Mar 17Β·edited Mar 23Author

EDIT: Movie has been changed to Paddington 2.

Next Saturday's movie, March 23, is NOT 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 π€π­π­πšπœπ€π¬!


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I’m unclear from the poster whether Axl is an alien, or our last line of defense… 😺

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I just realized it needs one little tweak, Axl's name added to the top!

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LOL!!! Love it!

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β€œThis is who Donald Trump is: a loser who gets beat by over 7 million votes and then instead of appealing to a wider mainstream audience doubles down on his threats of political violence,” said Biden campaign spokesman James Singer. β€œHe wants another January 6, but the American people are going to give him another electoral defeat this November because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge.”

At multiple points in his speech Trump repeated the debunked claim that he was cheated out of a win in the 2020 presidential election.

Biden won both the popular and Electoral College vote and multiple investigations, court rulings and election audits found no evidence that Biden was not the legitimate winner.

Trump said the Nov. 5 election will be the most important date in U.S. history.

β€œI don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country if we don’t win this election,” Trump said."


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I don't think we'll have another election in this country if he *does* win this election.

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Threats like that are NOT even remotely acceptable.

It disgusts me thoroughly that legal action may not be taken against this filthy fascist traitor for deliberately attempting to incite political violence intended to collapse democracy and empower him as a DICTATOR.

This is the United States of America, a representative democratic-republic. Authoritarians are NOT welcome here.

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"Authoritarians are NOT welcome here."

Victor Orban on line one for you.

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trump is right, this next election will be the most important election. Shit, now I feel all icky after typing that trump was right.

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Up is down, and down is up in this country. This next election is going to be nuts.

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Mar 17Β·edited Mar 17

True story: I was at Lowes this morning and in the checkout line, the guy in front of me was wearing a brand new trump 24 hat. I said to him that's a nice hat ya got there, how much did ya pay for it? He told me he didn't pay anything for it. So I asked how the hell did you get a free trump hat and his answer was "All I had to do was donate $200 to his campaign and they gave me the hat." Yep they're that fuckin' stupid.

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How come our people can't come up with such clever fundraising ideas? I mean Biden could sell gold-colored gloves and make a fortune.

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How about a gold colored 65 'vette if I donate $200 to Dark Brandon?

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gold aviator glasses and ice cream!

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And you wonder why the national debt always soars when Republicans are in office...

Who could have known that cutting revenue, would increase debts? It makes ZERO sense!

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Like a comedienne (wish I could remember which one) said once: You know, whenever I'm drowning in credit card debt and can't pay my bills, the FIRST thing I do is to go to my boss and say "Please cut my salary!"

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(Insert Bartlett headbanging on the Resolute Desk gif here)

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I used to feel more than just a twinge of pity for people who fell for galling grifts like that one.

At this point about all I've got is contempt.

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Do you have any idea how hard it was to not bust out laughing at this mud brained fool?

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this is the kind of human who might pay a great deal to be let in on "secrets THEY don't want you to know!!!ONE111!!!"

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as one does

"During Lara Trump’s interview, Alex Stein used a baby doll to pretend to punt a baby off his set.

Afterwards, Stein lit the doll on fire, slammed it, repeatedly hit it in the head with a β€œBiden” shoe, advised having babies smoke, and threatened to light the doll’s hand on fire."


"During his Lara Trump interview episode, Blaze host Alex Stein led his "chat rats," those loyal fans who post comments on his livestreams, in a pledge to riot against government buildings if Stein commands them to. Stein led his followers in the oath after Lara Trump left the set. "

"At that point, Stein's producer, Jimmy, interrupted in an attempt to redirect Stein by suggesting he shouldn't be saying this on the air. Stein then doubled down on his call for his followers to be willing to attack government buildings"


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Terrorism is OK if you're a MAGAt!

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A never-ending river of assholes, who get national attention.

This country is fucked.

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So he's pro child abuse and torture?

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...economic anxiety...

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Poor dears.

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This is sick, sadistic, thoroughly twisted and damned dangerous.

These self-absorbed swine are seriously seeking to instigate a civil war in this country. This isn't cultish psychopathy, this is deliberate, pre-meditated treason.

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The chat rats will never leave their Mom’s basements

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Trump is convinced his cult members are going to destroy the country if he doesn't win. A few of them will just go up and shoot up schools, like they do now. If they attempt an attack on the Capitol, they'll be met by the United States Army, since an actual patriot will be commanding our armed services.

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They are keyboard-tough.

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FBI, if you're listening...

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You mean the FBI with all the trumplings up and down their ranks? That FBI?

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I get such a kick out of Trump and the Republican ecosphere talking about the "woke FBI" and how they are enemies of the state. He's not wrong! The MAGAts are too stupid to know that the FBI has ALWAYS been stacked with Republicans from the top down. That's why Obama appointed a Republican as head of the FBI. I don't think a Democrat has ever been in charge of the FBI.

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(deep sigh)

I'm afraid so :/

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Speaking of Roku's most bewildered canine, Tucker says "no prank, no prank, you're the prank!"


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In Don the Con's febrile imagination, he thinks millions of people will lay down their life for him. Uh, reality is that nobody will walk across the street for him. There's not going to be a "bloodbath" on behalf of this deranged, mentally ill wanne-be dictator. Plenty enough people went through the Jan. 6 "find out" phase and they're not going to do it again.

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See: Trucker God Convoy as well as the ginormous protests at his many arrests. Not.

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Sam Bankman Fried, the crypto crook, was secretly a Republican? How shocking!

"Days after his crypto empire collapsed in November 2021, Sam Bankman-Fried was already contemplating his comeback by working the media.

One of his top priorities? β€œGo on Tucker Carlsen, come out as a republican,” SBF wrote in a typo-filled document to himself revealed by federal prosecutors on Friday. The prolific Democratic donor β€” in fact, the second-largest donor to the Biden 2020 campaign β€” would say that he was actually on the other team and the whole thing was an act. He would explain that β€œwhile public contributions show one thing, you see another thing [when] including super pacs,” then β€œcome out against the woke agenda,” and then β€œtalk about how the cartel of lawyers is destroying value and throwing entrepreneurs under the bus in order to cover up the incompetence of lawyers.”"


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I fail to comprehend how anyone NOT in a long term coma would've thought otherwise.

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Mar 17Β·edited Mar 17

Yes, it's kind of like how "Democrat" Jamie Dimon is saying "you know, Trump really did have some good ideas." LOL, sure, Trump is just full of good ideas, like rounding up the immigrants who do the grunt work in this country. I guess Dimon will be out there picking my tomatoes for me to make up for the loss of workers.

If people think food prices are high now, wait until there's no cheap labor to harvest fruit and vegetables. I'll go work in a hot field...for $50 an hour.

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Godwin's Second Law:

"anyone who uses the word 'woke' unironically at this point may safely be assumed to be an asshole"

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Rob DeSaster really beat that word to death, and it was close to dying a natural death anyway.

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It's almost like he thinks the Republican party is a good place for crooks.

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Hmmm...I wonder why would he just assume that the GQP would be a good place for crooks, disgraced businessman, and liars?

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The fact that he can totally pay Trump for a pardon?

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Also that Trump is a crook, disgraced businessman, and liar!

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SBF: not a noted maker of good decisions

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The NY Times has finally taken Trump's threat seriously, and published a story about his "blood bath" threat. I wonder if Ross Douthat, Bret Stephens, etc., will try to dance around it in some inane column? "It's true Trump threatens violence, but we still need to cut Social Security/support Israel/call out the hoes." etc.

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He didn’t mean it that way. He was talking about taking a peaceful bath in the newest calgon fragrance

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Calgon, take him away!

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at least one of NYT's brigade of asshats will find a way to say that Biden is more dangerous

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"if you pay off peoples student debt they're just going to spend the money on fentanyl!"

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They young Republican across the street from me was both furious that Biden had not cut his girlfriend's student debt enough, while simultaneously arguing that student debt shouldn't be cut at all.

They bought a $775K house, and have 3 cars, one of which is a Maserati. I'd be fine with clawing whatever money Biden gave to them, back away from them.

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young Repug, bought a house with his "girlfriend"? So fambly values.

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I had thought they were married up until he said that. Apparently "fambly values" aren't such a big deal in MAGAtworld these days.

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I swear to fuck I've not heard an argument made in good faith from the Republican side in *decades*

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I think the Bible makes exceptions for people that want to kill you ...

"On Face the Nation, Mike Pence says this about Trump and Jan 6:

"I want to be clear that I've forgiven the president in my heart for what happened that day. As a Christian, I'm required to do that.....""

"Pence: "I cannot in good conscience endorse his candidacy this year"

About Trump's reference to Jan 6 attackers as "hostages", Pence told Face the Nation:

"It's just unacceptable""


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Become obscure.

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Mike Pounce has no constituency. Ain't nobody hearing what he's saying, might as well jut STFU now.

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I still wonder about his careful language. Pence is often quite careful with language. He says he won't endorse Trump. He doesn't say he won't vote for him.

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So is your twatwaffling. The rest of us, we haven't, nor will we, ever forgive "the president" or his toady supporters.

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Now Pencey needs to go back and re-read the parts of the bible that are okie doke with abortionating.

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"As a Christian, I'm required to do that....."

No. No you're not.

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In the words of Iris DeMent: "God may forgive you but I don't."


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Someone posted a video of this band way down thread (Morgan X, I think) that lead me to this video. Enjoy https://youtu.be/DXUygENoFHU

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Dakha Brakha! From Ukraine. They rock! I hope they're safe.

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I have never seen one of those in person. I am convinced that they do not actually exist. maybe I am just unlucky.

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lucky you!!

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Watched 40 minutes too much of "Press The Flesh". My brain hurts and I need a nap.

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Watch two kittens and call us in the morning.

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Tommy Tuberiffic thinks God is the ultimate football ref. This kind of religious infantilism is the heart of the evangelical "movement" today...

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Drop kick me Jesus through the goalpost of life?

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reminds me i’ve not heard martin mull’s β€˜β€™lets give jesus christ the football 🏈 let him even up the score’’ for many years … martin mull & the fabulous furniture …

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Splash hit into my mouth, Jesus!

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I'm all for a good and playful metaphor, but if I had to pick a sport for God to ref, I think It would be more of a soccer diety, or possibly rugby.

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Rugby, without question.

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But is that a ruck or a maul?

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We'll just have to sit back and allow the officials to fight that one out.

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Abrogate all responsibility to a Bronze age legend. Works for them.

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If I were gawd I'd be enormously offended.

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If I were God, there would be a lot moar smiting.

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next on NY Times" Opinion" OP: Does God Take Bets On Himself?...

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Pete Rose ain't coming through the door.

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He definitely shaves points!

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The WaPo's latest Cletus Safari ventured to a trailer park in Arizona, where residents are going to vote for Trump because they're mad their rent got raised.

This. Fucking. Country.

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Very recently corporations are buying up the trailer parks all over the place, then tripling the rent, impoverishing my good friend who lives in one. She did just fine before that, now she has to scramble to afford basic necessities. She owns the trailer outright but the new rent takes 80 percent of her income, and she can't afford the $10,000 to relocate it. It's a national problem.

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I was in a trailer park yesterday, and one of the economically anxious souls in the TP had a HUGE, brand new "Trump 2024" flag hanging off of their trailer.

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"I got it on layaway!"

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That flag HAD to have cost $50, and I'm probably underestimating that figure.

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That they're doing nothing but further empowering the avaricious pigs who own the real estate does not ever occur to them.

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It's like the opinion column I read where this asshole was complaining about Biden because his auto and homeowner's insurance policies went through the roof.

He lives in Florida and he just added his 17-year-old son to his car insurance. It's like "Okay, so you're a moron."

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EVERYONE's home insurance is going up to pay for the costs of the floods in TX, LA, and FL. Also, too, the fires in TX and FL, the hurricanes in Indiana and Ohio, the floods in PA, etc..

I'm not sure insurance will be a thing in the future, since it will not be profitable. We may end up with nationalized insurance.

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Either that, or the only policy you'll be able to get is some loophole-riddled thing that won't pay for "acts of God," i.e., weather.

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With a huge deductible!

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My homeowner's here in the PNW specifically excludes earthquake damage. I did not ask about tsunamis. I am only just inside the edge of the worst case waterline, tho, so all good. Right?

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Bill Cassidy(R LA) was on Press the Meat explaining that when Trump says there'll be a bloodbath in the streets if he doesn't win he may have meant an "economic bloodbath". Mmhhmm, yeah, sure, that's it, Trump being famously given to allegory. It doesn't matter how far out on the stochastic terrorism limb PAB goes, there will always be republicans ready to explain away his treasonous behavior.

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CNN buried the lede thusly,:

Trump warns of β€˜bloodbath’ for auto industry and country if he loses the election

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Election by intimidation.

It's the Rethuglicon way.

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Nice shithole you've got here, it''d be shame if something happened to it!

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Cassidy was one of the 7 Republicans in the Senate who voted to indict Trump. If you read between the lines, he's not voting for Trump. When Kristin Welker kept hounding him, he would only say he was going to vote for "A Republican." He's obviously not voting for Trump.

Being a Republican, he also had to shit on Biden, but I bet he's secretly going to vote for Biden.

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Thanks for reminding me about his vote to convict, it's too bad he couldn't sway more of his senate colleagues to vote his way.

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McConnell was CONVINCED that Trump would be yesterday's news after the whole country watched a violent attack on our Capitol that was encouraged by Trump. He even said at the time that Trump was finished. He didn't want to alienate the MAGAt base, so he let Trump slide, because he thought the DOJ and the courts would finish Trump off. He badly underestimated Merrick Garland's lack of a spine.

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MTG says it is an auto industry bloodbath and why can't liberals understand his secret coded messages that only she understands.

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All I know is that I'm hearing that carnival calliope music playing in the backround...again.

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THIS! Except for me, it's the theme for "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."

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Trump "never means what he says." Just what we need in a president.

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Funny how someone who "tells it like it is" also never means what he says.

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RINO! Real Republicans want actual violence!

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These assholes are so desperate they have to court the Dipshit Donnie blessing. Reason? They are such asswipes that they stand to LOSE the elections without it.

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Cassidy was pretty lucid for a modern day republican, he clearly doesn't relish Trump's spot at the top of their party, but he can't just come out and say so because he's too chickenshit to take a stand.

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He'll be primaried by a MAGAt if he dares to be courageous. He's not courageous. He's a sniveling cur.

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He likes being a US Congressman. And to do that, he has to play up to the dipshit.

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It's fairly breathtaking how an unqualified presidential candidate from NYC, with a lifelong record of being a liar and a crook, has totally taken over one of our two political parties. He's totally bent them to his will.

Glitch McConnell made the mistake of thinking the rubes would turn on Trump after he blatantly staged a coup, which was a stunning display of anti-Americanism. He didn't feel the need to indict him, assuming the courts would take care of Trump. I guess he forgot how he'd personally stolen the courts and turned them into partisan hack, kangaroo courts.

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Indeed, his dipshit play is aimed at keeping his senate seat.

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It's a catch 22, they can't win elections WITH it.

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And this is ALL self-inflicted. The republicans needed to yank the band-aid off during the FIRST impeachment. #MoscowMitch didn't wanna, and now the party is saddled with the dipshit and his mob family.

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Unfortunately, the American public is also too saddled with dipshit and mob family.

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Ow, dammit.

But at least the morning chores are done and the recycling has been hauled out to the garage and the kitchen bin properly cleaned.

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And you've sustained no Ripper related injuries.

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The day is young...

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