How is there an election coming up in CCSA? Isn't a CEO appointed by a Board of Directors, which is in turn appointed essentially by its own self in a sham "election" where voting power is determined by number of shares owned plus whatever clauses might exist in the articles of incorporation to give outsized numbers of votes to certain individuals or small groups? (Or are the authors maybe getting to that too...)

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Hey, who's writing this story?

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Ta. I love speculative fiction.

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I believe the authors forgot to mention that with the lack of trained obstetricians in CCSA, the maternal and neonatal death rates, added to the premature deaths from excessive drinking, saturated fats, firearm incidents and PFAs, caused a definite but unrecorded decrease in the working age population.

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I bet they get to that ;)

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I'm enjoying this story, thanks fellas. Will pitch a little something into the tip jar after the first of the month.

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How shocking that a conservative run state would fail so quickly!! Who would have seen this coming besides anyone who knows the history of Grafton, NH.

[insert archer gif: do you want bears? because this is how you get bears!]


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Thanks for sharing this!

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There's a part of me that wants to know what's going on in the "blue" states. Smog and weather don't stop at the border..... and surely there's a significant underground of people sneaking over to get abortions.....

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They have giant windmills at the border that both provide residents with clean energy and circulate all the coal emissions back into the CCSA.

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Dystopian poli-sci-fi. Cool, cool.

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This is an enthralling tale thus far and my only complaint is that I have to wait an entire WEEK before reading the next excerpt. But that in itself provides my mind with the opportunity to ponder the potential directions present prose possesses and will take the tale as it proceeds forward.

And then there is the unnerving chill of familiarity with the confederate context of the scenario itself; none of this is beyond belief at this point in time.

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Make a left on Righteous Pathway, a right at The Road Least traveled, up Rocky Road Terrace to the corner of Death Shadow Valley Road, then take the Schlossen Cutoff.

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Get out of your car, cut off your Schlossen . . .

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"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Everyone's a cannibalism downer.

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