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Has the comments thread frozen?

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I guess not.

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Here's another Hamilton-favorite sciency making stuff channel. The Plasma Channel.


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Trump tells Glenn Beck he's going to HAVE to lock Democrats up, because that's what they're doing to "us." LOL, "us" aren't getting locked up shitferbrains, YOU might be getting locked up.

Rob DeSaster bashing Trump for NOT locking Hillary up. Gee, Rob, you think it's because she didn't commit any crimes?

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Yeah. "Lock them up because they lock us up" is not in the fucken Constitution, you fucken trumpian nimrods!!

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We're Constootushional Originalists! That means the Constootushion means whatever we want.

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Here I was wishing I was at Holly and Paul's in the Berkshires when I could be getting ebola at Burning Man.


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In all seriousness BBC reported a death and people are starting to panic.

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Well, if not Ebola, I'm sure there are plenty of other diseases available at Burning Man

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Chlamydia is basically a gift bag

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about half the time, the gift bag holds the chlamydia

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It sounds like a perfectly bad enough time without mud and Ebola. I'm talking about Burning Man, and not P and H's!!!!

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But except that seems to be just a rumor at this point, propagated by sus Twitter accounts.

We shall see...

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Oh man, your candy is a BIGLY hit.

Thanks from all of us to you and Roy

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"Herpes Outbreak at Burning Man" sounds like an Onion headline.

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An expectation rather than a surprise.

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"Over the objection of his girlfriend, Ben agrees to take a job as the "live-in" manservant to a wealthy businesswoman, Amanda."

Streaming makes it so easy to put on trash stories in the background while I do chores. I hope the strikers in Hollywood continue to make this a priority during their negotiations because I need real life terrible actors, none of this AI terrible actors stuff, in my trash stories.

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Isn’t this basically a version of “Who’s the Boss” but maybe more soft core porny than comical?

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Oh it's taking a much darker turn. Come to find out, Amanda may not have all her marbles available.

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If there’s a scene where he wipes the steam from the bathroom mirror and sees her watching him from behind... I might have to watch it.

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I’d watch that porn.

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Heck, you'd take the job.

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AI porn where the machine can't get the number of fingers (and other things) right?

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The way I clicked play while laughing.

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I just had a call from a prison inmate I advocate for. She signed up for a 6-month intensive drug counseling program, which is held in a separate wing of the prison. She has to get up at 4:30 am, have breakfast from 5 am until 5:30 am, they get counted from 5:30 until 6 am, and then from 6 until 7 am they are not allowed to lie back down in their bunks. Classes run from 7 am until 6 pm with 5-minute breaks, and 1 hour for lunch, and they are not allowed to lie down after lunch. They can only make phone calls on Sunday. If they are found lying down during the day, they get phone and commissary privileges taken away for a month. If she completes this class, she gets 6 months taken off her sentence.

That getting up at 4:30 am sounds like torture to me, but then I am not a Morning Person.

Actually, she needs this class, and I hope she learns something. She was committing burglaries with her druggie boyfriend to support her 25-year-long drug habit, and her 3 children had already been taken away from her and adopted by her parents, who won't speak to her, so if she wants to pass a message to them, she has to call me, and then I call her parents and pass it on. Her druggie boyfriend is in federal prison for taking nude photos of his own 2 children and selling them on the internet for drug money. So yeah, I hope she learns something in this class.

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I am so glad that you're there for her to offer guidance and support. You and I both know that the prisons do not provide for such amenities.

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To be honest, I think she is impervious to any guidance. She is constantly talking about how as soon as she gets out of prison she wants to go back to the druggie boyfriend, get custody of her children (won't happen), and move to Florida. She is out of touch with reality.

I run into that "out of touch" thing quite often with these women. They really can't understand how the real world works or how other people survive in the real world because their entire existence has revolved around drugs since they were teenagers. It's very sad.

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Gravitating toward Florida is a symptom of severe mental illness.

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At least you're making a genuine effort to get through to her; that's all that any of us can do.

I hope SO much that the light goes on over the top of her head and she recognizes she's living in a waking nightmare that only SHE can extricate herself from. She'll still have an enormous amount of "catching up" to do insofar as owning up to her own weaknesses and failings but she'd at least be heading the most beneficial direction.

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And having to go through that "Scared Straight" type of counselling just confirms to them that staying on drugs is the best and easiest course of life for them personally.

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She told me that she takes drugs so that she can forget how messed up her life is. I told her that escaping from our problems never fixes the problem, it just creates another problem.

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I bet she regrets not being able to vote for Trump, because he really understands her.

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To my great surprise, I learned that she hates Trump. We did not discuss this in detail, so I don't know why.

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That IS surprising! I thought anyone moving to Florida would be moving for the "freedom" under DeathSantis.

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I’m at 38,000 feet over Greenland. In-plane Wi-Fi is awesome.

Think I’ll go to the bar.

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I saw my first Northern Lights doing a long flight to Europe.

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I'm a little sad today. Too hot & humid for gardening or dog playing or anything else outside.

Le Sigh. Will hit the pool later so there's that.

Raising a glass of Vodka/OJ - Cheers! Have fun & safe travels.

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Is it for sale?

Asking for a 6’3”, 215 pound person

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Do they use "fresh" glacier ice?

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Are you getting your text messages?

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Don't make an unconditional offer to buy Greenland after downing those high-altitude drinks.

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Posh aloft.

Tip top, mate.

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I’ll raise a beverage your way!

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It is Sunday, right?

I feel like my baking post is late, so you think I've been forgotten about? 😱

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We can wait.

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I thought today was Saturday.

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NO, that's the sad part! Luckily (?), I'm self employed and work seven days a week, so it sort of doesn't matter.

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I've been re-watching the BBC's Historical Farm series of programs, and during the Victorian Farm series they baked a Simnel Cake, and I thought of you.

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If no one thought to schedule it before the holiday, there might not be anyone to push the button today.

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Nooooooooo! Rebecca usually handles the scheduling, I just write the recipe.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by CakesWeLike

Hopefully someone with access takes a second to check in today.

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I'd try and do it myself but my husband has run off with my laptop for a writer's meet. If they've not put it up by the time I get back I'll see if I can sort it out on my own.

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It's there now.

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Can verify.

I wish I'd take it upon myself to make the time, space and energy to acquire the mean of baking more than beer bread and drop biscuits. Maybe someday..........

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He's actually selling bootleg copies of your recipes on the dark web.

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Please tell me it isn't an electric oven? We'll be waiting all day.

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Hey, I really like my electric convection oven!

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From today's NY Times, front page:

"Meet Fabian Nelson, Mississippi’s First Openly L.G.B.T.Q. Legislator

After winning a Democratic primary runoff, Mr. Nelson discussed why he never focused on being gay while on the campaign trail."

I'm gonna make an educated guess

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Mr. Nelson notes further that "he enjoys continuing to live."

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Most Stupid Senator Race heating up.

Marsha Blackburn: Biden not 'capable of leadership' but Mitch McConnell 'on top of his game'

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Marsha Blackburn is the Marjorie Taylor Greene of the Senate.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

Marsha is the MTG of Laura Loomers.

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That race is sure to go into quadruple overtime, at the least.

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I saw that in the last week. I'm loving the idea of Dems running people looking for a fight.

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The "attack" ads should be a piece of cake. Just run clips of Marsha being Marsha.

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Let's hope that there is someone just as capable and able to replace her.

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"Weekend at Mitch's", anyone?

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I LOVE all of these Gold Star families who are saying how Biden killed their kids/spouses in Afghanistan. You'd think they might have a problem with the POTUS who released 5000 Taliban fighters before we were out of Afghanistan. I wish I could remember which POTUS called military people "losers." Gee, if only I could remember.

Three of the mothers/spouses were on This Week. They were talking about how disrespectful Joe Biden was to them. One of them said "we weren't even going to meet with Biden, but then we did and he looked at his watch the whole time." Sure, that's what Biden is known for, his lack of empathy. George S points out that someone yelled to Biden "burn in hell!" and the woman proudly says "that was my daughter."

It's not that I don't feel sorry for them for their loss, but JFC, blame the person who made the agreement with the Taliban. They remind me of all of those woman who said Bill Clinton had sexually harassed them, and then showed up to support a man they heard on audio bragging about grabbing women by their genitals. Way to prove you aren't just a partisan hack trying to smear someone from a different political party.

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My question for George is where are the episodes with the family members of all the people who died of Covid? What makes these people's loss of a family member more important than anyone else's?

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I think the idea that people who die during active duty in a war deserve a particular acknowledgment is legit. 99% of them are people who went into military service because they're at the low end of the economic and social ladder.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

Where are the people who say "hey, remember WHO negotiated the Afghanistan pullout, AFTER he released 5000 Taliban fighters into Afghanistan"? Anybody remember that guy's name?

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I’m not inclined to give them any attention. They’re liars who are going to grift off the MAGAts. President Biden met with them. It’s now over as far as I am concerned.

A good friend of mine was there and struggles with how it was handled and he isn’t what you’d call a fan of Biden and he still doesn’t behave like this.

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I HATED to watch footage of us leaving Afghanistan. This just makes me see red, because Republicans start 2 wars with no actual plan what to do once we're there, and then come up with a totally idiotic plan for leaving (releasing 5000 fighters BEFORE we left? SMRT!), and people blame DEMOCRATS for the colossal fuckups.

See also - financial collapse of 2008, brought on by deregulation of the banking sector by Republicans.

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Erosion and then reversal of Glass-Steagal, was, I believe, a bipartisan process, even if Republicans were leading. Also, 2008 crucially involved novel unregulated financial entities that would not have fallen under its provisions anyway.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Definitely. Bill Clinton and his bullshit "triangulation" and "Blue Dog Democrat" nonsense may have been the best we could manage post-Reagan, but it doesn't mean he wasn't responsible for some very bad decisions.

I remember screaming when Glass-Steagal was repealed, and friends of mine who are both bankers and ardent progressives kept telling me that it was necessary because the global banking network meant that Glass-Steagal made US banks uncompetitive in the world financial system - and irrelevant because banks had found too many ways to do end runs around it anyway. Which ... yeah, I wish they had been right and me, the amateur, wrong.

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From 1980 on it was in the GQP's platform to deregulate banks. Reagan did it to the Savings & Loans, and they collapsed. The Gramm, Leech, Bliley Act got rid of the requirement for banks to be able to cover their bets. In fact, Phil Gramm put in a rider that it overrode state banking laws, so that Vegas's strict casino rules wouldn't get in the way.

I was unaware that Trump had gotten back in the bank deregulation business, until he was out of office.

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Exactly, repeal of Glass-Seagel happened in 1999 by the republcion congress and signed by the republicon president.

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Bill Clinton promoted the idea, though. It was a bipartisan fuckup.

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A lot of D reps voted for it. Senate however had almost all Democrats against. I'm getting this from Wikipedia.

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Clinton said he had to pass the budget, so he signed the bill because he didn't have the votes to block it, but he wishes he'd at least been caught trying to block it. He was the ONLY person I've ever seen apologize for that dumbass bill. It was the GQP's dream to deregulate the banks and the oil industry, not Clinton's dream.

Phill Gramm got a job working for a bank the minute after he passed that bill, and his wife got a job at Enron. Both of them were getting multi million dollar salaries.

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Wendy Gramm figured in the Reagan "administration"

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That doesn't surprise me at all. All of these grifters have been sucking America dry for decades.

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(<---- points to avatar of Rumsfeld declaring "Two Wars at Once!")

They could also blame the administration that decided to invade Afghanistan in the first place, with no exit strategy or even any identified goals.

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It chafes my ass that the military had OBL in their sights, and wanted to kill him while he was still in Afghanistan, and GWB was like "no, don't shoot the guy, for some reason that I don't care to explain." I think the military was slightly furious, too.

While he was still POTUS, GWB said "capturing or killing OBL isn't really a priority for me." So you started a war, and spent trillions of dollars to catch or kill OBL, and now you don't give a shit? OK, cool.

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I have yet to hear a single member of the inner team that launched those two wars ever explain what they wanted to achieve. I mean, we know the answer: they wanted a client state in the Mideast to replace the loss of Iran in 1979, which has always continued to bug the hell out of them. And they wanted to own a territory on Russia's flank, to give it endless anxiety - similar to the role of Taiwan, or for that matter Cuba. Fucking Dulles-era Cold Warrior assholes. Also, the "Permanent Republican Majority" and the "New American Century" were things they actually believed were real. (Points again to Rumsfeld avatar, crowing about "Two Wars at Once.")

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Give it to the liberal media to find right wing assholes to trash OHJ on the Sunday shows.

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My mother told me the other day that the Afghanistan pullout was OHJB's fault. I started reading to her from Politifact the timeline of the Afghanistan pullout. You'll NEVER believe who it was that released 5000 Taliban fighters, AND negotiated a pullout from Afghanistan. My Republican mother was VERY disinterested in hearing who had negotiated that whole clusterfuck. I believe it was the same asshole who wanted to bring the Taliban to Camp David, until the surviving 9/11 families freaked out.

I also TOTALLY don't believe Biden was "disrespectful" to them. There's no way he sat there looking at his watch, unless they were telling him how much they loved Trump.

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Which one of Dump's sons served? Who in his miserable family has served? Did OHJ tell them "they knew what they were signing up for?"

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One of them said "I know other presidents were involved in this war (like Bush who started it, or Trump who negotiated the shitty pullout?), and another claimed that Joe didn't remember her son's name. I KNOW Trump forgot the name of the soldier who got killed in Africa when he called his wife.

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They don't want to blame the responsible party because they already and reflexively dislike Biden.

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Yeah, that was my feeling. George S never bothered to mention to them that it was Trump's genius plan to release 5000 Taliban fighters, and THEN to leave Afghanistan. Trump was the one wanting to negotiate with the Taliban.

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Biden PROBABLY knows the Clintons. Hell, he might have helped Hillary Clinton kill her close friend, Ambassador Stevens, in BeNGhAzI!!!!!!!! Democrats just LOVE killing people, and babies. It's kind of our thing.

I sure wish I could remember which genius started those wars, and which genius negotiated with the Taliban for our departure.

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An assortment of Wonkers at the Labor Day Wonkmeet in The Berkshires.


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Sep 3, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

It is so pretty there. Any bear sightings?

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When a bear does show up ziggy will just give it the same stern glare that has worked so well at intimidating sketchy pigeons.;

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Hey! Just because it's true....

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Whatever the designers for Red Bull F1 team are doing it is hard to see how they can be beaten for a long while unless the rules change.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

Adrian Newey is what they’re doing. As long as he’s there they will have the best aerodynamics.

CART Championships and Indy 500 wins, F1 world championships with Williams, McLaren, and now Red Bull.

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My mate Tufty at Merc had him for a bit, but it’s Adrian, so yeah.

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I well remember his blown diffuser during the Vettel years. Brilliant, and it took the competition four years to figure it out and for the FIA to ban it. That which is not specifically prohibited is legal. I'm curious to learn what he's come up with this time!

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According to lady on This Week, Biden White House worried about young, minority voters. Whenever I hear anything young, minority voters, I'm reminded of this young, black, woman I saw a few months ago on the news. Her statement was "I voted for Biden in 2020, but he hasn't done anything for me, so I can't find any reason to get out of bed and vote for him in 2024." I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of her statement.

I'll give her, and every other young woman, three reasons to get out of bed and vote:

1) You're young, do you REALLY want to spend the rest of your life living in a theocratic kleptocracy?

2) You're a minority, do you think a fascist government is going to treat you well?

3) You're a woman, do you value being able to buy birth control? Would you like to keep ANY autonomy over your own body? Do you think fascists are going to care that you want to make your own decisions?


4) Do you have any gay friends? Would you like to see them keep living?

5) You've got a job at the moment, Republicans almost ALWAYS crash the economy, so a lot of people lose their jobs, their homes, their life savings. Do you want to keep having a job?

6) Do you like the idea that you might have a chance at getting SS and Medicare? If Republicans win, you'll get tax cuts for billionaires, and no SS and Medicare.

JFC, this really isn't a hard choice, between voting and staying home. How did that work out for you in 2016? Do you like having a Supreme Court made up of a bunch of weirdo Roman Catholics who hate women and love deregulation and corruption?

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Too many people don't take the threat of neo-fascism seriously. They think it's just "politics as usual" and the GOP is just the other political party.

That is not true anymore.

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My mother genuinely doesn't have a clue that her party has gone full on fascist. I told her I'm leaving the country if Trump or DeSaster wins, since I don't want to live in a fascist country. She thinks there's going to be SOMEONE who will stop Trump. I said "who? Congress, or the Supreme Court"? Yeah, highly unlikely.

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Performative pouting. Common a year before the election.

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I just don't understand how ANYONE with 2 brain cells, and this young woman clearly wasn't stupid, could consider not voting, or voting for Trump.

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I disagree totally with 'and this young woman clearly wasn't stupid.'

Facts in evidence not only indicate the polar opposite, but a degree of spoiled rotten entitlement and solipsism which verges on psychopathy.

Yes, people like this are stupid--and much worse.

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Because of Dump, we've had neo Nazis out and proud and marching in our streets, because he made being a scumbag asshole okay again. That's what OHJ has done for you.

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Hmmmm...I can't make up my mind - vote for someone who I feel hasn't personally helped me, or not vote, and let the neo Nazis and racists take over the country? It's a tough decision!

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Did this woman presume that Handsome Joe was going to send her flowers and a thank you card?

These individuals always seem so taken aback because Uncle Joe hasn't, as they so plaintively intone, "...done anything for ME".

Has it possibly occurred to you that this isn't all about YOU?

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I can say that Joe Biden did NOT buy me a pony, and you KNOW how badly I've always wanted a pony!

//full disclosure: my grandpa bought me a pony when I was 10. I only got to see her a few weeks out of the year, but I loved her deeply. Her name was Maude.

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Maude is an excellent horse name.

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I'd like to take the credit, but that was her name when my grandpa bought her.

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I was a rather odd little girl. I never wanted a pony or a horse of my own but rather was absolutely obsessed with acquiring a horse for my mother.

My mum was quite an equestrian when she was young; the woman just absolutely loves horses and is an absolute natural on and around them. When I was a little girl all I wanted to do was somehow acquire the pasture area, barn, saddle and tack, and a beautiful riding horse for my mother because it would make her happy.

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Horses are beautiful animals! Ponies are little shits. They aren't tiny horses, they are a different breed, and they are ornery! Mine used to bite my knees, but I still loved her so much!

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My Uncle Frank had a Shetland pony called Fergus who was an ill tempered beast. While he didn't bite he was inclined to be very anti-social and was known to head-butt the unsuspecting.

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Ponies really don't like you to ride them, either, whereas horses seem like they enjoy being ridden, or at least tolerate it.

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"What has he done for me?"

As opposed to Trump in his term or Republicans ever? Maybe everything isn't about you and your immediate wants.

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EXACTLY. What have the Traitor Party ever done for you, except embolden the bigots, racists, Nazis to come out in the open and strut their stuff? Want an America where the cops are encouraged to go all Rodney King on anybody for anything? Remember who passionately HATES BLM and all it stands for? The Democrats are often disappointing, but they are not active enemies, and that seems to be the best we can hope for. They are at least persuadable.

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But didn't Dump create the greatest economy of all time, and weren't things cheaper back then? I probably shouldn't bother to really check any of that out, I'll just trust the openly racist, gun loving, woman hating, climate change denying, neo Nazis in the GQP.

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Bribing politicians wasn't cheaper back then. Trump always charged full price.

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But Trump told me all the things he did!!!1!

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if only the DNC would hire you to punch up their lousy, lackluster marketing.

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I've NEVER understood why Democrats have the shittiest marketing and advertising in the world. I don't think they could sell boner pills in a nursing home.

What's weird, is Hollywood is mostly Democratic. We can't get THEM to do our marketing campaigns for us? I'd HAPPILY donate to Stephen Colbert's writers to do our advertising for us. Hell, I think I may have donated to the Lincoln Project in 2020, since they were actually doing a good job of exposing the GQP, much better than we were.

DNC, if you're reading, I'M AVAILABLE!!!!!!

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Sadly because of Substack autocropping you have to click to embiggen to see the whole thing.

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Chessus Crust.


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There is no excuse for not voting in 2024. If you can't see what the alternative to Biden is going to be, you're a fucking moron. I don't want Rob DeSaster turning America into Florida. I'd like to continue learning about American history, maybe from historians, and not from what Rob thinks I should know. Hell, I'd like to know that libraries might still exist.

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Has she been paying attention to what they say?

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Apparently not…

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