Lauren Boebert's Theater Date Had Drag Show At His Bar. How Does Vile Bigot Lauren Boebert Feel About That?
Just curious.
This week, Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a Denver performance of the touring cast of Beetlejuice for aggravated Boebert-like behavior. She was allegedly vaping. At the theater. (The nice pregnant lady behind her says she asked her to stop. “No,” Rep. Lauren Boebert explained.) She was recording and reportedly making a general nuisance of herself. Maybe she was hootin’-and-hollerin’ and thought the people on stage were her new friends. Don’t know if she asked Beetlejuice to take his pants off.
Who knows? None of us thought Boebert was a classy person who knew how to conduct herself in nice places before, now we’re just sure of it.
But some news reports focused on the mystery man with Boebert. Was it her date? Somebody new? Are they bonking their honks? She’s going through a divorce from trashball Jason Boebert, the one who exposes himself at bowling alleys. She wasn’t disturbing the peace with that guy, obviously.
Leave it to the Daily Mail to immediately assign a reporter to the “WHO SHE BONING” angle of the story. Since it’s the Daily Mail, it’s possible that not every reported fact is perfect.
But they say his name is Quinn Gallagher, he lives in Aspen, Colorado, they’ve been secretly together for months, and that he is a DEMOCRAT. Or at least according to a source his parents are. He reportedly co-owns a bar in Aspen called the Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar. The Daily Mail has a disturbing number of details on Gallagher’s previous marriage and where they honeymooned and all that.
That’s not what we’re interested in. We’re more interested in this other tidbit, which helps expose how nasty and cynical and hypocritical the current Republican crusade against LGBTQ+ people, in which Boebert has gleefully participated, really is.
MeidasTouch reports that the Hooch bar back in January hosted a great big drag party called "A Winter Wonderland Burlesque and Drag Show,” which was sponsored by local booze merchants Aspen Distillers and Aspen Vodka. Sounds great! They’ve got pictures, it looks super fun. The bar reportedly also hosted an event for Aspen Gay Ski Week. Totally cool! Absolutely uncontroversial to all normal people.
So here’s a tweet from Boebert:
“Take your children to CHURCH, not drag bars.” Huh.
Now it’s not clear whether Boebert started dating this guy before the drag event at his bar. She has previously alleged she was always faithful to her husband, and she filed for divorce in May. We guess it’s possible her new boyfriend’s bar was hosting drag parties back in January, long before she came on the scene.
Maybe their relationship is just new and they haven’t had the “are you a raging fucking bigot?” conversation.
But let’s help Quinn out: She’s a raging fucking bigot.
She told Steve Bannon in 2021 that the Equality Act wasn’t about equality, but about “supremacy, of gays, lesbians, and uh … transvexhikes.” (She made that word up.)
In the months before the 2022 mass murder at the gay club in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Boebert posted the tweet above about drag shows, and also these:
“A ‘kid-friendly’ drag show in Texas was guarded by masked ANTIFA guards armed with AR-15’s.
“Remember, they only want YOUR guns.
“They want to use theirs to protect their depravity.”
“The Assistant Secretary of Health is out here trying to ‘empower’ children to become transgender.
“The word is ‘groom,’ Richard, not empower.
“You’re grooming them, not empowering them.”
“A North Carolina preschool is using LGBT flag flashcards with a pregnant man to teach kids colors.
“We went from Reading Rainbow to Randy Rainbow in a few decades, but don’t dare say the Left is grooming our kids!”
When Boebert pulled the typical fundamentalist white Christian move and responded to the Colorado Springs mass shooting with meaningless thoughts and prayers, another tweet from Boebert was quoted, where she said, “Sending a message to all the drag queens out there: stay away from the children in Colorado’s Third District!”
This woman is vile trash. She makes gay jokes about Pete Buttigieg, as if she’s even worthy of sounding out his name. If her boyfriend had somehow missed what she was like before, hopefully he knows now.
MeidasTouch notes that, while Aspen is in her district (which she barely won this last time), that particular county, Pitkin County, fuckin’ hates her. She lost it 79.2% to 20.7%.
It’s all just so interesting, isn’t it? If Boebert knows about all the gay stuff at her boyfriend’s bar, does it upset her? Or does it somehow not count because she doesn’t have a political need to demonize those specific people right now? And back to the original story about getting kicked out of Beetlejuice, does this vile piece of shit know how many LGBTQ+ people are in an average Broadway touring cast? It’s probably like 70 percent of them.
And how the hell did she know that Randy Rainbow reference? Kind of campy for somebody who’s such a self-proclaimed bigot.
Anyway, we like to use posts like this to remind everyone who’s really grooming and sexually abusing the kids, and it’s not LGBTQ+ people. JoeMyGod carefully aggregates these stories. We are simply putting them in a list. Here are the headlines from the last week:
Former youth pastor admits to child porn charge (East Aurora, NY)
Christian school teacher confesses to sex with teen students, sending nude photos: police (Alabama, Crenshaw Christian Academy, home of the, we shit you not, Cougars)
Former Lakeland teacher, youth minister receives prison sentence for child porn charges (Lakeland, Florida)
Ex-deacon arrested in Sumter County, charged with sharing nude image with minor in youth group (Sumter County, SC)
Former Colorado Springs pastor, music teacher arrested on sexual exploitation of child (Look, Lauren Boebert! Near you!)
New Orleans priest who admitted to sexually abusing minors faces criminal charges
Again, we only went back one week.
Somebody needs to do something about all these groomers.
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At this point, I am only able to think about this story by asking myself, "WWBJD?" (What would Beetlejuice do?)
"Heh heh, nice dress, sweetheart. You wanna date? I hear you're in Congress. How 'bout some congress behind the snack bar? Heh heh. Hey, and you're a 36-year-old grandma! That's mahhh kinda ladee!"
I'm a regular church-goer. But I have to admit the data says the children are safer in the drag bars.