Yeah, I saw her. Several other Cali D's too. Blah (in the original sense).

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Great. I can hardly wait for the return of "bitchin". (Except for bitchincamaro, of course).

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I did not know that. Sometimes I do "Sweet Caroline" at geezer karaoke, because it's right in my range and the other geezers seem to like it. Now I'll have to see if I can keep a straight face.

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Just what I needed - yet another reason to vote against Rangel. I'm running out of room to store them all.

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<i>"had 270 TONS on site, but never quite got around to letting DHS know ..."</i>

Oh dear ... that'll be another<a href="http:\/\/missoulian.com\/elections_2012\/osha-last-inspected-texas-fertilizer-plant-in\/article_b19ac5bb-fac8-5733-a612-456aa646de31.html" target="_blank"> $30 fine</a> from those jerb-killing Federal regulators. It probably will put them right out of business.

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On the bright side, Perry will only remember two of the three.

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Wiped it off the map, actually.

But still, bonuses!

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Fuck that. I wear my Wonkette hat proudly. With the bill in the front. I only wish it featured the cat lady with the whip -- THAT would make it a conversation starter.

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Wingtard-induced nausea is why liberals are thinner.

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And that's worse than mere citizen killers.

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<i>When Worlds Collide</i> (Make it 80 years.)

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Zoning department? HAHAHA - that's a good one, Boner!

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Caroline was 11; I wonder how old the girl was who inspired this tune. Sheesh!

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Then what's <a href="http:\/\/osha-compliance-manual.blog...\/2011\/12\/storage-of-ammonium-nitrate-storage.html" target="_blank"> this </a> all about?

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<i>Canadia futui est!</i>

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First they came for the chemical plants storing vast quantities of highly volatile chemicals and I said nothing, for I am not a chemical plant storing vast quantities of highly volatile chemicals....

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