Live! Here's Kamala Harris To Do Communism On Your Groceries!
Do something about high prices! Not THAT!
Kamala Harris is in North Carolina to introduce her economic plan, featuring a call for a ban on grocery price gouging among many other proposals, and it looks like the speech is on the way. Let’s watch! (Update: here’s the official vid from the campaign with better audio than the first one we posted, cued up to the speech itself)
Yr Wonkette will of course be doing a detailed look at Harris’s policy proposal, which we already know is just copied from Trump’s, so we’ll likely just find his and copy-paste it here tomorrow morning.
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To enforce the ban they will need people on the inside of the price gouging corporate HQs to come forward and rat their bosses out, hand over incriminating documents and go on the record to testify.
The guys at the top of the HQ pyramid are powerfully motivated to NOT do that.
But the clerks, executive assistants, office support staff, middle managers and even the maintenance crew will be the low hanging fruit that can be easily picked if motivated by a bounty or reward system. That would be a good use of my tax money.
Or they might just snitch on their bosses just because "Those guys? Those guys are assholes! I'd rat them out just to fuck them up. They suck."
The only way to counter this is for a certain Florida dotard to visit a grocery store for a photo op.
There he will cruise the aisles in his golf cart pointing at food items he likes and putting them in a basket on the seat next to him.
His golf cart will break down in the aisle where they keep the canned hams.