Call Me Daddy. Tabs, Mon., Oct. 7, 2024
Really? I mean I guess. Morning news roundup!
I hate October 7. This is a very, very affecting story on survivors in the Israeli kibbutz Be’eri, including small girls who are back after being held hostage. It gives I think a paragraph to the Palestinians who have been killed, made homeless, and are in a state of famine. It gives zero paragraphs to Bibi Netanyahu refusing to come to ceasefire (Hamas also keeps refusing to come to ceasefire; they both keep refusing to come to ceasefire), and zero paragraphs to how he could give a single shit about negotiating for the hostages, which used to be such a bedrock Israeli principle they once traded like a thousand prisoners for one guy, even though it spends a really long time talking about the hostages! (New Yorker) Just about a year ago, I wrote a fucking furious post about those among you, yes even here, who think war crimes are delightful if they happen to Jews or “Zionists.” And in the year since, Israeli leadership has gone so far beyond any kind of proportionate response, and done so much to actively hurt and kill civilians, I don’t even know what to say anymore. YARGH.
Why JD Vance is pretending to moderate on abortion, and the plurality to majority of Republicans who support abortion rights. From there, Amanda Marcotte gets to the majority white, male Teamsters who are majority-supporting Donald Trump, or the “fuck around” portion of the evening. (Salon)
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris talked about abortion on “Call Me Daddy,” which is apparently a “podcast,” which is why “I do not know what that is.” (Spotify) Next up, per the campaign, “The interview comes as Harris is set to appear on CBS News’ 60 Minutes, The View, The Howard Stern Show, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and a town hall hosted by Univision later this week[.]” NYT or it doesn’t count, wank wank wank dot gif.
Wah wah wah, we don’t like The Split, wah wah we hate reading your weird serial novel about abortion and the US-A splitting into its separable parts. Fine. I am just saying I love the weird idiots in Zone Z, and I started to tear up when I saw their stupid idiot people signs. (The Split)
These Republican officeholders in Helene’s destructive path, just like the Republican officeholders in Springfield, Ohio, and Charleroi, PA, sure wish you would stop listening to former President Donald Trump while he’s spewing his hurricane lies. He’s making their lives even fucking harder. (AP)
On the other hand, the queer feminist anarchist bookstore people are making people’s lives better, and those people are making other people’s lives better, and so on and so on. Be the queer feminist anarchist bookstore person you want to see in the world. (Please do click through the Instagram … thing … below for the caption.)
This is some shocking lies. The balls! Not on Heather Cox Richardson, on Trump! (And Marco Rubio? LOL.) First they tell some crazy lies about the hurricane response, and then Trump just up and makes up some fake endorsements and keeps them up there even after Jamie Dimon is like “PARDON, NO.” And he’s not even Taylor Swift! (Heather Cox Richardson) More on what the Biden administration is actually doing in North Carolina and throughout the South. (Heather Cox Richardson)
Mapping Police Violence says police do about seven percent of the homicides. In Allen County, Indiana, that’s 15 percent. That seems terrible! (Journal Gazette)
Deeper dive on the sentencing of Colorado fruitcake Tina Peters to SO MANY YEARS IN PRISON o.O (Jay Kuo)
Trump idiots some real easily conned idiots. (Jeff Tiedrich) And some more, these ones specifically getting scammed out of tens of thousands of dollars on the “target rich environment” of easily conned idiots on Trump’s Truth Social. (Gizmodo)
People poor-mouthing Joe Biden’s economy are making Noah Smith as crazy as they’re making me. (NoahPinion)
Let’s get Wonkpal Dr. Sarah Taber, running for North Carolina ag commissioner — it’s important! — on TV!
The American Enterprise Institute is saying a lib group that holds trainings for lawyers and judges about climate change is “corruptly influencing the courts and destroying the rule of law to promote questionable climate science,” so ain’t that some shit. (The Guardian)
I do not think the guys (and Dee) from “It’s Always Sunny” should go to “Abbott Elementary.” They are inappropriate and should not be around children. (People)
Jennifer Garner seems charming, and she’s got a real pretty house. I recommend the her-led video tour up top at the link! (Architectural Digest) (WHOOPS, FIXED. I better put it in tomorrow’s too.)
Well shit, now that Martini’s made me a kitchen-nook gif, I have to spill the beans that we are redoing our kitchen (Shy, Jimmy, and Dominic’s going to help!) and it is probably going to look a lot like this but way the fuck more cluttered. (Making It Lovely) We’re just taking out all the cupboards and switching shit around “unfitted kitchen” style and also I bought some fine ass bistro shelves even though Shy could have made them for me … maybe. Here’s the before.

Be ready for more kitchen links, is my point.
What’s coming right up? It’s the Wonkette Halloween party for YOU on Sat., Oct. 26, 7 p.m., at our home! Email rebecca at wonkette dot com, email header I AM NOT COMING TO KILL YOU, for our address! Free of course, but donations will be accepted for the Michigan Democrats!
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Wonkitty invites you into her breakfast nook. But try not to wake her, eh? (I totally did NOT coordinate this post with 'Becca's kitchen remodel news, but it often happens that I *anticipate* the need for such topics, because I'm psychic, clearly, even though I do not believe in psychics)
And your meme chat for today:
Don't know what's going on with Rita (the cat) at the moment, but she smells like a sewer. And then she insisted on sitting on me, so I had to change my entire wardrobe after she left her unique "perfume." Now she's trying to sit on my lap again and I'm running away.