Did I miss the "bulshitting/pandering" parts? I thought I was paying very close attention.

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...or a Pterodactyl.

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"To encourage the others....."

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I don't understand why Congress doesn't just do it. Enough red states are green now, that it would truly be bipartisan, but it looks bad to religious types, fake tough on crime folks, and folks who love the idea of locking folks up (and maybe making money on it). I do wonder if we aren't in some kind of international agreements that make it problematic, but we could again be trailblazers. And yeah I would say wedded to a legalization bill is a vacating of all pot arrests and imprisonments.

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Back in the day they called it 'Celebration Ale' but changed the name but not the flavor. It's not typical of today's IPA's

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Do they know?

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I think you hit the nail on the head! What to do with all those prison slaves who were incarcerated on minor pot offenses. Bad look for either party on a mass prison exodus... even if it is 1000% the right thing to do. People like me never went to prison for pot in the 1st place, so no brownie points for letting anyone out of prison... this world sucks.

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And it's not filled with old white dudes like me.

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Alvin Plantinga had a good one. Free will causes evil, because no omnipotent, omniscient Benevolence will take away free will.

I'm brooding over this one.

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I expect I'm about to be sent to the reeducation camp presently.

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So, have any of us seen anyone, in government or media, discussing the rise of "Just In Time" inventory management and how that has made our supply chains fragile and brittle?Actually, yes. I think Maddow talked about it recently.

But I've been manufacturing- / operations-adjacent for many years, so I'm more aware of supply-chain issues than the average bear. For example, hard drive manufacturing is done piecemeal all over South East Asia. For whatever reason, multiple different HDD companies -- this was back before they all consolidated to just WDC and Seagate -- had their final assembly and testing factories in Singapore. And so, when there was a (tsunami? or maybe "just" massive rainfall and mudslides?) in Singapore in the late 2000s, basically all of our HDD vendors stopped dead for the better part of a year. Availability went through the floor, and prices and lead-times went through the roof. It was not a pleasant time for our Operations department.

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Those rural co-ops are the best. Fucking Sampson county is putting in electric car charging stations.

The co-ops are such a better model. Duke energy sucks donkey balls.

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Need babby pics, dammit!!!!

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