Laura Ingraham BIG MAD At Lauren Windsor Over These Alito Tapes! Wanna Hear The New One?
Karma is a bitch.
Last night, a seething Laura Ingraham gritted her teeth and called reporter Lauren Windsor a “vile woman” for exposing what Samuel and Martha-Ann Alito really are like when they’re behind closed doors and they think only white conservatives can hear them. Watch this video. See how big mad Ingraham is.
Brief transcript:
[Clip plays where Lauren Windsor says the words “Christian theocracy” about, presumably, the Alitos.]
INGRAHAM: Christian theocracy! They’re trotting out that one again SCOFF SCOFF, SCIFFITY SCOFFITY SCIBBITY BIBBITY! PSHAW!
Ohhh my good — “In God we trust.” “Christian theocracy.”
What a vile woman! Or just a stupid woman.
Why, that Laura Ingraham seems like she’d be just as much fun at a dinner party as Martha-Ann “I AM IMAGINING NEW FLAG DESIGNS TO OFFEND THE HOMOSEXUALS ACROSS THE LAGOOOOOOOON!” Alito.
Seriously, nothing will ever beat Martha-Ann Alito making up imaginary flags OF SHAME in her head and fantasizing about how she’s going to plant them to upset the Pride-flag-flying gays across the lagoon. You thought you knew what horrid garbage this woman was. Then you heard her talking with her face sounds.
But anyway, there’s a new tape of Martha-Ann’s whiny prissy ass husband Samuel, the one who lied his way onto the Supreme Court and has been issuing his little airheaded Christian fascist rulings from upon that pissy perch ever since.
This one came from Windsor’s new colleague Ally Sammarco, who also went to the Republican Supreme Court Cinderella Ball last week, where everybody is chosen by Jesus and nobody’s poots stink. While Windsor was getting disturbingly insane quotes from the woman who gets on so well with her neighbors, Sammarco was talking to Alito, who was being a whiny little prissy ass pissy boy about the mean liberals at ProPublica.
Why do they do all this reporting on his so-called ethics problems, and Clarence Thomas’s so-called ethics problems? “They don’t like our decisions,” he huffed, like somebody who is pretty sure he was chosen by God to make those decisions, may they never be questioned.
Sammarco, like Windsor with Martha-Ann, got these quotes by pretending to respect Samuel, to feel sorry for him. Haha, amateur mistake, Mr. and Mrs. Alito you dumb farm animals! Nobody actually likes you.
Sammarco called Alito an “American hero” and asked why errbody always pickin’ on him. And he blah blah blah-ed:
“They don’t like our decisions, and they don’t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. That’s the beginning of the end of it.”
“There are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. That’s what it is.”
Who please?
“ProPublica gets a lot of money, and they have spent a fortune investigating Clarence Thomas, for example. You know, everything he’s ever done in his entire life.”
“And they’ve done some of that to me, too. They look for any little thing they can find, and they try to make something out of it.”
You know, little things like when they find billionaire conservative donors giving these illegitimate partisan hack dictators-for-life in robes financial reacharounds (a lifetime of them in Clarence Thomas’s case!); and when they find Thomas’s wife Ginni working backstage at the insurrection to overturn the election and overthrow the government; and Alito taking gifts from billionaires; and Alito’s home flying treason flags literally while he’s ruling on cases related to the insurrection.
Yeah, ProPublica just won’t stop fucking that chew toy, will they? (Also the other journalists who broke the scoops above that didn’t come from ProPublica!)
And we hope they never do.
Now the Alitos are hopefully (fucking around and) gonna find out that it isn’t always necessary to have a journalism newsroom funded by BILLIONS OF LIB DOLLARS to uncover their nastiest shit. Sometimes it’s just a couple of women with hidden recorders who pull the ultimate caper by joining the same safe spaces where Samuel and Martha-Ann Alito go, paying their dues, buying a ticket to dinner, and then pretending it would just make their day to talk to those loser assholes.
Oh man, how white conservatives hate it when fellow white people reveal how they really talk behind closed doors, when they think they’re safe with just us white folks. (Reckon that’s one of the deeper emotions behind Laura Ingraham’s seething and scoffing up there.)
Serves them right, and if George Soros is not busy, he needs to be funding one million more Lauren Windsors and Abby Sammarcos to do this very important work.
Here’s the latest clip:
[videos via Acyn / Lauren Windsor]
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As a white dude who is sick unto death of white dudes who pull the ‘seeing as we are all white dudes together here allow me to insult you by assuming you want to hear and actually agree with whatever racist/sexist shit just popped into my head’ thing, I’m kinda liking the idea of recording it and putting it on Instagram or whatever. You rule, Ms. Windsor.
Martha Ann,
Trust me, those gays across the lagoon didn't hoist the Pride flag for their personal benefit. It was all for you, especially after seeing your pinched face Who's Afraid of Baby Jane makeup and bowl haircut. Bless your heart, but that flag is just a response to your obvious desperate cries for help.
Just FYI, and maybe reach out to them, because DAMN.