Republican Springfield Mayor Invites Trump And Vance to Stay TF Out Of His Town
Trump and Vance makin' friends everywhere they go.
Rob Rue, the mayor of Springfield, Ohio, who at least seems like a nice man who cares about the people of his town, said yesterday afternoon as delicately as possible that Donald Trump is welcome to keep his racist ass out of his city, which is dealing with the consequences of Trump and JD Vance’s Nazi blood libel campaign to hurt the Haitian community of Springfield and, by extension, all non-white immigrants and non-white non-immigrants everywhere. (Wonkette did not paraphrase it delicately.)
“It would be an extreme strain on our resources. So it’d be fine with me if they decided not to make that visit,” Mayor Rob Rue said at a news conference at City Hall.
It would be fine with him.
We guess he didn’t word it that delicately, on second thought.
NBC News had reportedly previously that Trump was planning to bring his anti-immigrant Two Minutes Hate dog-and-pony traveling roadshow to Springfield “soon.” Maybe the Trump campaign is worried the town hasn’t fully been overrun by Nazi riots yet.
Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine also would love to see Donald Trump, really, but you know how resources are these days:
DeWine said a campaign visit from a presidential candidate is “generally very, very welcomed,” but he acknowledged that it would pose challenges.
“I have to state the reality, though, that resources are really, really stretched here,” he said.
Reached for comment, one of Trump’s white spokespeople blabbed some racist anti-immigrant bullshit about the “very real problems plaguing the residents of Springfield, OH.” (That’s not an accidental verb.) JD Vance says he’s not planning to go to Springfield, but he knows Trump wants to.
Vivek Ramaswamy is going to have a town hall in Springfield on Thursday for some reason, though. Bless that guy’s heart, always thinking somebody wants him somewhere.
In related news, the Wall Street Journal is out with a long piece today on how Donald and JD Vance were clearly informed that right-wing Nazi rumors about migrants stealing and eating pets weren’t true, how they had adequate time to change their messaging, or delete their earlier tweets, or not yell “THEY’RE EATING THE CATS” during presidential debates, but they just didn’t fucking care.
As the Journal tells it, on Monday, September 9, Vance’s office reached out asking about Haitian immigrants taking pets and eating them. No, said the city manager of Springfield. But JD Vance had already tweeted about it, and he clearly didn’t feel the need to take it down. He tweeted it again Tuesday morning, even more forcefully. Tuesday night, Trump screamed “THEY’RE EATING THE CATS” while America looked at him like he was a senile extremely old grandpa off his meds.
WSJ has its own quote from that Republican Springfield mayor:
“We have told those at the national level that they are speaking these things that are untrue,” added Springfield Mayor Rob Rue, a registered Republican. But he said claims have been “repeated and doubled down on.”
This comes after JD Vance admitted this week out loud that he’s willing to make up whatever stories he has to, if it keeps people’s eyes on the racist balls he’s into. He had previously made clear that he didn’t care whether the claims were true or not.
Of course, Vance is currently right this second gleefully still lying about it, just like the little Nazi he is. Here is a long block quote of Vance’s latest claims, followed by facts, from Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper:
A Vance spokesperson on Tuesday provided The Wall Street Journal with a police report in which a resident had claimed her pet might have been taken by Haitian neighbors. But when a reporter went to Anna Kilgore’s house Tuesday evening, she said her cat Miss Sassy, which went missing in late August, had actually returned a few days later—found safe in her own basement.
Kilgore, wearing a Trump shirt and hat, said she apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile-phone translation app.
Vance has also added to his claims about Haitians, saying on social media that communicable diseases have been on the rise in Springfield because of the Haitian migration.
Information from the county health department, however, shows a decrease in infectious disease cases countywide, with 1,370 reported in 2023—the lowest since 2015. The tuberculosis case numbers in the county are so low (four in 2023, three in 2022, one in 2021) that any little movement can bring a big percentage jump. HIV cases did increase to 31 in 2023, from 17 in 2022 and 12 in 2021. Overall, sexually transmitted infection cases decreased to 965 in 2023, the lowest since 2015.
Like JD Vance said: He’s willing to make up whatever stories he needs to make up to keep people focused on hating immigrants as much as he and his boss Stupid Hitler hate immigrants.
So that’s what he’s going to do.
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Since it's okay to make up stories, I hear JD Vance blows goats. It's up to the media, not me, to fact check me.
In his "town hall" yesterday, Trump was asked how he planned to rein in grocery costs.
His answer was to stop importing so much food.