This, about Trump wanting literally Hitler generals and bitching furiously about murdered female soldier Vanessa Guillen’s funeral costs — which he had offered to pay and then screamed that it was exorbitant for “a fucking Mexican,” anyway, he never paid it — seems important. BRB gonna go throw up a little bit. (The Atlantic) The New York Times decided it might as well cover some fashy Hitler stuff too, since General John Kelly called them up yelling about it. (Gift link NYT)
Here’s Bamz, Eminem, Big Gretch, et al. in Detroit. Dominic was there and will be reporting in! We love you.
While we’re playing youtube bingo, here’s Kamala just torching all Hallie Jackson’s rightwing frames. Should she negotiate “concessions” on abortion? How about fuck you? How will she bring the country together? Should she pardon Trump? “Let me tell you what's gonna help us move on: I get elected president of the United States.” Enjoy!
You are being manipulated by bad-faith pollsters. But not you. You come to Wonkette because you’re too smart for that shit. Good wonkettish read by Denny Carter. (Bad Faith Times)
Do you think Marcie will have some thoughts on the judge telling Rudy Giuliani to hand over all his shit to the two lovely Black election workers he fucking defamed? I bet she will! (CNN / decision)
Perhaps Merrick Garland might consider thinking about looking into whether he might want to investigate Elno Mush. (The Fucking News) Our Liz goes deep on why is Elno doing the things he does? (Public Notice)
Oh god this made me so sad. ActBlue, stop handing people’s phone numbers out like candy. (This guy and MOST of the victims are victims of Republican fundraising platform WinRed, because it’s a core tenet of conservatism: Steal from everyone, your own people most of all.)
Richard Benjamin, an 81-year-old from Arizona, believed he had been in personal communication with former president Trump through all the messages he was receiving.
At one point, he told his children the former president invited him to a luxurious reception at Mar-a-Lago. He had grown up on a farm and worried he would feel out of his element at such a fancy venue. But when he received what he described to his children as an invitation to be a VIP at a rally in Arizona, he was thrilled he would finally meet the former president himself. He started making travel plans and asking his sister-in-law if she would like to accompany him, since his wife had passed away in 2018.
You know who’s never once texted me for money even though I give it to her? Wonkpal Dr. Sarah Taber, running a hell of a grassroots race for North Carolina Ag Commissioner, which is so fucking important! Here’s her new website with things to know about stuff and things! (The Real Dirt NC) And here’s a fun one — they’re all fun ones; she’s a really talented communicator, which is why I asked her to write about interesting agriculture stuff so long ago at Wonkette! — about what she saw at the NC State Fair. (Taber for NC)
North Carolina county Republican chair, affiliated with Cleta Mitchell’s election “integrity” goons, explains to his election integrity squad: Newly registered voters with Hispanic names are “suspicious.” (CBS News)
Popular Info goes into the EVEN MORE crazy shit DeSantis is doing to DQ the abortion rights ballot initiative. Good lord, my head is swimming. (Popular Information)
OH this little PISHER — who eventually finally manages to find some humility and manners (yes, even if it’s fake, it’s the compliment vice pays to virtue), once he realizes how embarrassing his piece of shit mom is, who presumably taught him all that. ARGH.
Should you have to be a Christian to participate in this Tennessee county’s Christmas parade? Yes obviously. Should you have to be a certain kind of Christian who professes that trans people don’t exist? That too! (Friendly Atheist)
What’s coming right up in Detroit? It’s the Wonkette Halloween party for YOU on Sat., Oct. 26, 7 p.m., at our home! Email rebecca at wonkette dot com, email header I AM NOT COMING TO KILL YOU, for our address! Free of course, but donations will be accepted for the Michigan Democrats!
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It’s a French noir horror in your hed gif today, deets here:
And a meme chat:
I just 10 minutes ago saw that story on Ghoul having to give everything to those Georgia ladies It made me smile for justice.