Wonkette Weekend Live Chat Sets Your Clocks Ahead An Extra Hour This Year
We love screwing with time!
Hey, did you remember to spring forward, even though it’s not technically spring yet? Fine, you want your “longer” days, so you’ll have them. Don’t worry about certain people from Portland, Oregon, who work for a blog that posts on east coast time. I get up and make the donuts at 4: 30 a.m. Mondays through Wednesdays, and just as sunrise was coming sooner — blam, it’s an hour later again.
Robyn and I will shrug off our lost hour of sleep and toast to spring starting at 12: 00 pm pacific and 3:00 pm eastern. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe! Also, we’ll happily respond to any questions or comments you drop in the YouTube chat itself, as long as it’s not creepy. But you aren’t creepy people.
Oh, and the Alice in Wonderland -themed play I co-wrote for Seattle's Cafe Nordo is returning due to popular demand. Down the Rabbit Hole: A Karaoke Cabaret begins its encore run April 1. There’s even more musical numbers, immersive art installations, and audience karaoke opportunities. This is absolutely what you need in your life right now.
Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.
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And all the talk about the video game?
She’s 4 years old now. And still a sweet pup!