LIVE: Kristi Noem Probably Won't Murder Any Dogs During Her Confirmation Hearing. Probably.
Kristi Noem is Donald Trump’s nominee to be secretary of Homeland Security.
She is also an admitted dog murderer.
We just hope she doesn’t think the Homeland needs any securing from dogs.
Because she’s liable to murder them.
Because she’s a horrible, amoral piece of shit and a failed person.
Livestream of her confirmation hearing below!
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What a coincidence. I was just reading an old letter to the editor in my local lefty fortnightly and it was about Kristi Noem. Here is the editor's response.
<We don’t ordinarily print letters without the writer’s full name. We made an exception in your case because we have a weakness for letters hand-written on graph paper.
Kristi Noem may be more offensive than you know. To prepare for her transition from S.D. to D.C., she’s accepting help from New Hampshire’s own Corey Lewandowski—the guy who mocked a 10-year old child with Down syndrome who was separated from her mother at the border. Widespread but unverifiable media reports also allege that Noem and Lewandowski—both married—are, shall we say, more than friends.
That latter point is neither here nor there. Respect for marriage vows is a personal matter. Taking guidance from Lewandowski is disqualification enough.
The Editor>
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