Outside of those nations that use children as soldiers, the USA is the only one where children routinely shoot other children. It's all about the guns.

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Very proud of my sister Sarah representing Oklahoma (!) at Gun Sense University this year.

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Beau of the Fifth Column said something I liked the other day, which I will paraphrase. He said people say they get more conservative as they age, and that is not true. What happens is people develop their moral/ethical views at a certain time in their life, but society advances. So what was liberal in 1975 is old-fashioned in 2020. Someone may have been in favor of women's rights in 1977, but would that extend to Kamala Harris as VP now?

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I work with a lot of Trumpanzees. I rarely broach politics with them because it’s a lost cause to try and convince them of anything rational. And few try to bring politics up because I know my shit and will make no qualms about putting them in their place.

One of the times I did speak up was this clown explaining how the 2A is there to prevent against a tyrannical government.

I said, “That’s absolutely unconstitutional. Article III Section 3 of the Constitution prohibits taking up arms against the government. It’s called treason. We fought a war over this shit and it was very CIVIL.”

I’m glad the asshole left the company.

He moved to Alabama because he thinks New Hampshire is too liberal

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“wasn’t very CIVIL”

This is where I miss Disqus

You could easily correct mistakes

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I can edit my comments, click the 3 dots. Can't you?

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Yeah, s'ok, could have been sarcasm. I'll let it stand.

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I like your dog 🥰

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Ex dog actually, but I get a charge out of seeing him here too so I let it ride.

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𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐝 ‘𝐈 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞’, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐲

A southern California judge accused of killing his wife texted his court clerk and bailiff afterward to say he had shot her, prosecutors said Friday as they charged him with murder and sought new bail conditions.

A court filing from prosecutors says Orange county superior court judge Jeffrey Ferguson texted: “I just lost it. I just shot my wife. I won’t be in tomorrow. I will be in custody. I’m so sorry.”

Prosecutors also say that 47 weapons and more than 26,000 rounds of ammunition were recovered during a search of his home, including the pistol used in the shooting. Authorities said the weapons were legally owned. A rifle registered in his name is not accounted for, according to the district attorney’s office.

The shooting happened after Ferguson and his wife, Sheryl Ferguson, were arguing at a restaurant on 3 August, prosecutors said in their court filing. They continued arguing after returning to their home in the upscale neighborhood of Anaheim Hills. The court document says Sheryl Ferguson said something to the effect of, “Why don’t you point a real gun at me?” and Jeffrey Ferguson pulled a pistol from his ankle holster and shot her in the chest.

The document says their adult son called 911 and said his father had been drinking too much and shot his mother.


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"47 weapons and more than 26,000 rounds of ammunition were recovered during a search of his home"

Sober as a judge.

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Yikes. (@ the risk of repeating, etc.)

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What about finger guns? How else will we emphasize "Back atcha, kid!" or "Who loves ya, baby?"

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I've never owned a gun. I do have a cast iron skillet, a 32 inch Jackie Robinson Louisville Slugger and I've ordered several folding chairs. Bring it, Loud Boys.

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When they wear AR-15 lapel pins, we should wear folding chair lapel pins.

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Hunter Biden has a special counsel now. Cool. Let me know when it's Jarvanka's time in the barrel.

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Narrator: It is never their time in the barrel despite the Saudis giving them $2 billion after their time as “White House Advisors.”

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Growing up in the Boston suburbs, I did not know anybody that owned a gun.

Living in the city of Baltimore next to "the ghetto" in a cheap roach-infested apartment, I did not own a gun.

After my house was burglarized in suburban CT, I did not own a gun.

Now in Arizona, with so many "furriners" around, and homeless people walking on the canal path behind my house, I finally decided to make coffee this morning and I do not own a gun.

I don't get it.

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I have a handgun, (WWI issue .32 caliber Colt), that I kinda inherited (long story) My step-son has been handling guns since he was around 10 yrs old, and he took me (w/another long-time shooter) out to shoot at cans. It was a hoot! I put the gun back in the safe, and haven't fucked w/it since! Wouldn't touch it without adult supervision.

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Has to do with the family you grew up in. My Dad and uncle went through the Great Depression, when sometimes you hunted for your food.

Dad: "Only take cottontail rabbits in the winter. In the summer they have fleas."

Me: "This is pretty bony, Dad. Can't we just buy some steak?"

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Depression era parents were HUGE on self-sufficiency and thriftiness, they learned it all the hard way, whether they were rural, like my dad, or urban, like my mom.

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Yep. Dad would save everything, including rubber bands and paper clips. Thrifty as hell. Drove me nuts sometimes.

Now I save rubber bands and paperclips. Funny how one becomes one's parents later on.

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Or, not so funny... Yeah, it's actually pretty funny!

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My dad’s gun fetish period subsided when he was prescribed Viagra.

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Well, I assume you don't hunt.

And I assume you don't have white power fantasies about murdering Latinos and Blacks or "that bitch who won't let me fuck her because she's fucking all the chads", so you wouldn't get it.

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NYTimes (gift link)

"Conservative Case Emerges to Disqualify Trump for Role on Jan. 6

Two law professors active in the Federalist Society wrote that the original meaning of the 14th Amendment makes Donald Trump ineligible to hold government office.


"Two prominent conservative law professors have concluded that Donald J. Trump is ineligible to be president under a provision of the Constitution that bars people who have engaged in an insurrection from holding government office. The professors are active members of the Federalist Society, the conservative legal group, and proponents of originalism, the method of interpretation that seeks to determine the Constitution’s original meaning. …

… The article’s conclusion: “Donald Trump cannot be president — cannot run for president, cannot become president, cannot hold office — unless two-thirds of Congress decides to grant him amnesty for his conduct on Jan. 6.”

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Some Federalist Society neo-feudalists realize that the PAB is more a threat to them than any Democrat. Because the PAB gives away their long game.

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Yeah, well the FedSoc can kindly kiss my ass. It's a catastrophe that DJT was too dumb/inattentive to come up with his own hacks to stack the "Supreme" Court. These new hacks are Bad News, and we're stuck with them, you know, forever. And that is truly a long game.

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I'm old enough, having grown up in a gun-owning family, to remember the glory days when we were snobs about gun ownership.

1. No cheapo guns. How gauche.

2. Bolt action for rifles, pump for shotguns (unless you were extra snobby, and then break action). You can have an auto handgun, but only is it's a 1911 Springfield .45 (or sure, Colt), otherwise it better be a revolver.

3. Have taken and passed a gun safety course.

4. Keep that firearm clean, and store it safely.

5. No idiots should have guns. Only we of the cognescenti.

* I don't have any guns, anymore. I sold them. Needed the cash, and you can't eat a gun ... well, you can, but not in a nice way.

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I loved my M1911 .45 when I was in the Army. Because I didn't have to tote around a damn M16A1 any more.

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You can buy:

One six-shooter revolver.

And one six shot capacity hunting rifle or shotgun.

Everything else should be off-limits to civilians. If you want to LARP Rambo, sign up for the Army or Army Reserve and all of that shit stays on base unless your mission requires it.

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I learned to shoot with a bolt action single shot .22 rifle and I don't need anymore than that.

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But what if you have TWO REVOLVERS!


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But, but when Tyrant Joe Brandon- who is literally Stalinist- sends the F-22s, we’ll need our ARs to, oh wait…

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Single-shot black powder muzzle-loaders only.

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Originalism FTW!

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Remember this?


I only saw it once on TV and never again.

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As the founders intended!

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"The right of the people to LARP the shit out of some very expensive gear shall not be infringed."

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Gunhumpers should gather up a bus load of their guns and have them dropped off outside Harris’ house. She would be so triggered (no pun intended) and us Libs would be so owned!

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Guns are more important than children's lives.

-Some bibble quote; also in the constitution; also true; also the main plank in the GOP's platform.

It is what it is....

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KJV Matthew 19:14, I think. "Suffer, you little shits, and then you're coming to me."

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There goes my Yosemite Sam cosplay I had planned for this weekend.

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Who's playing Bugs? That's the role I want!

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