Wonket BFF Bradlee Dean was on the radio again, you guys, where he said things, with his facehole! And he had on another guy, Jake McMillan, who said things with his facehole too! (Jake is the one bringing the "facts"; Bradleeeeee is the one blindly agreeing.) So if you are not ready to have some TRUTH beaten into you with the ROD OF CORRECTION, then we suggest you GET READY! Because the truth, it is a-comin'! (But not in a gay way.)
Here it is, homos: You commit half of the murders in all big cities. Wait, what? How can that be? We thought 173,492 percent of the murders were committed by Trayvon Martin! Somebody really needs a lesson in maths.
[ RightWingWatch ]
Wow ! I love cheesy sword and sorcery movies ! So when IS Conan the Douchebag coming out? Take that any way you want.
I know it's kind of lame but it feels right. COCK SUCKING libel !