Just donated $50.00, and please do NOT write a thank you note. This website keeps me from being committed to an alcohol abuse center. (which STILL might happen! I am lobbying for a spa treatment instead!)

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I got a pile of forwarded checks yesterday!

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I always get verklempt when the monthly thank you letter comes (I am not worthy!!), but I strongly suspect I'll be drunk donating during the live hearing blogs this month as well.

Just saying I'm in a strange land among strangers (Kansas) but I realized as long as I have internet I can watch the J6 hearings with friends!! Love you all <3

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I’ve bought your merch and had sent you checks for years. Edit to delete the rest. I love most of the community here.

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Please don't take my coconuts.

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I will be moving in a few weeks from the house I had built just the way I wanted to follow the kids to Albuquerque. The house is not worth their absence, but there is no way I'll replace it. Too tired to go through that again. OTOH FOUR grandsons within a 5 hour drive plus old friends in SantaFe.

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What is this about the writers not doing all of their jobs? Did I miss something?

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Seven years??!! I did not realize I had been a loyal wonker for that long ... sending my monthly stipend so I will be here to witness Donna Rose's high school graduation and subsequent ascension to her rightful throne as queen of us all

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There are many kind souls in KS, unless things have really changed. I hope that you find them. The farmers' market might be a good place to search. Good luck!

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Yes and how is she? All better now?

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Queen of us all in training.

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Everyone here in Lawrence is lovely but my kindred spirits are (not) commenting on the wonkette.

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One of the best things about having an actual job is being a monthly donor. I'll probably throw in a few dollars extra this Saturday, in honor of Donna Rose's seventh.

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I used to live there! When I was 3. You can't call that off-topic, can you? Don't you all want to know more? How we used to have to drive to St.Joseph for shopping? That meant yelling "The Big Muddy!" Too bad it was always pitch dark. No, not telling anymore.

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It would be so funny if that's a picture of you and they saw it and they said "I want her! She'll be perfect-- the new human face of our corporation! " And the blue cup will be in the background of the company's name. Why not? It would be so interesting for all. Everything's so-- what are Salesforce and Fast Company? I hear from them all the time and they give me advice about maximizing everything and they should at least know I just sit around and read books all day. Business! Those emails make me feel a bit like you look in the picture. Working could be fun but it needs a new approach-- like Be Fed Up like Her!

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Um. Thanks?

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