If only men voted, the entire country would be never have clean underwear or sheets and would literally be on fire.

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Sad gray and white kitty realizes the futility of her brother's action and looks for treats elsewhere.

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I still heart WTOP.


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Works good with other alcoholic beverages. Try gin, bourbon, your choice. Always has worked great for me.

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just sayin' - versatile

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In the Maternity Tourism piece, PM Theresa May wants to make sure "those people" pay the NHS. By "those people" I assume she means the Irish and now the Poles. I also assume if Britain had stayed in the EU this wouldn't be a problem.

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I want a cat so badly, but most of my family is highly (even deathly for some) allergic, so the logistics of visits would be challenging.

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You can see the reboot going on in Conway's head as she struggles to keep her smile up and not turn in Katrina Pierson. You can also see little bits of her soul dying as she makes herself not answer Anderson's question about the lawsuit.

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You've lost a liner for your bird cage?

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The Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell link above isn't working. Can anyone point out the source?

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"Suffering suffrage attack!"... working into my lexicon as soon as possible....

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BOB DYLAN WINS NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE Gonna get low down gonna fly high All the truth in the world adds up to one big liehttps://youtu.be/cJpB_AEZf6U

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It's not even broken, it's missing entirely. Hey, Dominic!

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Catholic, and yeah, American conservatism with its "screw the poor and helpless" is a bastardization of the social justice aspects that the rank and file care about. A little-known part of the catechism is that you're totally allowed to disagree with the leadership if after examining your conscience you decide they're full of it, and a lot of the Catholic leadership is full of it.

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So, did Trump send out a tweetstorm at 3 in the morning claiming that he couldn't have groped any of these ladies, because at best they are only 4s and he doesn't put his hands up the skirt of anyone who isn't at least a 9?

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The Nobel Prize committee said Dylan had 'created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition', to become the first-ever recipient of a Nobel, Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe. And he's in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

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