Hi hi all, Rebecca here reporting from the jury room (I LOVE JUDGING PEOPLE!), and making you some words to go with Dominic’s beautiful as usual photographs!
Yesterday, we spent a solid eight hours standing at a hangar at DTW (that’s Detroit y’all) with I’d say 8,000 of our closest friends. And oh they were beautiful.

I don’t know where Dominic found that empty floor space in the last photo, it must have been after everyone left. Because that hangar probably housed 4,000 people on its own — people were fainting about every five minutes, judging (watching the jumbotron from the outside, thank you!) by how often the speakers paused, looked at a pinpoint in the crowd, and asked for medics.

It went long! (Boy did it went long!) The speakers were great! There’s Debbie Dingell right there, she was a tiger, and Shawn Fain, who dropped the F bomb delighting everyone. The elegant Sen. Debbie Stabenow introduced her (hopefully) successor, Elissa Slotkin, who is funny and warm and has personality. Slotkin knocked at the door of our Detroit mansion a week or two ago and we had a long chat about how she is CIA DEEP STATE AND MY BROTHER WILL SAY SHE IS WAR CRIMES AND ALSO I AM WAR CRIMES. You know how I am, with the war crimes.

One funny thing (or “funny”) was that every speaker was introduced with a sample from a different song by a Black artist, from Beyonce to Stevie Wonder, modern to classic — except Tim Walz: He got Springsteen’s “Born to Run.” Hey, I thought it was cute. Looks like Dominic didn’t include any pix of the Detroit Youth Choir, who were fabulous and mixed Beyonce’s “Freedom” with some rap about Trump sucking and being a piece of shit. I mean DELIGHTFUL!
I’d put the crowd at about 70 percent women — from the AKA sorority sisters sashaying in their lovely pink and green ensembles to old lezzy friends (no, I saw my best friend’s mom and her wife, they are my old lezzie friends) and young lezzy friends I haven’t met yet and chicks who looked like Megan Rapinoe and punks and hippies and SO MANY UNION MAIDS and and all the women. They were all the happiest.
It was the greatest and now I’m being called in to jury, goddammit.
Heck, I bet none of the speakers even called for journalists to be charged with treason.
I was listening to Thom Hartman yesterday and he got a call from a Wisconsin woman who was trying to get into the rally in Eau Claire but couldn't even get into the parking lots. At first it sounded like she was going to complain...but then she got a little emotional and she said "I've lived in Wisconsin all my life and I had no idea there were so many people out here who think like me. I'm so happy!"
It was really touching.