Wonkette, where the elite meet the zeit(geist).

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Yes, Hobby Lobby, but don't you have to spend money to make money? Boom! My cliched reasoning beats your nonsense false-difference logic!


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"Florida Man" is just becoming a generic "Man from a former Confederate State" man.

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Don't forget <a href="https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/List_of_social_networking_websites" target="_blank">these.</a>

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I read this top-10 countdown in Casey Kasem's voice: "And the number one, most-shared story this week was...the Hobby Lobbies performing 'Capital Gains for Me, No Slut Pills for Thee'"!

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The scary thing is that if John McCain had had his way, we'd be reading about the Vice President's family brawl, at least if Sarah had been able to take the time off from running the Senate.

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"5: We found the actual Palin Brawl Police Report, and found out just how drunk Bristol was. Very."

We are gratified to read that the Palins continue to exhibit strong family values.

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<i>The Supreme Court decided not to hear a bejillion marriage equality cases</i>

Totally fooled me! I fully expected them to hold that only Gay Corporations can get married.

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