I just noticed Wonkbot TSA-1138's TV has a VHS player built into it.

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If there is any way I can help the Rapture get here and take some of these people please let me know. After the Rapture I'll have a keg of Aventinis & plenty of BBQ at my place.

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Seeing as "Die Zauberflöte" is basically one long cryptic Masonic screed, it's always been ominous.

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At first I was just watching Wonkbot and following the text crawl at the bottom. But then I caught a glimpse of the TV in the background and thought, "Wait, are they playing gay porn on that??" Then I looked more closely, and saw it <i>was</i> gay porn.

Bravo, Wonkbot. At least you've found some form of diversion in these last days.

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Are we still supposed to say "white people"? I prefer the more politically correct term "Entitled-Americans."

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