Wyoming Republicans Will Ban Electric Cars, Just Kidding, They Are Only Teasing! Pranked You!
How can you tell if a bill is real?
We feel like it says something about electric vehicles that some Republicans in the state of Wyoming want to ban them entirely by the year 2035. And what it says is that the technology is here to stay. If it wasn't, we reckon these dudes wouldn't be in a huddled mass on the ground, crying into their oilgasms.
The Hill reports that a group of six Wyoming state senators thinks electric vehicles will make it harder for Wyoming to trade with other states. You ought to click on this link and make fun of their whole resolution to ban electric vehicles with your family. It sings the praises of oil and gas. It whines that creating the infrastructure for electric vehicles in Wyoming would be TOO HARD. It talks about the challenge of finding safe ways to dispose of/recycle electric vehicle batteries.
It refers to "the misadventure of electric vehicles." Why, we hear Mr. Toad is having a wild ride on one right now, what will they think of next?
It uses the word "deleterious," which goes to show just one thing, and it is that Wyoming Republicans have at least one thesaurus to share between them.
It says they're gonna have to encourage people and companies to stop buying the damn electric vehicles before 2035.
It ends by saying they're gonna send a copy of this bill to the governor of California. That'll show 'im, it will!
(That tree-humping lib weenus is gonna ban GAS vehicles by 2035! And by "ban GAS vehicles" we mean the sale of new ones.)
One of the state senators pushing this bill has the last name "Boner." If you google "Wyoming boner," all the results are about this one guy Brian. That's him.
We don't know why, maybe because people are making fun of him, but Republican state Senator Jim Anderson, who introduced the bill, now says that when he introduced a bill to phase out electric vehicles by 2035, he didn't really mean phase out electric vehicles by 2035 . Whatever gave you that idea?
“I don’t have a problem with electric vehicles at all,” Anderson said in a phone interview Monday evening. Anyone who wants to buy an electric vehicle should have the freedom to, he said, adding that his friends and family members have them.
Maybe his friends and family told him to come pull the Ford F150 Lightning out of their cold dead hands.
But Anderson was just mad at California, that's what you have to understand. He was mad because their resolution is to phase out all sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035 and so he was like OH YEAH? Well Wyoming will ban ELECTRIC CAR by 2035!
BANNED! California Gonna Make You Get An EV So You Can Write Surfin' Songs About It
And somehow nobody understood that he didn't mean it literally, when he wrote this literal actual bill.
“I have a problem with somebody saying, ‘Don’t buy any more petroleum vehicles,’” Anderson said, adding that he introduced the bill “just to get the message out that we’re not happy with the states that are outlawing our vehicles.”
Got that, California? Jim in Wyoming has a comment card for the manager, and it is this bill he wrote! But don't worry, he didn't mean his bill literally. Jim is just bein' a goofster.
Whereas California’s law would “force” people to buy electric cars, Anderson said, his bill was “just a resolution saying, ‘We don’t like your bill that you did.’”
Very good governing, sir. We bet California got the message and will stop now. Especially considering how everybody is taking this very seriously and not even making fun of it a little bit.
You betcha.
[ Washington Post ]
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He was only a two-banger anyway. Just ask his...oh, never mind, not going there.
I seem to recall there are motor fleets that use natural gas. They can and indeed do power vehicles.