First Came 'Furries' In Schools. Now There Are 'Fuzzies,' Says Grown Adult GOP US Senate Candidate
The Republican Party isn't sending its best.
We regret to inform you that the very real problem of children going to school, dropping their backpacks and immediately transitioning into cats, whereupon they start eating Fancy Feast and using the litterbox issued to them by the US American socialist woke government, has reached a new scary phase. Before this weekend, these kids — millions of them, perhaps billions, in each and every school — were merely identifying as "furries," because that's what "furries" are, it is kids who identify as cats and use litterboxes.
Now it's worse. Now there are children identifying as "fuzzies," which is also a real thing, and they are "hissing and licking themselves." This was explained by Don Bolduc, the actual white man who wants to be the new Republican senator from New Hampshire, at an event in North Hampton last week, in audio obtained by KFile:
CNN KFILE · Don Bolduc Campaign Event On 10/27
“Guess what?
We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms,” Bolduc told the crowd .
Furries and fuzzies. In the classrooms.
“They lick themselves, they’re cats.
They literally are cats.
When they don’t like something, they hiss –
Hissing cats.
people walk down the hallway and jump out,” he said, as a hissing sound could be heard.
People, in the hallways. Fuzzies. Hissing.
“And get this, get this,” he continued.
Is there a real old one who sings "Memory"?
“They’re putting litter boxes, right? Litter boxes for that. …
Litter boxes!
These are the same people that are concerned about spreading germs.
My claws my choice!
Yet they let children lick themselves and then touch everything.
Filthy animals.
And they’re starting to lick each other.”
Oh great, they're sluts now too.
“I wish I was making it up,” concluded Bolduc. “I honestly wish it was a ‘Saturday Night Live’ skit.”
Hoo boy.
KFile says Bolduc said similar things on the radio that day. We reckon that's this video JoeMyGod shared. In this version of the story, parents are telling Don Bolduc this story, about their own children, who are cats.
“Don Bolduc gets in on the kitty litter in schools hoax: “Identifying as a cat, hissing at other students, meowing during tests, licking themselves like cats do to clean themselves.” #nhsen #nhpolitics”
— danny (@danny) 1666878234
He said:
Identifying as a cat, hissing at other students, meowing during tests, licking themselves like cats do to clean themselves, very, very disruptive behavior, very unnecessary behavior and behavior that doesn't belong in the classroom, and nobody can do anything about it. The teachers can't do anything bout it, everybody's hands tied, and they have to facilitate this type of behavior, which detracts from the discipline required in a classroom.
Meowing during tests!
This is a grown fucking man saying these things, a man who is allowed to walk around among us and not considered a danger to himself or others.
It's also a grown man who just scored the endorsement of Donald Trump.
Please vote, New Hampshire. It's too close.
[ CNN KFile ]
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It's like he's auditioning for the part of "Will N. Stooge."
His future bosses, the plutocrats like the Koch's, the Murdochs, Ken Griffon, Miriam Addelson, the Mellons, etc & the various dark money (cough russian) slush funds, will all we very pleased with his performance.
How ridiculous that this guy is even on the ballot, much less that he might win.