Dear Ecuadorian Embassy; Have you ever thought of holding a Fire Drill? Once everybody has evacuated the building and gathered across the road at the designated assembly point, the Metropolitan Police can move in and arrest Assange. Nobody could accuse you of handing him over, and you'll be able to redecorate the guest bedroom at last. Just a thought.

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I'm actually not certain if that was Trump's lie, or Hannity's.

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The old story about the Wonkette helping to out creepy Mark Foley was from 2006!? Just how much oldz is the Wonkette!?

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Yesterday I briefly considered the possibility that trump is hillz' BFF and this has been a conspiracy all along to get her elected, distract from her problems and tank the republicans.

I think it was the 'yet another scandalous statement on a Tuesday' that made me think that way.

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Stupid Washington Post. If you're going to show the video of hillz getting rushed by a man who's taken down by secret service then show the video of the man rushing the stage and getting taken down by secret service.

We were left with nothing but green pant suit.

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Sloth. my navourite deadly sin.

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Reading, "Eat a bag of dixie" was worth the price of admission this morning.

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Hey Trump hipster, I only started hating Trump recently, what are some of his worst albums?

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And speaking of dicks, looks like Jerry Rivers decide he could show he still had some balls.....now that Roger Ailes isn't around to cut them off for stepping over the FauxNeuz party line.

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Still after the Dixie Chicks? Really? Fuck you AND your couch, Lady.

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If anything, that doesn't make an American President the "founder" of a terrorist group. Is King George III the founder of the USA?

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You guys always give the nutty candidates too much credit. It's like you're too smart to understand that somebody could really be that narcissistic, arrogant and downright stupid.

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It's basic phishing right? This is how they got into those celebrities' cloud accounts

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His only semi decent work was Wollman rink, totally downhill thereafter!

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tl:dr- stay off the news sites today, it can only get worse

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