musk is as batshit as Trump but in a different way.

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or worse - like that scene towards the end of The Dead Zone, using a toddler as a human shield.

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I've been saying for years that we should fight fire with fire. Just had an argument with a friend of my Dad's - his main response was "I thought you all were about tolerance & respect" to which I responded "I can't wait to take a big wet shit on your grave."

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When they go low, we kick them in the teeth.

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My answer is usually "Republic" is a word that means something too. And what we have here isn't that either.My thought is that if the difference between a republic and a democracy is all that important to them, they must know what "republic" means - or at least claim to know it. I'm not super-solid on the definition, but I do know this much: the leader of a republic is first among equals, not a God-Emperor who transcends morality and was appointed by a deity he thinks he outranks.

{Sarcasm disclaimer: My description of Individual 1 is how he has been described to me by his orcs, not my own opinion. However, I could be wrong. Perhaps the orcs' description is correct. But in that case, the being that appointed him is not one I can worship. And Individual 1 transcends morality only for those who wouldn't know morality if it bit them in the ass, which it frequently does.

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I don't want to smell you, trollette.

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Not to mention the land that was appropriated through eminent domain.

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ALEC literally writes the laws in my state (derpy SC)

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"...why not just start ignoring the outcomes of elections altogether?"

That's what happened in Minnesota after Al Franken won in 2008. The repubs held the election up for over 7 months, making it go to the state supreme court. Expect more of the same in Kentucky.

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Oat Milk is where it's at now. :)

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