Gutfeld Says Women Should Figure Out Abortion, Take It Off Trump's Plate. Uh, Greg? THEY ARE.
It's called November 5, motherfuckers.
There are so many stupid lies and conservative white dude confusions in this clip from Greg Gutfeld on Fox News yesterday. For one thing, he seems to be sucking at the teat of Donald Trump’s fantasy that evvvvverybody wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, that evvvvvverybody thought it should “go back to the states.”
And he seems to think that it’s more fair for women across the board if “the states” can decide, instead of the Big Bad Federal Government, as if the United States isn’t a collection of some civilized states and some other states that are controlled by white fascist Christian pigfucks. It’s not “leaving it to the states” when one of the pigfuck slave states decides that its uterus-having people aren’t entitled to the same rights as the uterus-having people next door.
But that said, Gutfeld said some really smart things here that he did not remotely intend to say, because he is a dumbass, a loser, and an idiot. He was responding, of course, to all Donald Trump’s latest ridiculous flailing — don’t call it flip-flopping, unless you’re conjuring the image of a fish on the beach that nobody’s coming to rescue — on abortion.
JUDGE BOXWINE: Interesting question, Greg. Take us back to when we had fewer rights or maybe you look at the reality of what’s going on today under the Harris-Biden administration.
GUTFELD: Well, you know what? If she made a statement like that, a decent reporter would go, what do you mean by that? Can you give me an example of a right that you don't — you won't have? Can you give me a right that a woman has that a man doesn't have?
And then a decent human being would thump that reporter on the nose like hey you fuckface, what’s wrong with you, any fucking fuckface knows one great big huge right we’re talking about here.
GUTFELD: Are you referring to Roe v. Wade when he took it away from the government and gave it to the states, got it closer to women, so they can make up their minds?
Addressed that above, moving on.
GUTFELD: He said "I want nothing to do with this, you guys figure it out." That's what most men feel, honestly about abortion, let the women figure it out.
Love it when Greg Gutfeld — that preening little priss up there — tries to speak for “most men.”
GUTFELD: So, if you are a woman, a feminist, pro-choicer, talk to other women and persuade them. It's not Trump's business.
Uh huh, yup, that’s what we’re all doing right now. All decent women, men, everybody, persuading people to get their asses to the polls on November 5, or whenever early voting starts in their states, to make sure it’s never ever Donald Trump’s — or Greg Gutfeld’s — business ever fucking again.
Good talk, Greg Gutfeld, you loser fucking creeper.
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That's some bullshite artistry right there because when several (many red) states decided "Fuck no, hands off our uteriises, Big Guv!' That was when Gutpunch and Palz began fiercely advocating for a federal ban on abortoplexes, so ya'll can shut the fuck up about "I Knows! Let's Let The Wimmins Decide!" Like that's YOUR fucking decision to ALLOW wymyn to decide what to do about THEIR OWN FUCKING BODIES???!!!
I just decided to let skanky past their due date unhumorous wankershcmucks decide how they would like to have their prostate removed for official govt inspection, either with my steel toed boot or this prybar. Isn't it NICE to have choices, Greg?
At some point, that amount of hubris really needs to be answered with a lightening bolt or at least the invisible free hand of fate.