Sent you money. Monthly will send you money. Any hope you can delete this? I worry for your children. ❤️

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Alright already, shut up.

I subscribed.

But I want more pictures of dogs.

Like my adorable rescue dog Roscoe

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I am a subscriber!

I just spent three months in Detroit, living in Boston-Edison with my daughter. I am back in El Paso, where the sun shines, hence, feeling much better. The photo you posted makes me wonder where in Detroit you landed. Also, I feel very gratified that I am one of the chosen, a subscriber, which is a guaranteed ticket to wonk heaven if the Calvinists are correct. And Michigan is the appropriate place for Calvinists, although I thought the magic number of subscribers was 144,000.

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Apr 15Liked by Andrew Fleming

I've been off and away for a good many months (I got burned out, is really the only excuse/explanation I can offer), but even if I've been away my money has still been coming here every month. As it should be, and by damn, as it will be for as long as I'm able.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Andrew Fleming

Not gonna lie I am very glad I managed to start sending money to this mommy blog before the cheaper side of me takes over like with most causes. Also trying to de-stress and kicking off other media sources and reduce my "news" time to this here recipe non comments and behind the bastards.

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Ok, ok. So now I'm a SUBSCRIBER. You & PBS get a tune-up from me every month. And Netflix, of course. I'm really doing this for the The Kids, y'know, the children - yours, mine & ours. Hansel & Gretel there in the photo. Everybody's children really. Lookit: around here, cigarettes cost $10/pack and I don't smoke so I can afford it, but if you put a Blue Check or a red Wonk-Cat mark or anything on my Comments, I'm going to want my money back. I'm paying for output, not input.

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Apr 15Liked by Andrew Fleming

Wonkette tells me all the NEWSES, including what got broken in places I wouldn't know about if not for Wonkette because I never clicked with or on that dead bluebird place. Wonkette is worth much more to me than the Failing New York Times, which subscription I should have cancelled weeks I mean months I mean years ago.

Wonkette and coffee are how I start every damn day. You better damn pay up folks--for me!

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Apr 15Liked by Andrew Fleming

For cats, please. And no ugly fascists

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Apr 15Liked by Andrew Fleming

I love my wonkettes. And I can’t do monthly anything, but I did throw some money in a week or so ago. I hope it counts cuz I love kitties, and you guys❤️

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Hey I would like to give you EVEN MORE money than my usual monthly, but I don't wanna touch Paypal with a 10-foot effing pole, dig? Didn't you used to also have Stripe or some other non-evil way to send you money (yes yes, besides snail mail)? Thanks!

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I just sent you $20! What did you do with it??

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Apr 15Liked by Andrew Fleming

Drugs. Not the hard core kind like Mary Juana, but the respectable kind like Xanax.

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Washed down with a mid priced Chardonnay

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Watching the news this morning and suddenly realized the audience behind Loser at his rallies is the same audience at WWE events.

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Several months ago the paid POC began disappearing from the background audience.

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Checks bounced

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And if you're still here, Fukui--thank you for not driving on the wet track--some of us worry and are fond of you!

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Even I worry.

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My youngest drives my escape like it is a racing machine

IT IS NOT A RACING MACHINE. It is a 13 year old ford escape. I mean, it could not be less a racing machine.

I worry any time they have to drive it

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Good morning. Senator Butthair Sculpture will be Trump Veep: Ukraine must surrender to Mother Russia


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I confidently predicted JD was VP candidate a couple months ago, but now I'm not so sure.

There is talk that after the RFKJr pick Trump is obsessed with picking someone who can bring money to the campaign.

Vance might qualify, he was tight with Peter Thiel who financed his rise.

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"America First" and appeasement given to the annexation of foreign lands by an aggressive and murderous dictator? I feel like perhaps we've tried that before, and it did not work out particularly well.

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Surrender Dorothy!

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After the beautiful Gettysburg battle, Trump plans to visit the charming Bataan hiking trail and the quaint Bloody Lane of Antietam.

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Fitting that the loser visits the one battle field where his loser fans' heroes got their asses handed to them decisively. And should have ended all the talk about Lee being a military genius right there and then because boy did he blunder and bloomer that one all up.

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Ugh. Monday morning news. "Can't fund colleges!" "Can't rebuild school!" "Library hours cut short!" Can we go back to TAXING THE RICH LIKE WE USED TO?

Anyway ... Happy Dipshit Donnie in Court Day!

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Tax the rich, feed the poor

'Til there are no rich no more

I'd love to change the world

And I know just what to do

With some plans both old and new

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