Good Morning, Marjorie Taylor Greene And Kari Lake Hate Each Other Now
Stupidest veepstakes ever.

Two of the worst, most extraneous humans on planet earth have turned on each other, so that’s too bad. Rolling Stone reports that Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kari Lake are in the world’s stupidest death-match to be Donald Trump’s running mate.
Kind of ridiculous, since he’s not actually going to be president of anything ever again, except maybe some white prison gang, but he’d have to steal that election too probably. Lake is as used to losing as Trump is, so she’s a good fit. Greene actually wins her races, so if pointing that out helps drive a wedge further, Wonkette is happy to help.
RS says the two present a united front — “calm unity” — in public, but behind the scenes:
But behind the scenes, the two view one another with intense distrust and disdain, each seeing the other as direct competition for Trump’s political affections, according to four people with knowledge of the matter.
Apparently they’re in front of the veepstakes pack when it comes to total batshit election-denying freakshow headcases, AKA the types Trump loves the most. But will Trump pick a person like that, or will he listen to his advisers who are telling him what garbage choices either of these people would be?
Greene is reportedly behind the scenes saying Kari Lake sucks and that she isn’t “serious” enough to be the veep. Harsh words from a senior statesman like [checks notes] Marjorie Taylor Greene.
This is amazing:
“MTG thinks she’s a scammer and not even a conservative,” says one of the sources who’s spoken to Greene about this. The source adds that Greene has privately said that “Lake is a grifter and [is] trying to keep riding Trump’s coattails because she lost [in Arizona], so she’s cozying up on the election-integrity messaging.”
Grifter! These people are calling each other grifters. Game recognizes game, we guess.
Another source said, “Kari did come up, and the term ‘grifter’ was used to describe her more than just once … [MTG] thinks it’s complete nonsense that anyone would think it’s a good idea for Donald Trump to consider [Kari] for VP.”
We are also amused by the charge that Lake might not even be a real conservative. Remember all those stories about how she used to fun it up with drag queens? It would be super shocking to learn Kari Lake is nothing more than an elaborate con artist.
Meanwhile, RS says that when Lake sees bad stories about herself in the newspaper, she is suspicious of MTG leaking about her. Blah blah blah. Idiot drama, between idiots.
Of course, because he’s monumentally stupid, and because at the end of the day he is just a carnival grifter reality show clown, Donald Trump talks about how great each of these people would be. Sources say he’s “repeatedly discussed” them. However, unfortunately:
Several of these people independently claimed that even Trump is not “stupid enough” to tap either as his running mate.
When even Donald Trump isn’t stupid enough to choose you as his running mate, that’s sayin’ something. But is he really not stupid enough? We are skeptical.
[A]s Rolling Stone reported back in October, Trump has suggested to close associates that Greene would be “great” in some position of seniority in his potential second administration, whether in the cabinet, at an agency, or in the West Wing at his side. The ex-president even floated the idea of installing her at the Justice Department; this confused some in Trump’s orbit because, as a source bluntly put it: “I don’t think she’s a lawyer.”
We’re eight years out from Trump waddling down the escalator in Trump Tower and he still doesn’t know you’re supposed to appoint lawyers to work at the Justice Department.
Anyway, we guess we’ll just have to watch to see which poor choices all these players ultimately make. Both Greene and Lake might as well be wearing T-shirts that say “Pick me!” when it comes to the veepstakes. We were already well-aware Greene wanted to be VP, but there’s a possibility she might want to lose a race to be a senator from Georgia. Of course, RS mentions that Lake might also want to lose a race for Kyrsten Sinema’s seat in Arizona.
Lots of ways these people’s ambitions could continue to go comically awry.
Nothing else really to say here, besides may the best woman lose whatever goals and dreams she sets for herself, and may the other woman also lose all her goals and dreams too.
The end.
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>> when Lake sees bad stories about herself in the newspaper, she is suspicious of MTG leaking about her. <<
Lord, I know the feeling. I would never get negative press except for how Dok is so jealous of my superior pun-craft. Every time I see my name in the newspaper for "filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit with no chance of winning" or "betrayed all my old drag friends from my popular TV days" or "did a bunch of criming crimes with criminals" you can be sure that's melonfucking DOK again, that twinkletaint.
Democracy Docket:
BREAKING: Federal judges strike down Alabama's new congressional map, ruling that lawmakers defied a prior court order and the U.S. Supreme Court's requirement to draw a map with two majority-Black districts. The court will take over map drawing