Jefferson must be regretting his much-quoted Tree of Freedom fuckup.

Although he probably didn't foresee that a UNC professor = Tyrant.

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SER is totally correct, fascists need an eternal enemy to strive against, so they have to make normal life in which, for example, some percentage of the population will be LGBT, appear part of a "plot against unser Volk"

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They live in such a narrow, two-dimensional world where everything is black and white and/or us vs. them.

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Fact Check: True.

Counterpoint: (and this is a real thing - particularly in the workplace and I'll have a serious question about how to deal with it among other things in open thread later where I'm sure I'll be flamed to hell and back).

I'm tired of people telling me about their sexuality. I really am. I don't care what you are. Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Transexual Lesbian, whatever.

I want you to be happy doing your own thing with people you care about and love.

But really stop telling me about who you are and what you're about unless we're real life actual friends or something.

You're a co-worker. I just care that you're doing your job and I'm not having to pick up your slack. I don't care what's in your pants or what it's attracted to.

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"I'll have a serious question about how to deal with it among other things in open thread later where I'm sure I'll be flamed to hell and back"

So this is your announcement that you're going to deliberately post something to start a flame-war? Thanks for the heads up that you're going to troll us.

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My Friend--the problem is, that is a privileged take on things. I feel no need to flame you at all, but I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that centralizing heteronormativity and cisnormativity (which is what happens when queer identities are silenced) automatically makes it harder for the queer folk around you to feel included, and feel like it's okay that they exist. Consider for a moment the nature of saying something like 'I don't mind working with Black people as long as they do their jobs and don't feel the need to remind me that they're Black', I'm pretty sure you could see the issue with that. Identities are part of inclusion, and inclusion is how we make room for all of us.

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I had kind of a similar reaction until I realized that this isn't likely about whether *I* have been informed of someone's status. There are other motivations that are more likely:

1) there are a lot of people hiding such details because they are afraid that no one they know shares their orientation, or would accept their orientation. Hearing that someone else does can be a relief, and you don't know ahead of time who might need to hear it.

2) That feeling of relief is itself a motivation to announce something like that. After all, people routinely announce when they are expecting a new baby even if it isn't my fault...

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And sometimes people want to know who they're safe with and they broach the subject when they feel like they can do it on their own terms.

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I had that occur at a prior employer. It didn't matter until she left due to others being bigoted fucknuggets.

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I get that, but the counterpoint is how quickly that can devolve into "I don't mind [X] as long as they act [Y] in public."

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This is a good article: https://twitter.com/AshaRangappa_/status/1695878774556951003?s=20 by Asha Rangappa on "connecting the dots between gun laws, white nationalism, right-wing propaganda, and violence (a.k.a. stop calling these people “lone wolves”)."

She's arguing, relying heavily on Jeffrey Toobin’s "Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism," that even though these killers from Timothy McVeigh on are usually working alone, they're part of a larger movement and you can't separate them from the larger hate-landscape by calling them "lone wolves."

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We could have connected these dots 30 years ago if Garland hadn't been so feckless as to label McVeigh as a "lone wolf." Toobin discusses that issue in his book at one point.

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Note: She's not making an original or surprising argument. It's just a well written article and has a lot about Timothy McVeigh I didn't know about. Coincidentally, Asha and I are about the same age and were both Juniors in college when the bombing happened.

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Well at least the uninsured good people of Florida, who look like they’re about to get smacked by another major hurricane, can take comfort in the fact that DeSantis has so spent much time and effort making sure the storm will hit a non woke state that is free from the terror of transgender kids.

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What is a sucker? Someone with a 30 year mortgage in Florida.

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(gives Boaty the side-eye)

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

My brother would fit that description ... both location and attitude.

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I live 70 miles inland.

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How far above sea level?

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YAY, Wanderer!!! We live in the dead center of Lake County, FL, and built up the land we bought to build our fortress upon.

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(waves like doing semaphore) Hi! I'm on what passes for high ground on the west side of the Ridge in Polk County. The house is on a slight hill, so excellent drainage.

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TS Idalia's projected to be a Cat 2 or 3 hurricane by landfall on Wednesday. I plan on being in central Alabama by Tuesday afternoon.

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You're braver than I am! I'd be afraid to leave my house for a week after a storm.

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I'm leaving to attend a furmeet that I scheduled last year. I'll deal with any issues when I get home.

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Hope you stay safe.

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Thank you! I had to advance my timetable by a day so I can try to get clear of this storm. The house will be as secure as I can make it, but it's weathered Charley in 2004, Irma in 2017 and Ian in 2022.

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So it's due to fall down????

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Shouldn't. Concrete block construction, and a new roof that's up to code.

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Sounds like us, and a new roof also too!

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I'll bet if he gave a speech to the hurricane it would fall asleep and then dissipate.

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Or, it would get really pissed off and jump to category 10 or something.

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I kind of deserve a Cat 10 because I let the litter box get too dirty.

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Or run back to its Mommy hurricane saying, "Mommy! Why is that weird human trying to talk to me? Is he stanger danger?"

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It's quite a relief and we should be more grateful.

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The young people who are open to racism are, sadly, more likely to be radicalized because the right has removed all pretense. But in my experience working with teens, most of them do not accept this shit. So it's uglier and more dangerous for those that it does reach, but overall the young people are rejecting racism.

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As my youngest said to me yesterday, “There’s always going to be a non zero amount of fascists but fortunately the number does seem to be trending downward in younger generations.”

I’m a year post-young human educator now but my pre-teen and teen groups over the past 10 years have been amazingly empathetic and open people. And I’m in Ohio. So I have a lot of hope for what this portends.

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I hope this is true but then I believed that to the case when I was her age and, let's just say, here we are.

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keep your powder dry

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So, Tropical Storm Idalia is supposed to hit Florida tomorrow as a hurricane. What will DeSantis' response be?

A. Go to Iowa and campaign.

B. Blame it on woke and/or transgender children.

C. Fetch those hawt white boots from the closet and mope around the scene while his fembot wife grins.

D. Whine that the federal government isn't doing enough.

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He'll go $campaign$ and hope no one catches him.

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Oh, he's in Florida sucking up free TV time. He'll probably save the boots until there's been at least some rain, but then again he and his wife have some ODD fashion sense.

I read that he's skipping the Faith and Freedom BBQ in SC today but will send Casey.

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Faith *and* Freedom?

Nah, Faith *or* Freedom and, when cornered like a rabid weasel, Faith.

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Proving that she's paid by his campaign, also too. [-gag-]

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E. AOT, K.

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I shoulda scrolled down XD

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Today is the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. And here we are, paying attention to a racist southern governor.

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OT: Meself and person at work I like a lot have decided that any time something happens that we don't like (background: an ongoing joke I started is that baby jesus hates us all) is to call anything that happens that we don't like a Baby Jesus Event.

You're free to use that without paying royalties to us unless you find a way to get rich from it and in that case we want our cut.

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Back in college, I had a friend who told me about her high school days, and how she grew fond of sarcastically deploying her conservative family's favorite rhetorical tactic: "[X] makes the Baby Jesus cry." A little too fond; she feared that one day, being woken up for church, her half-asleep brain would out with "Church makes the Baby Jesus cry."

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Some years ago some pundit opined that conservatives love the Baby Jesus, and avoid discussions of adult Jesus, because Baby Jesus demands nothing and is essentially a blank slate onto which one can project ideas about moralism, whereas adult Jesus actually had something to say about morality and responsibility and that's a lot of work.

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Of course, the whole blank slate theory is a delusion as any exasperated parent can tell you.

You want to be a blank slate followed by a hollow imitation of your own limitations and prejudices? Beat your kid into submission. Even then, it might not work.

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That's a damn good take. Still, at times it seems like Baby Jesus demands plenty. Whenever we're exposed to the ramblings of some homophobic, transphobic religious bigot, it's the functional equivalent of changing his diaper. After Mary spent weeks feeding him nothing but Taco Bell.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Y'know what makes the Baby Jesus cry, is the Little Drummer Boy

Because what an exhausted teen mother and an hours-old newborn in a hay barn really need is some fucker with a djembe stopping by in the middle of the night

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Especially when both David Bowie and Bing Crosby come along to sing...

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That’s also why they love them fetuses.

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America's gun-totting Caucasian patriarchy resents any intrusion on their entitlement and power. These angry White boys are bound and determined to deny women and minorities a voice because the world just might listen to what they have to say.

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Hold your horses there sister... .what if my whole personality is a gun and if you take that from me I don't have one any more?

What then?

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Rosie Greer did some beautiful needlepoint.

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I don't generally like "crafts" but I do like needlepoint.

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You don't mess with needleworkers - they love stabbing things repeatedly....

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Caucasian patriarchy = Cockarchy.

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The petulant pricktocracy.

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They will be known as the PPP, The Party of Petulant Pricktocracy.

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“‘What he did is totally unacceptable in the state of Florida,’DeSantis said. ‘We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race.’

He went further to say “If there is going to be any targeting of people due to their race, not to mention their gender, orientation, medical status or publicly disagreeing with me (looking at you Mouse), I’ll be the one doing it!

Leave it to the pros!

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shit, I can remember the days following 9/11 when even the Boston drivers were being nice to one another on account of actual patriotism

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I remember busloads of assholes from Kentucky and Tennessee descending onto lower Manhattan to harass New Yorkers who happen to be Muslim.

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I remember a waste of human skin who murdered a Sikh in the Phoenix area (where I was at the time) b/c he thought he was Muslim. *sigh*

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I remember the controversy, years later, of the 'horror' at the idea of a Muslim cultural center somewhere in lower Manhattan

fucking assholes ruined it so fast

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My hubby's exceptionally religious relative out in CA were alarmed to hear that the shrinking Scranton RC diocese closed and sold St Stanislaus Church and it was going to be a mosque. We were pleased to be able to reassure them it was not switching to that Abrahamic religion, it was becoming a multitheistic Hindu Temple.

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It makes me sad that these Black community leaders need to put on their church clothes on account of some rando shithead racist.

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Are we SURE people weren't saying "Boorns" for Mr. Burns?

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"I was saying Booo-urns"

-H. Moleman

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Their definition of tyranny is a woman or minority with authority

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now you see the violence inherent in the system!

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Or you know, any of those folks asking to be treated with dignity and respect.

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There is a dehumanizing and toxic effect of our culture on everyone.

Our capitalism dogma is that if you are not a winner (rich, powerful, popular, with attractive arm candy) you are a loser without value. People of wealth are praised, coddled, lauded as the best, the smartest, the worthy) everyone else is a worthless cog. Dominate and be worthy and everything you want to be or be dominated and be a weak loser who doesn't deserve shit.

Too many boys and men get sucked into toxic ideologies that make them feel special. That tell them that they were born special and are special, but the reason they have problems in their lives, the reason they aren't a "winner" isn't the damn fucking system built by rich assholes to keep them and their progeny from ever having to work a day in their lives or do anything to make the lives of others better, but women or non-white people or gays, Jews, etc.

Toxic masculinity, toxic capitalism, racism, and misogyny overlap a lot.

We're losing too many people to them. And then they can buy a fucking, goddamned arsenal to take out their frustrations and hatreds on innocent people.

We fucking built this and this is exactly the sort of sick fucking "product" we should expect from the system.

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This. All of this.

It's always been this way, pretty much, but has been amped up to level eleventy since the advent of social media and the invention of the creature that shouldn't exist: the influencer.

End stage capitalism at its finest.

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