Apparently DeSantis has been dragging his feet on abortion, because he knows Trump will paint him as an extremist.

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So Missouri Republicans are on record being in favor of pedophilia/hebephilia? Nice to have them open about it. Makes it easier to know which adults to keep away from the kiddies.

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Yeah, so what? I know a couple who married when she was 13 and he was 15. They've been married for 51 years now. They're awesome, and their 2 sons grew up to be pretty decent guys (especially the youngest, but that's another story entirely)

But, see, that doesn't mean it was right. They got married because she was pregnant. And there weren't a lot of other options in rural Arkansas at the time. They ended up lucky - they kept liking each other even as they grew into adulthood.

Also, that was half a century ago. For fuck's sake.

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Mr Political Stunts says what now?

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Equality Florida issued a travel advisory Wednesday, warning of the "risks posed to the health, safety and freedom" of those considering traveling or moving to the Sunshine State.[...]A spokesman for Gov. Ron DeSantis provided a brief statement when asked about the travel ban."As the governor noted previously, this type of thing is a political stunt," Bryan Griffin said in an email to WPTV. "We aren't going to waste time worrying about political stunts but will continue doing what is right for Floridians."


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But, like, a classy af rickroll, because art.

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Want to bet it’s an abusive relationship and she’s afraid to leave?

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Her parents sold her into slavery.

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... allegedly

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Every accusation a confession.

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To say nothing of his point of view.

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Susan Collins will send a letter.

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Jugemental Simba don't take no shit.

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Fortunately, he will probably just draw the slightly crazy anti-vaxxers who would have stay home anyway.See: RespectfulInsolence.com for more than you really want to know about Kennedy.

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Sometime ago, FL tried to brush off threats of a European boycott, when it seemed as if every other week some European was murdered, but eventually the Goobernor/legislature figured out that it was cheaper to provide security than lose $$ because of a boycott.

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