Well, my ride is definitely not coming, and so grocery shopping is not gonna happen today. Still, perogies with fried onions and sour cream is tonight's meal. I can buy them at the corner store.

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How do I reply to a reply to a comment I made? I click on the bell, see the reply, but when I click on it, nothing happens.

Still figuring out the navigation ...

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Stages of life:

1. Birth

2. You gotta be fucking kidding me

3. Death

(Stolen from The Internet)

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Later, guys. I love you!

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I'm going to write this here rather than in the scary Ohio Republican bit, because this feels more OT.

I'm reading this Carl Hiaasen book about him taking up golf again in his 50s.

He's just sunk a golf cart. I was laughing my ass off because I thought I might be the only person to do that.

Carl managed it by not setting the brake properly, and it went into a lake. He's An Adult and called the pro shop and got help and stuff.

When I did it, it was a little different. I was playing with a friend and it'd absolutely pissed down while we were at the sixth, so we hid the cart under some trees and waited it out. We wanted to play golf. Both of us had rented clubs. Mine were in Kent, and I don't think Stephen even owned clubs.

So the rain lets up enough that we can play again. Good. We are the only people on the course. I start fucking around and sliding the golf cart by yanking the wheel around and hitting the brakes; it's rear wheel braking only, so you can get a nice slide going.

This escalates.

I think it was the sixteenth. Big ol' downhill first shot, then uphill to the green, creek at the bottom of the hill.

Because it's downhill, you can get some real speed up on the cart. So Stephen gets this look in his eye. He's going for it. We're in the cart and it's going pretty fast, and he pulls the slide trick. We go around twice and get backwards - a 900 - before Mr Creek arrives at speed. So we go into the water backwards. We bail out of the cart as it sinks.

This is where we differ from Mr Hiaasen, because we just fucking legged it and went to the pub. Someone else can deal with this shit.

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Well, sitting on the front steps and the ride's not coming (there's a blues song there). Still, perogies are on tonight--y'all are welcome to join us.

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Here's a little tune I'm learning on my cheapass fiddle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxfxbdPNQvQ

'Til every tear would turn a mill.

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My partner is currently blasting "One Night In Bangkok," which I love, but not this early in the morning before I've had coffee. *sigh*

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Almost 2K comments and the site barfs not! Impressed.

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Not impressed. It has worked OK for two whole days that we know of.

The more you use it, the more you will realize just how sloppy and annoying the platform is.

It is much worse than Disqus, just more reliable. Maybe.

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Boss, you have made your displeasure well known. Be here or let it go.

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We did almost 4000 on the overnight thread the first day (Friday's cocktail moment post), and no crashy, no burny. Refreshing!

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Have you ever had someone reply to a comment several hours or a day or two after you made it? When that happens to you here, let us know if you were able to navigate back to that reply.

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I have and done.

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Please fill me in.

To get back here to reply, I ended up doing a ctrl-f word search on usernames. I could find no other way back except random scrolling. There must be a better way I am missing.

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Ctrl-backarrow? I have no idea whether you're on a desktop, tablet, or phone, only that you're a bit of a cranky so &so.

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and you can actually go back a couple days ago and reply to replies amd see whole threads! amd scroll around! like a common usenet thread, sort of.

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BTW, as I wait for my ride: Tonight is the opening performance of my small-town Shakespeare in the Park. It's The Tempest! I'm looking forward to it. and y'all are welcome to join me. With mosquitoes. too!

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We got Measure For Measure with mosquitoes a couple weeks ago here.

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One of my most rewarding experiences was directing a junior high production of this, with a female Prospero. Those kids worked their tails off and produced a damn fine show.

They decided to have a post-apocalyptic version, that took place after a nuclear war (that was why they were on the island).

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No way! I love Shakespeare in the Park, the mack daddy at the Delacorte in Central Park but also various little Sps, like the one we did of Midsummer Night's Dream. Fuck the mosquitos, onward into drama!

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I love that my little prairie town--population about 35000--does Shakespeare in the Park every summer.

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::Exeuent, chased by mosquitoes::

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I wish I had cool bicycle friends.


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Oh, to be young again. I did the 50-mile Prouty "gravel" ride yesterday, and I'm still sore. Then again, I am now technically in my 8th decade (which looks more impressive than "71"), so I'll take it. It was a fundraiser for the cancer center, and as another person sporting a "survivor" bib put it, "It sure is nice being on this side of the grass."

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Um, you *are* CBF? Just waiting for you to acknowledge it.

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Go get some. Do a regular trail loop...I found friends and even an amateur circuit to train and race in. Look for rides and century flyers on the web and at the local shops.

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Those people don't exist here.

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Maybe look online...there are bike communities on reddit. I was in a small college metro area. Maybe you can relo someday where there are more bike peeps.

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I tried that, and I'm too miserable of a failure to succeed at anything, so...

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I swam the lake again, and came out with some not-too-deep but aesthetically pleasing scratches around my waist I didn't feel happening. Now I can't stop wondering when and how I got them.

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r/nosleep approves of this post.

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Was it Loch Ness you were swimming in?

Caressed by a monster.

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The mermaids don't want you to know how, either.

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The Selkies are keeping shtum.

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Don't ask.

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Okay, youse idiots, I've decided tonight's dinner and it's perogies!!! Boiled and then fried with lots of sour cream on top, (Slurp.)

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I'll take mine with fried onions also too, and a shot of vodka please and thank you.

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Bring the vodka and you're in. :)

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What time should I be over?

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Bring your own fork and c'mon up!

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Slime mold in the Peachtree dish.

Ron Filipkowski:

The new ‘MTG - MAGA’s MVP’ rap video is out. This is part of it. Apologies in advance.


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Remember when Rome's democracy fell? It's like this.

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You would have to strap me to a chair and force my eyelids open "Clockwork Orange" style to make me watch that.

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023

I had to take a look for like 30 seconds. I'm weird like that. I'm the guy who watches the needle go in and all the tubes attached when they draw 10 vials from me. But that, that made me queasy!

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This guy, Forgatio Blow, was given an extensive profile piece in some actual magazine last year (I think), and he said in it that basically he has no idea of what policies MAGA actually stands for, no real knowledge about or understanding of politics, but what he does have is money, the common and extremely vapid ambition of being an influencer and the awareness that his rap skills are never going to get him there on their own. He is an empty person who, by his own admission, looks up to Trump because he is wealthy.

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So a basic MAGAt.

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I think slightly different in that he seems empty of the vindictive hate that drives the rest. He's just a shell.

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How do we rid ourselves of these ridiculous weirdos? We pay that asshole's salary.

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Ridiculous weirdo libelz!

Some of us are perfectly good people.

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There's not enough money on this planet to get me to click this link and then play the video.

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That has to be some of THE most galling, offensive cultural appropriation I've ever seen.

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*nope nope nope nope nope*

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Holy crap, I just saw an online article from a local "news" station touting the "Sound of Freedom" movie, saying it's tripled its production dollar amount in sales, surpassing the new Indy movie. WTF is this insanity?

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A couple points-

This is not a movie, it's basically a TV clip show with talking heads.* Production costs would be miniscule compared to a real movie. So making three times production costs is a totally pathetic performance and they are sad losers for bragging about that.

*Haven't seen it, based on reports of others.

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The "news" article reports that it cost $15M to produce.

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As I think more about it, $15M wouldn't even pay for a decent TV clip show. It must be painfully bad. Also, most of that money was probably embezzled, because Republicans.

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It's this year's "2000 mules"

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Never mind the interest, compounded continuously!

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I don't understand this. They are touting it as if it is actually real, based in fact, and to the best of my knowledge, it's not.

Someone is eventually going to get killed over this QAnon bullshit.

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Too late.

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Have people actually been killed for this?

I know that guy went into the pizza parlor but no one was killed, and there have been a couple of family annihilators, but they didn't kill anyone they thought were pedos.

Did I miss something? :( :( :( :(

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Incidents including killings.

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Oh, Jeez. :( :( :( Thank you for the info and the link.

I'd better quit tangling with the morons on Nextdoor, then.

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Especially 'cause they can figure out where you live.

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Several people have been, yes. QAnon has had a body count for several years. Robyn has written about several of them.

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Oh jeez help me out peeps

there was the story of the lady who lost custody of her kids.

She had a Q type lawyer helping her and she shot the lawyer?

Does that ring a bell?

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This appears to be what you're talking about (???). This is from the link Daniel provided.

Murder of Chris Hallett


On November 15, Christopher "Chris" Hallett, a sovereign citizen ideologue who operated the pseudolaw firm E-Clause, was murdered by one of his associates, Neely Petrie-Blanchard, a non-custodial mother who had kidnapped her children in January of the same year. Hallett advertised his services through a social media community of conspiracy theorists which included QAnon supporters like Petrie-Blanchard as well as flat earthers, though according to his family he did not share those beliefs himself.[29] E-Clause had notably associated with a QAnon group calling itself the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.[28]

Petrie-Blanchard, who had relied on E-Clause to win back custody of her children, started out as a client and later worked for the firm; she had ultimately come to believe that Hallett was involved in the government conspiracy against her.[85][86][87][29]

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Yes I think this is the story I was remembering!

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There's another thing I have to look forward to. I am a thousand percent sure that my boss will have seen this and will want to talk.

We finally got to a point, two years ago, when I told her that I didn't want to talk about politics with her, because I didn't want to be angry all the time. She is exhausting. And she's not some toothless redneck. She's a university educated person who champions libraries but is completely brainwashed by her Baptist upbringing. No matter how effing crazy you are, if you say JESUS, you've got her.

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On a call with my 85 year old ma, who has been turned into a reactionary, "If I wanted that garbage, I'd watch Fox News! I couldn't disagree more and I still love you gotta take another call byeee!"

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My Mom started off as something of a leftist and then got seriously radicalized by the Vietnam war. She was a progressive/leftist to her dying breath, in her 90s.

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In the seventies, she was a social-justice catholic. Wanted women ordained. Took on refugees from Pinochet. But now she thinks Hannity is a nice guy. Sometimes I just have to say have a nice day!

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We were incredibly lucky that our parents never suffered any serious cognitive decline. My Dad's short-term memory got a little unreliable, I think, but just barely, and my Mom, as far as I could tell, remained completely unaffected mentally as she deteriorated physically.

She had been a great actor and director earlier in life. I remember once, maybe a year before she died, she casually remarked: "That Sarah Silverman ..... she has _excellent_ comic timing ... "

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SO sorry.

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Yeah! No place to be but where you're at. ETA: funny, her name is Eileen.

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I'm not seeing it for a similar reason that I don't pay to see Tom Cruise movies. I don't give cults money

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Thank you. Same feeling here.

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This!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I've seen a Tom Cruise movie since "Interview with the Vampire," and I had no idea he was a Scientologist back then.

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We watched Legend for Wonkette Movie Night a few weeks ago. I didn't mind seeing it again because he wasn't doolally back then, as far as I know. Plus, Tim Curry and Mia Sara.

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And he's probably getting very little $$$ from the streaming.

And yes, Mia Sara!!!! And Tim Curry!!!! It's one of my favorite movies.

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I saw Tropic Thunder in theaters, but I quite sure Cruise wasn't getting backend gross points from that one

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Sinclair station, I presume. Besides, we know that MAGA/Fundementalist Christians are cultish in behavior with little to no critical thinking so "Sound of Freedom" is the "must see of the year" and a "film for the ages" and will attend like ants to the picnic.

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The station is supposedly owned by Lockwood Broadcast Group. I don't know whether they're affiliated with Sinclair or not.

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I just looked it up. Lockwood is a small independent media company. They own 12 televisions stations across the country. That thing you read must have been an editorial decision.

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Guaranteed that it’s a Sinclair station. Why would any other “local station” even mention it. When is the last time you hear your local news talk about movie production costs?

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Conservative groups are just buying whole theatres of tickets. Actual audiences are less

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There are (unconfirmed) reports of empty theaters that have been sold out.

In other words, billionaire creeps appear to be buying up lots of tickets to artificially boost box office receipts.

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Just like they do with the conservaturd books that would have a very small audience, but they buy up huge lots of those books every swinging dick of them seems to publish. *sigh*

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Too bad we don’t have msm to investigate whether that’s true. Because it wouldn’t be hard.

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Huh, we actually have a Wonker who could report if that's true.

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Yes, check with Random next time he is around.

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Bastards, they are.

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People are dumb as shit. Okay that's wrong. People are really uneducated.

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No. Some people are really dumb as shit, sadly. Most are uneducated, but there are some who don't have the raw intellectual capacity to learn higher order reasoning skills.

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Right wing astroturf groups are buying up big blocks of tickets, like they do with all their vanity books.

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That's kinda what I heard as well but the replies are all like "I went to see it and the theater was full and I left in tears and anyone who doesn't like this movie is a pedo!" crazy people.

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Yep. That's how these people are.

I pushed back on some QAnon bullshit someone posted to Nextdoor a couple of weeks ago, and got called a pedo supporter and a groomer for it by multiple people. :(

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Be careful with that good ol' NextDoor....

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“And then I went sailing on my yacht with my supermodel gf”

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From CANADA, no you can't meet her. Reasons.

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The fact-free, fascist-inclined odious results of the revocation of the Fairness Doctrine any any regard for the TRUTH in American media.

For starters.

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You are not a redneck, but errybody else is?

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Here's a thing.

The lady who gave us Sam the Dog dog sits for us when we go out of town, which is rare. Anyway, Frodo had this bag, I got it at HEB, it has a skeleton dog on it, El Pero. Anyway, I only paid a couple of bucks for it and it was at least five years old. I just used it for Sam's stuff, too, when he traveled. So, I stuffed his food, his leash and his blanket-that-smells-like-mom in there and sent him off.

His stuff came home in a walmart bag. Lady says she has mice and they went for the food in the bag, destroying it. Okay. Gross. I'll just take this stuff outside and shake it out before I wash it...

Really, it was not a big deal. She says she'll replace the bag and I INSIST that it's okay. It was a two dollar grocery bag!

My husband brought home a backpack big enough to put a baby in, with food dishes, insulated containers and all that shit. The price tag said FIFTY DOLLARS. Now, I know she got it at Canton Trade Days and she didn't pay that, but it's WAY too much. I know what that woman makes. I should be paying her to watch my dog, but she won't take it.

And all this time, she's convinced that I don't like her, and I barely even know her! I've tried to be nicer to her, but I was never rude to her. I'm just... perfunctory sometimes. I don't gush over people, in general. I'm not one for small talk.

Now I have discomfort. It's a really nice bag, but I don't want her to think I expected that. And I need to write her a thank you note. I forgot. Cuz I'm an awful person.

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Write a note, and include pastry.

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Now, that's some next level mojo!

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I think writing the note is appropriate.

I think that more reserved people ( I am one) are often are considered unfriendly or unappreciative by those who expect more exuberance.. I don't think there's much that can be done about that. But a note is a way to express one's appreciation in one's own way.

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You can still write the note, and be all gushy about her kindness on paper rather than in person. I have a super friendly neighbor I honestly don't trust and I keep some physical distance because I'm scared she'll try to hug me.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

I can't help you, 'cause you described ME perfectly. If I can't help myself, I sure can't give you or anyone any advice. All I can do is tell you what I tell my dog [and hope it sticks to me]: you're a VERY, VERY, VERY GOOD [person], and we love you VERY much.

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I understand what the nice lady is feeling like, I am insecure and sometimes think people don't like me(this place has helped me get better) so how she feels towards you is really about her. She probably just wants you to like her and she doesn't realize you already do. Keep the bag, don't make a big deal about the cost(I'm poor, if I give someone something nice it's because I REALLY wanted them to have it), but still write that thank you note, she will very much appreciate it.

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you were reminding me of the Kahlil Gibran quote: "And there are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life and their coffer is never empty. There are those who give with joy and that joy is their reward. "

I'm rather self-centered and cheap, but my kids make it easy to give with joy and believe in the abundance of life

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Dogs also make it easy to believe in the abundance of life.

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