Joe Biden And George Stephanopoulos Jes' A Couple A Fellas, Havin' A Chat
Live on WonkTV!
Joe Biden — and all of us! — has had a fuck of a week.
We at Wonkette, and just about all of you, are Joe Biden lovers to the end. He was handed a world on fire and invested in America from the bottom up, so that today we’re making our own shit again, fighting climate change, investing first in the places that always get left behind. He’s done things — for instance, making Big Pharma negotiate drug prices with Medicare — that have been on the progressive wishlist for decades. He’s been a president I did not know he could be.
Tonight’s interview George Stephanopoulos is — not to be melodramatic about it, BUT — maybe his last fight to remain on the ticket he leads. The Washington Post reports Virginia Senator Mark Warner is attempting to assemble a strike force to convince the president it’s time to stand down.
Here he is today in Milwaukee (starts 1 hour 18 in), saying fuck all y’all, he is absolutely staying in this race. I’m getting a tiny weepy just watching him hug people. And he’s good, and he’s passionate! And he’s funny, and he’s mocking Trump like a fuckin champ. And he’s on teleprompter, and I am honestly going to need to see him on Not That with Stephanopoulos. I am.
Decent people — us! — can disagree in these comments on whether he should stay or go, without being bullies, without yelling or namecalling, without LOUD NOISES!
Get a glass of something — club soda if you’ve had all your drinks already — or a spliff, and settle in.
If I can find a better youtube embed, I’ll replace this one, which is just ABC News’s livestreaming.
Interview starts at 8 p.m. Eastern. UPDATE: Now 8:30 p.m. ABC knows how to milk an audience.
I’ll be following up over the weekend, if up needs following.
I have a fan who insists on telling me that Biden is a lying liar about his competence and that Biden is evil and selfish and won't hear a single bad thing about the media and its double standard or about Trump.
Whatevs, person. Whatevs.
Look, I get that people are happy Labour won. Especially (but not even only!) if you have to live under the governance of Downing Street, the 4th marked a huge positive change in the lives of many people.
But while I'm not blind to some positives being implemented, I don't actually trust Labour on any issue. Any issue at all.
The Cass Report lied, and Cass and her team covered up dramatically increasing suicides that coincided with with more and more teens being denied care through a "waiting list" that was a denial of care in all but name.
Starmer and Labour have, while knowing about her coverup of child deaths, asked the crown to give her a peerage as a reward for her work.
Imagine. Giving someone a peerage for their part in covering up the deaths of children.
Yes, it's possible that Starmer just hates trans kids that much, but will happily do nothing but good for the rest of the United Kingdom. But I can't trust anyone so indifferent to children dying.
Maybe good will come, maybe not, but don't ask me to trust this deadly fuck.