It was rigged

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#neversenorskerl I refuse to to be a bow to the imperialist ruling squirrel class.

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Summers never used to be quite this unremittingly hot and humid in SW ontario. I blame Obama, of course.

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How come the intelligence community is always the last one to wise up?

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And yet the one subject where this man is provably an expert is the importance of brains in infant humans.

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did I or did I not call that George P. Bush would deviate from the rest of his family to support TrumpleWiltSkins? I believe I did.

there are things that could be said about GP's handling of the TX GLO, but the violations are really boring. even with the whole Alamo controversy, there are much MOAR CRAZY things other elected officials have said or tried to do.

however, as I mentioned on Saturday, TX Ag Commissioner Sid Miller has been running around telling people that he's gonna be the co-chair of Drumpf's ag advisory council which could only be more bizarre if it were not true. I mean, come on, the guy is so nuts other TX politicians won't share a stage with him ever.

so, please, do the story on Sid and maybe add a line about the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Bush.

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The P is for Peckerhead

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it's really for "Prescott" which is like WASP for "Chad".

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Protip: Don't run for high public office if your last name is really close to "McMuffin".Because McDonaldland already has a mayor.

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I tried to read the Mow Doe column, truly I did, but it's just not gonna happen. Unless someone translates into a sane person language for me, I'll just assume it's Hunger Games fan-fic.

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I left Texas in 1992 when Texans sneered at the idea that a Bush was a Texan. They vacationed in New England! Their claim to residency was a Houston hotel! (Houston is only nominally Texan - they wish they weren't, and we wish they weren't too.)

I have no idea what changed, but it's one of many reasons I don't go back to visit the family that's still there.

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And now add peckerwood, as in "this pecker WOULD vote for Trump- thanks Obama!"

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Amen. Someone needs to tell her "Comedy is hard".

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INTERN DG! This is the 3rd time in a week!

404 Marco Rubio loves the Zika virus so much that he wants ladies to have their Olympic-virus infected babies, even if if kills them.

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Jesus, that Maureen Dowd column.


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Think he'll melt down again? Or will this be another of the breathlessly lauded speeches that shows how statesmanlike he is, because he manages to stay on script, robotically, with only a few incidents of spitting rage and wiping the spittle off his chin.

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