It's Not That Donald Trump Jr. Did Crotchbangs In A Gay Club Bathroom, It's The Hypocrisy
You know, allegedly.
It's July 5 in the afternoon so it's time for your article about Donald Trump Jr. participating in sexuals in a gay club WITH A WOMAN, WE'LL HAVE YOU KNOW.
And now you have left the entire internet, never to return, which means this post is now over.
Remember Aubrey O'Day? She was the "Celebrity Apprentice" contestant who was part of a pop singing group called Danity Kane, and back before Junior's marriage imploded into a pile of failure and regret, it was reported that he had had an affair with her several years prior.
She was on Michael Cohen's "Mea Culpa" podcast this week, and her point didn't seem simply to expose the fact that they had sex at a gay club, but rather to point out Junior's complete fake hypocrisy in demonizing the LGBTQ+ community these days, when back in the olden days, such things didn't bother him one bit. She said he was "super comfortable."
Newsweek picks it up:
O'Day claimed Trump Jr. was "totally chill and nice with everybody" with the pair later having "sex in a gay club bathroom," during an appearance on ex-Trump fixer Michael Cohen 's Mea Culpa podcast, which was released on Monday. [...]
On the podcast, O'Day said she'd visited a gay club one night with Trump Jr., during which "everyone was in a G-string or less."
Referring to the future president's son, she said: "My assistant said he was very comfortable and she remembered him being totally chill and nice with everybody which, I mean, I looked at his Instagram for the first time in years the other night and saw all kinds of jokes you know, kind of belittling the gay community, transgender women, etc...
"I thought to myself, man you were super comfortable in that gay club. In fact, so comfortable that we ended up going to the bathroom and, for the first time, had sex in a gay club bathroom."
She says they called each other their "soulmates," and that he said it first. Boy oh golly, he sure does seem to have changed!
As Newsweek notes, Junior has been especially bigoted toward Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, suggesting Buttigieg only got his job because he's gay. Any kind of editorial comment from Donald Trump Jr. about somebody else not deserving what they have is obviously hilarious, considering this is a guy who was reportedly known in college as "Diaper Don," because of how he spent his time there pissing on himself drunk.
Junior has also been an enthusiastic participant in libeling LGBTQ+ people as groomers. He spreads hate conspiracy theories about trans people. The whole bit.
Maybe he's changed. Or maybe he just doesn't have any moral compass and he so craves the approval of his fascist pig stain of a father that he'll say or do anything in a desperate attempt to gain his favor, and abusing LGBTQ+ people is the entrance fee for Republicans these days, so ...
In news we are sure is unrelated, the Sydney Morning Herald reports that Junior has just canceled his upcoming tour of Australia. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with bathroom sex in gay clubs, but rather the paper says there were "doubts" he could get a visa (but apparently he did get one?), and that there are rumors ticket sales are "tanking" for his anti-cancel culture tour, which is being sponsored by the Australian wang of Charlie Kirk's outfit.
We're quite certain it could be any combination of those things, or just that Junior sucks and everybody hates him, including his dad. (On the podcast, O'Day said Junior knew he was "replaceable" and that people thought he was an "idiot.")
Or maybe it was cancel culture.
Nah, let's stick with the assumption nobody wanted to come see him.
In summary and in conclusion, here is a clip of Junior talking like a normal person:
— (@)
Why Are You Peeing On Yourself, Donald Trump Jr.? (ALLEGEDLY!)
The 346,787 Funniest Times Donald Trump Jr. Was A Loser Whose Dad Doesn't Love Him
[ Newsweek ]
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Another futile bid for attention in his marathon of Daddy issues.