I lived in St. Louis for 20 years, and you are right. I also lived in Chicago, and it was the same there. The only place I didn't encounter it openly was Miami, but I'm sure it exists there as well among certain groups.

I had two very dear friends in college who were Jewish and from Chicago, and I visited both of them in their parent's homes several times. All of their grandparents were Holocaust survivors. We had some long and interesting conversations, which is when I heard some of the older family members say that "every Gentile is secretly anti-Semitic." I disagreed at the time, but I was young and idealistic, and as I got older, I have found that this is mostly true, but there is a wide spectrum of anti-Semitism.

Sometimes the anti-Semitism is very superficial because they have never actually met a Jewish person, and they are just repeating things they heard other people saying, but they never really think about it, nor do they act upon it because they never meet any Jewish people. It is in some ways similar to people who say "Germans are obsessed with rules and structure" or "Italians are so emotional" or "The French are so arrogant and rude." These are common stereotypes, which are sometimes true and sometimes not true, and people who have not traveled or met any Germans, Italians, French or Jewish people often believe in these stereotypes, especially if they see them portrayed on TV.

Does that make them anti-Semitic? I don't know. I don't have the right to make that decision, as I am not Jewish.

I did work in a government office 37 years ago in a town I will not name that is predominantly German Catholic, and where a large number of the support staff were uneducated, redneck trailer trash, and they decided that I was Jewish because of my hair and my profile and the fact that I had a few female friends who happened to be Jewish. Then a male friend from The Gambia who was a Ph.D. student at a nearby university took me to lunch, and that was even worse. I was secretly referred to after that as a "Jew N----r lover." This was in 1980, not so long ago. I got out of that job and that town ASAP. I suspect nothing has changed there.

My mother was an Italian Catholic, and she lived in tiny little Lynn, MO in 1950. The rest of the town was almost exclusively German Catholic. The small business people refused to wait on her because they despised Italian Catholics. People would not even speak to her. The local Catholic Church refused to enroll my sister in pre-school, saying the class was full, which was a lie. After 9 months of this treatment she told my father "get a transfer to somewhere else or I'm leaving you," so he did, and they moved to a larger, more liberal city. This was not anti-Semitism, it was something else that today we call "ethnic profiling."

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omg that's so wrong.

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That would probably be because Glenn went native with that nest of fringey anarchists and white supremacists surrounding Ron Paul a decade ago.

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Do I have start spelling it (((Wonkette))) now?

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Well, when an orc warrior woman and a blacksmith get drunk together-[helicopter hovering overhead]-and nine months and a broken pelvis later, there's your half-orc.

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Wait, did you get the AR15 from Wonkette? Because I only joined Wonkette to get my free gun, and I haven't got a damn thing yet! Unfair!

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I must defer to Shy on that one.

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Yes, but I'm going to call you "Crooked Eka" the whol;e time...

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Well duh, leftwing antipathy toward Jews is pretty clear, historically speaking. So is rightwing antipathy, for that matter. This particular instance seems individual rather than institutional - but I'm willing to blame Intercept, because I don't like them, so there.

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i'm cool with that. i'll flounder to find a sticky nickname for you because i'd rather talk about the pros and cons of the paper sizes than spend time on name-calling.

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The horseshoe theory in political science asserts that the far left and the far right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, in fact closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Huffpoo comments sections circa 2009 to 2011 (when I stopped looking at it): "Wall Street president banksters banksters Wall Street president banksters Wall Street president banksters Wall Street president banksters banksters banksters Wall Street president banksters Wall Street president banksters banksters" et cetera.

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You're the puppet! I never met with any paper company executives. They think I'm awesome, though.

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It might almost appear that Donnie somehow knew about this in advance. That would be so interesting.

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Yes, that would have been a pretty dramatic state of mind changeup 😀

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You know who else liked prune juice?


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