Yeah, once every 108 years or so.

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It appears he was self-conscious about his tiny hands even then.

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I'm sorry, I only speak Dodgers. There was another game?

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they get away with it because the entire derposphere and iys media enablers would rise as one to denounce the act as "religious persecution". the law is a dead letter, nobody would dare to enforce it; cf. the outrage over the IRS questioning the tax exempt status of blatantly political but ostensibly "charitable" non-profits a few years ago

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He asked a real question.He knew what he was talking about.He was normal and nice.He seemed genuinely concerned about America.He was an unthreatening,decent man, not some rabid testosterone-poisoned gun-toting fantasy of masculinity.He is going to vote for Clinton.

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No, a lot of people do not pay attention to any of it until the debates. It makes them too upset, and they don't really think about politics much. He was one of the few actual undecideds in the audience.

I thought his question was good.

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Once the tax burden Nobama has inflicted on the industry is relieved on Day One by the Trump Administration oil companies will prosper like fertile seeds in a well tended garden and we can turn our prayers to other useful causes - like blessings for the survivors of gun massacres.

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I believe it's a Graham Chapman quote.

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and requesting a foreign government to engage in espionage against the U.S. Department of State. that doesn't smell like treason at all, does it?

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And this is why some men are so driven to get rich. Because they have no shot at ever getting laid based on personality or decent looks. And apparently they don't mind that the ladies are thinking the whole time, "Gotta pay for college, gotta pay for the kid's braces, gotta pay the rent ... "

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Nah, we're still dicking around, we just wanted to smear handfulls of jokes around liberally.

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One of these men deserves a Pulitzer, one of these men deserve to be assigned punitive damages. Spell carefully, friends

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So THAT'S the real reason the Republicans keep trying to repeal the ACA...

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Vida Blue libulz!

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Now I remember. An ASPCA campaign about guys and cats.

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