James Comer: Kentucky Fried Banjo Hillbilly Chinese Communist Marijuana Pot Weed Warlord?
Hunter Biden must answer for this.
You know how James Comer, chair of the House Oversight Committee, is always doing these NPR Tiny Desk Concerts where he goes on Fox News, pulls out his banjo, starts strumming furiously while his armpits fart all by themselves and his voice yodels out old traditional Kentucky mountain songs about how Hunter Biden’s penis should be impeached for all his odd business dealings with China?
Well, it turns on there might be one of those old Kentucky hootenanny songs to sing about Comer and China, and some illegal marijuana hemp shipments back in 2014. What?
As Daily Beast reporter Roger Sollenberger says, “This story is very insane, please read.”
Comer was Kentucky’s ag commissioner at the time, and he was running to be the governor. Daily Beast sets the scene:
The Daily Beast has obtained emails and other documents showing that [Comer] himself was involved in a failed Chinese business deal. It involved importing Chinese hemp seeds through Comer’s office […] to benefit a campaign donor’s company that Comer had fast-tracked for his industrial hemp pilot program.
And thems was not just regular Chinese hemp seeds! Thems was CHINESE POT WEED DEVIL TOBACKY. Just fuckin’ full of THC, like 10 times the legal limit for hemp plants.
James Comer, why you bein’ so silly every day? You put some of them funny China hemp seeds in your underpants and eat ‘em again? Why you bein’ so silly, James?
Jamie Raskin should ask him that next time they have a public hearing, or Jared Moskowitz, he’s a total dick.
Kentucky government records suggest that the marijuana seeds Comer ordered came from a place what “do not have good breeder documentation,” and that they could “run into this issue again.” Always gotta check out the breeder, James. You never know, is it a puppy mill or a Chinese pot farm?
Now you might be wondering who got all that sweet China pot.
Emails show an intent to destroy the plants after the second test. If the plants were destroyed, however, it was not documented in the thousands of emails and attachments that the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) and Murray State University (MSU) produced in response to the open records requests. Records show Comer’s office wanted the KDA to oversee the proposed eradication but the trail at that point went cold—there appears to be no record of destruction or confirmation that state or federal law enforcement ever learned of the illegal plants. No one has spoken of these events publicly.
Daily Beast says Comer told the participants in the hemp program not to worry, nothing illegal had happened, but if the po-lice come knocking asking to test their hemp samples, tell them to call the Kentucky Department of Agriculture — Comer’s office, in other words — and don’t you be lettin’ them have none of that Chinese marijuana hemp.
“However, if a request to collect industrial hemp material for a testing sample is made[,] refer law enforcement to contact KDA and do NOT allow the sample to be collected.” The memo suggested contacting the deputy commissioner, noting, “Without a court order, or warrant, you are under no obligation to allow the collection of a testing sample.”
That’s right, y’all, even James Comer knows you never, ever, ever, ever, ever say one damn word to the cops.
As we said, Comer was running for governor at the time, and the Daily Beast says emails show that while they didn’t try to hide this industrial hemp program, Comer’s office, the donors’ company Caudill Seed — it’s a family-owned business owned by brothers who were maxing out their donations to Comer at the time, as did other family members — and Murray State University went to great lengths to try to hide the fact that they had just called China and ordered 1,000 pizzas from a very specific deliveryman.
For instance, in a May 20, 2014, email to four people—including Comer and his chief of staff—an official with the donor’s company wrote that the donor had “confirmed that he has some seed being sent directly to your office from China.” The official added that Comer’s office should send the hemp seeds directly to their academic liaison at MSU—copied on the email—who “agreed to test them.”
The email concluded, “I need to keep this between the four of us.”
“Some seed.”
The timing of this was funny, as Sollenberger notes. “Some seed” arrived from China May 23. The KDA — Comer’s office — had just had to sue the DEA, on May 14, over another shipment of “some seed” from Italy, which the DEA had seized. They told the DEA they weren’t doing anything “surreptitious” or '“black market.” They apparently didn’t feel the need to mention all the Chinese “some seed” that was currently headed their way.
Weirdly, they never talked about their Chinese “some seed” at all. All the literature from the time reviewed by the Daily Beast talks about European and Canadian imports, but not from China.
Which leads us to one question and one question only: Where did Hunter Biden hide James Comer’s Chinese weed?
Impeach until question answered!
Read the whole thing, there is so much more, so many details we just skipped right over in order to focus on the important and funny parts here, which are “Comer” and “China Pot Weed Hemp Shipments.”
We are looking forward to Comer’s meltdown about this, whenever a Democratic congressman brings it up in the next hearing.
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At a Florida concert, Mick Jagger taunted Gov DeSantis, saying “And Ron DeSantis is up there in the suite. He’s having a date night with Mickey Mouse. I’m so glad they finally made up.”
Comer did some hinky land deals with a major donor also too as well.
He crooked.