How did we start our day? With some tabs!
Then Robyn previewed today’s Supreme Court hearing on fuck it, let’s just outlaw abortion pills nationwide.
Fun fact, Alito and Thomas used their time in the hearing to ask why the FDA didn’t use the Comstock Act to arrest the abortion pill, which would also lead to them outlawing birth control. LOL?
If you haven’t read Robyn about “shaken baby syndrome” (not actually a thing) before, you should read her now.
Marcie wrote about Project Veritas and Sinclair Broadcasting’s latest bete noir, this private Episcopalian school and its (now cancelled, due to all the threats against school children) workshop on gender inclusivity.
Then Marcie wrote about the bridge collapse in Baltimore, where she is standing right now because she lives there and most of you don’t, and I had to remove the story because so many of you were demanding I take it down. I thought the story was really, really good: Angry, pissed off, noting the potential human toll, and funny anyway even in the face of actual disaster.
Whatever, I’m still mad. AT YOU.
Rachel Maddow is still mad at NBC.
The workers are still mad at Waffle House.
This fucking thing.
These fucking people.
This is funny though and it makes me feel better just remembering it.
OK bye.
Regarding the Supremes, I kept waiting this morning for Erin Hawley to ask what about pore old Yeehaw McWombsniffer, the custodian at a hospital who has to mop the floors outside the treatment room where those jezebelian whores are getting treated for bleeding after a medication abortion which was administered partly in a clinic but then the patient has to go home and complete the drug regimen there because Yeehaw and his womb sniffing pals pushed legislators to make all kinds of restrictions involving facilities that offer abortion services and pass laws outright banning it in some states so that women have to drive hundreds of miles to get one .... Yeah, poor old Yeehaw the custodian is the victim here, right?
Even Justice Barrett, whom I had marked for a traitor all the way, seemed skeptical. The only one who seemed to really have his heart in it when it came to victimizing patients further was Alito (quelle surprise, eh? 😂)
I really, really hope that the Court sends those assholes packing. I know they won't give up, but it would restore my faith, at least a smidgen of it, in the idea of jurisprudence.
I'll make an extra one of my (should be) famous small dollar donations if you let me read Marcie's story. Or, at least, write something that makes fun of the haters so we can join in being mean to them in the comments.