Feb 24Liked by Martini Glambassador

My uncle gave my grandma two of these birbs, tho they did not look overall pink like this one. They had the grey brown backs with pink bellies and a little blue on their throats like the ones on the Wikipedia article. They never left their cage when granny had them. When she passed, they were still around and my brother inherited them. When he had them they were never in the cage from the time he got home until he went to bed. Then he would tell them to go to bed and they’d hop back to their cage. When they lived with granny if you put a new cuttlebone or toy in their cage they would go on the other side of the cage and cluck worriedly at the item for two weeks until they decided it was probably not going to eat them. When my brother owned them they became Jason Bourne, flying to whatever new item there was and testing it to see if you could eat it, bone it or poop on it. They ate most of his picture frames and big chunks out of his doorframes. Funny little doofuses. They lived like 20 years. We were starting to be afraid one of my kids would have to be named as their future owners when my brother died. They were only supposed to live like 10.

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Feb 23Liked by Martini Glambassador

He seems to have mastered the concept of "triangle".

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Basher be lookin' t' walking the Path of Three, indeed.

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I would like a pink birb, please. Those little feets noises!

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Feb 23Liked by Martini Glambassador


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WHAR parakeetist?

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Feb 23Liked by Martini Glambassador

Are you glad to see me, or is that a budgie in your speedo?

Love the Aussies for their slang. Speedos are “budgie smugglers”.

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This brings up the Aussie *edit * New Zealander advertisement for how to tell if you are too far from the beach in your swim suit. The premise being that if you're too far from the water, your "togs" turn into "undies."

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Reminds me of the beach (topless) in Barcelona. We saw one 50-60ish lady who we suspected was a tourist who was *really* comfortable with the topless thing, strolling confidently off the beach and into the nearby shops.

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Haha! Clearly she was indeed "too far from the water."

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Feb 23Liked by Martini Glambassador

Pretty pink parrot!

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Interesting - I would've guessed it to be a lovebird, which I do believe come in pinky yellow variations. My knowledge of birb types has lapsed quite a bit since the heady days at Pet Supplies Plus.

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The rural voter is 98% Maga it seems. This is confusing to me. The farm community should not love and vote for billionaires not paying any owed taxes.

And their good book and their Jesus mentions helping the poor a few thousand times. But their politicians vote no.

And the farms and industries seem to depend on young cheap (undocumented) labor from outside our country. So they should welcome the stranger in immigration political choice right?

American Taliban is real.

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Martini Glambassador-- so in love with that bird! ( I know what you're going to say... so ok I WILL happily marry him. If he will have me. I can learn to rush around!)

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AITA on reddit is just full fiction writing now for karma

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The comment about Black voting for Trump because they love sneakers reminds of the time Trump to someone off camera and declare "There he is; there;s my Negro." or words to that effect. Completely tone deaf.

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It's 2024, not 2023, as the headline has it. And...there's already almost 800 comments, so I'm sure someone brought this up...

I was trying to figure out why we hadn't heard about Trump Sneaker for Black Folks™ when they rolled out a year ago...

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First, it's shoes. What's next, pants?

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The droopy kind, so he can also sell the kids some Trump-branded underroos also too with the gold "T" across the ass and "Trump24Trump24Trump24" gold-stitched on the waistband.

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Tess Owen at VICE investigates “Ekklesia; The Unwoke Church,” where all the Proud boys go to get vaccinated. [VICE]

“We cannot beat these globalists, this globohomo machine alone,” Orzame appealed to God in a recent prayer broadcast on the streaming platform Rumble.

I am here to tell you that I self-identify as a GLOBOHOMO MACHINE!

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I'm going to be honest here: I had no idea what the fuck a disco fry was before watching "Death and Other Details." Jersey Poutine, huh? Maybe I'll try it some day.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Author

Tomorrow's movie night is 𝐁𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐲 and I'm sharing some of Queen's music.

"You're My Best Friend"


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Feb 23Liked by ziggywiggy

ziggy! I rewrote Axl's little song I think it's a bit better now.

Gonna go off line again....Crip Dykes post has shattered me.

Can't stop crying

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Love you my friend.

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Feb 23Liked by ziggywiggy

Love you too!

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Audience loses their mind when they find out that Wade and maybe Willis lied to the judge, under fucking oath.

https://twitter.com/TamarHallerman/status/1761037998076948511 ---

Breaking: Nathan Wade appeared to make three dozen visits to the Hapeville neighborhood where Fani Willis was living before the DA hired him to lead Fulton County’s election interference prosecution, according to cellphone data

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So he's a stalker?

So he knows someone else in the neighbourhood?

So they were working together before their relationship started?

Doesn't necessarily imply they lied on the stand as that seems like a jump. Drives asking follow up questions, but the leap to a conclusion seems unwarranted.

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Arhahraharh. Remember: Fulton County prosecution isn't exactly a role model for anything, besides having the balls to go after Trump.

https://twitter.com/ASFleischman/status/1761822520515109092 ---

Here's a case from 2022 where Fulton county successfully argued that cell phone towers provided strong evidence of guilt.

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It doesn't. But it also won't go away easily. Things will turn more ugly and probably worse, long before they turn better. If they turn better here at all.

In any case, it is seriously madding to think that they should right now fight about potential trial dates ... instead we have this madness.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23

“Etymology exposes their language.” I love how conspiracy theorists think that their imaginary villains simply cannot help dropping little Easter egg clues like strange numerology or like this nutcase does here that “proves” theyre committing whatever the nutcases accuse them of. Yes, I’m a mastermind evil Villain, but I’m compelled to include words which, if you add up the alphabetical numvers of the letters in my slogan, it reveals my evil plot!

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Regarding the case about the young man's locs being too long and his being denied an education for nearly a year:

Let the people capable of rational thinking leave your state and the rest of y'all can fucking secede, shrivel, and collapse. (It's not like you aren't 41st in the nation for educational standings anyhow)

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As has been pointed out--it's not a state by state thing. It's urban vs. rural. Houston, San Anton, Dallas...mostly blue. It's the rural areas where the channel if stuck on Faux News, the local station is owned by Sinclair, the paper is owned by fascists and anyone with two working brain cells has already left...

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McDonald's goofball there fell asleep on the couch with a Big Mac in hand and a Twilight Zone marathon on TV and really had some weird dreams about the "To Serve Man" episode. (And I only recently came to realize that the aliens in that episode were played by Jaws himself, Richard Kiel.)

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“Former talk show host Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia, the same disorder Bruce Willis has.”

Sorry to hear she joined the club.

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Not even 60 years old. Really sad for her even though I only know the name, never watched her.

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It can happen to anyone. I was diagnosed in 2021 and I’m still here because I don’t have aphasia. I’m lucky. Most patients get hit with both. For me, it’s a slow slide into oblivion. For someone who has both, it’s a sharp decline.

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