Japanese has an extremely limited sound system, so there are a lot of words that sound alike. They can only be differentiated by context or in writing using Chinese-based characters ("kanji"). Here's a link to a page that translates the various maru words: https://jisho.org/search/maru.

I imagine the operative one here is "female given name", first listing under Names in the right-hand column.

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It's been over 40 years since I took Japanese.

Kobiashi Maru!

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I relied heavily on jisho.org when I spent 3 weeks in Japan autumn of 2017. I didn't try hard enough to learn basic kanji before going. I still remembered two of the four I learned as a child on vacation in 1978, but that turned out to be irrelevant - restrooms are labeled using international symbols now, instead of "man" and "woman". The other two (entrance and exit) came back to me quickly enough. Google translate was not very helpful back then - it has improved enormously in the last 2 years.If I go again, I won't waste my time trying to memorize words. Instead, I would focus on learning to recognize the radicals that make up the kanji, and how to enter them on my phone.

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That's because she is the Empress of Us.

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Who's a bootiful kitty? Hamper cat is! *wanders off burbling idiotically*

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The "little people" can do whatever the fuck they want so long as they do it civilly, or David Brooks will have a shit fit.

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Is that what the kids are calling paying for Trump's private party?

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Happy birthday to you, then.

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The other half will be blocked by Secret Service for security.

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malice in a human-suit.

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why ever not?

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except for the pointy bits

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Totally OT but I have to say it: Yesterday I bought an (overpriced) Dyson fan and am now using it for the first time. DAMN but it's good. Really, really good.

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Time to lodge a protest. No way this isn't weekly Top 10 material. This is a Best of 2019 contender. (And, no, I am not in any way related to the author.) https://www.wonkette.com/ka...

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I wonder if he even knows how to drive. His entire life has been spent in the back of limousines while others deal with the tedious responsibility of getting him where he wants to go in one piece.

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A fly in the house is one common use for a shotgun.

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