Happy Anniversary, Jared And Ivanka! Jamie Raskin And Ron Wyden Got You A Present!
Mazel tov, it's a request for a DOJ special counsel!
Happy 15th wedding anniversary, Jared and Ivanka! The traditional gift is crystal, but Rep. Jamie Raskin and Sen. Ron Wyden got you something else. It’s a request for the DOJ to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Kush’s business dealings with Saudi Arabia! About damn time!
Remember how on January 6, while Ivanka was begging her daddy to call off his riotous mob, Kushner was having a sleepover in Saudi Arabia? And then the minute Trump was out of office, Kushner got $2 billion Saudibux from Mohammad bin Bonesaw’s foreign investment fund, and got another billion from a few other foreign investors, including from the United Arab Emirates and Qatari government funds?
Never mind that Vanky’s waxen husband had zero experience managing an international private equity investment fund, or actually any investment fund at all. And to this day, the fund hasn’t even invested half of that money, or returned any dividends to clients, even though clients have been paying management fees that have added up to about $157.5 million so far. And even though there’s not much investing going on, clients aren’t allowed to take their money out until 2026, which would fall right in the middle of a second Trump presidency (SHUDDER).
The stuff he has invested in, well, there’s Israeli rental cars, a website in Dubai called the Dubizzle Group, attempting to build resorts on war-torn death sites … hey, why wouldn’t a red-blooded patriot such as the Kush want to do dubusiness in AMERICA? His clients would be making more than zero if he’d just tossed that cash into some Marriott, Hyatt, or even Motel 6 (Host Hotels) stock. WIERD!
Raskin and Wyden think it’s pretty weird too.
While on the Saudi government’s payroll, Mr. Kushner is simultaneously serving as a political consultant to former President Trump and acting as a shadow diplomat and political advisor to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and other foreign principals. Despite being engaged in plainly political activities, Mr. Kushner has not made FARA disclosures to DOJ related to the millions of dollars he receives annually by entities owned and controlled by the governments of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. The scale of these undisclosed foreign payments to Mr. Kushner coupled with the national security implications of his apparent ongoing efforts to sell political influence to the highest foreign bidder are unprecedented and demand action from DOJ.
They note that at the same time Kush has been fundraising for Trump, he’s been talking to members of Congress on domestic and foreign policy, and also peddling his geopolitical expertise to foreign governments. He even bragged to the Wall Street Journal that he’s “able to do things on the geopolitical side, on the connections side, on the problem-solving side.” But making introductions and solving geopolitical problems, like, say, how to make Mohammad bin Salman’s enemies disappear, is not what investment funds are supposed to be about. They’re supposed to be about, like, investing, and making clients money! Two things that Kush’s Affinity Partners is doing little to none of.
Kushy and Vanky even held a private lunch in New York last December at Coco’s restaurant, which is inside a private club that costs $125,000 to join, plus $36k a year. And what a guest list! There was Qatar's prime minister, a speechwriter for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the CEO of Newscorp, Patriots owner Robert Kraft, and an assortment of businessmen and billionaires. And also their brother-in-law Josh, Karlie Kloss’s husband. Wonder what they all talked about? Are these maybe the shadowy elites that conspiracy theorists have been looking for?
To let Raskin and Wyden sum it up:
There is substantial reason to believe that the Saudi government’s decision to engage Affinity for investment advice is a fig leaf for funneling money directly to Mr. Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump.
It’s a fig leaf, it’s a funnel, it’s a big fat grift. But hey, HUNTER BIDEN’S DONG!
This highly questionable Saudi fund was reported way back in 2021. Keep in mind that Garland has kept a special counsel in place to investigate Hunter Biden, and even appointed one to investigate Joe Biden for having extra papers in his garage. But he never appointed a special counsel for Kushner.
So the question is whether Garland is more worthless than a bag of rat shit, or whether he's a complete fuckstain who never should have been plucked from obscurity in the first place?
Stephen Colbert, after Ivanka's testimony at PAB's civil trial . . .
"Ivanka's testimony must have been a bittersweet moment for the president.
She finally screwed him."